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1、月考试卷用所给词的适形式填空(每题一分,共15分)1.There are many (mouse) in the old house.2.There (be) four buildings in our school.3. He often (have) dinner at home.4. Daniel and Tommy (be) members of the Reading Club.5. She and I (take)a walk together every evening.6. Nick (not do) his homework on Sundays.7. they (like)

2、 the World Cup?8. What they usually (do) on holidays?9.The boy_(sit)under the tree now.10.Do you want_(some)meat today?11.What are you going to do?I_(paint)the bookcase.12.Look,the dog_(run)aftera cat.13.The dog_(run)after a cat now 14.Zhang Huimei is a famous _(sing)15.My brother can _(make) cakes.

3、句型转换。(每题2分,共10分)1.Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句) Daniel TV every evening.2.I do my homework every day .(改为一般疑问句) you homework every day?3.He can play the Violin.(改为一般疑问句)_4.Do you often take a bus to work?(同义句转换)Do you often go to work _ _?5. I usually go to school on foot.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ u

4、sually _ to school?二. 改错(每题1分,共10分)1. Lily and Lucy doesnt want to clean the blackboard. 2. Mr Green likes work in China very much. 3. My mother often go to the shop on Sundays. 4. She doesnt likes bread or cakes. 5. Where is Jim and Kate now? 6. There are some water and leaves in the pool. 7. Pleas

5、e give a colour pencil for me. 8. They arent go to school at the weekend. 9. The dog sits between the chair. 10. She often works hard and goes to bed in night. 单项选择(每题1分,共15分)1.-_ am a student, and _ sister is a nurse.A.I/I B.Me/my C.I/my D. my/I2.Carol and I _ students, and _ parents are doctors.A.

6、 are/we B.are/our C.am/my D.is/her3.-Are Lucy and Lily from the same family?-_.A. Yes,they are B. No,they are C. Yes,they arent D.No,they are American4.You are reading English; I am _ reading English.A. also B.too C.either D.to5.-Whats this?-_ a cat.A.This is B.Thiss C.Its D.It6.-_ is the boy?-He is

7、 my brother.A.How B.What C.Who D.Two7.-What color is it?-_.A.Its an orange B.Its orange C.Its a orange D.An orange8.-Do you have a sister?-_.A.Yes,you do B. Yes,I do C.Yes,I am D.No,you do not9.Mr. and Mrs. Smith are _.A. Lucys and Lilys parent B. Lucy and Lilys parentsC. Lucys and Lilys parents D.

8、Lucy and Lilys parent10.-_are you in?-Class Five.A.What class B.What grade C.What color D.What number11.-Tina, could you please play _ piano for me while I am singing.-With pleasure.A.a B.an C.the D.不填12.Are they from _?A. Australian B. English C.American D.Canada13.There _ two spoona and a knife in

9、 the wardrobe.A.is B.are C. have D.has14.-_ she like the apples?-No, she _.A.Does/does B.Do/doesnt C,Does/doesnt D.Do/do15.I enjoyed the scenery of Huangpu River _the night of May 1stA.in B.on C.at D.to完形填空(没小题1.5分,共15分) Bill is a student of No Middle School. He has classes _ Monday to Friday.He has

10、 _ things to do after school. First he _ his homework at home._ 6:30 pm, he often watches TV. On Friday he plays _ football _ his friends. On Sunday he _ a good rest. Now its 8:30 in the morning. Bill is _ in the classroom and _ to the teacher carefully. He is a good student. He _ very hard.( )A.on

11、B.at C.from D.every ( )A.much B.little C.a lot of D.a little ( )A.do B.to do C.does D.doing( )A.On B.At C.In D.For ( )A.a B.with C.the D./( )A.by B.with C.to D.for( )A.have B.to have C.having D.has( )A.sit B.sits C.to sit D.sitting( )A.listening B.listens C.to listen D.listened( )A.work B.at work C.

12、works D.working阅读理解(每小题三分,共15分) My Family RulesIn my family,I have too many rules,theyre difficult but kind of interesting. On weekdays, I have to get up early in the morning. I cant watch TV and go out on school nights. I have to go home quickly after school, because I have much homework to do. And

13、 I have to wash my hands before I have meals. I cant talk loudly when my family are having dinner. I have to go to bed by ten. On weekends, if my mother doesnt stay at home. I must look after my little sister. I have to help my mom clean the room . I must do the dishes when we finish eating. In th e

14、vening, I have to go for a walk with my cute dog. And I cant go out with my friends. Later I have to help my mom make dinner.21.To finish the rules of my home is _.A.difficult and boring B.diffilcult and interestingC.easy and boring D. easy and interesting22.I cant watch TV_.A.on Saturdays B.on scho

15、ol nightsC.on weekends D.on Sundays23.I have to go home quickly to _ after school.A.do my homework B.have dinnerC.watch TV D.help my mom clean the room24.I have to go to bed_.A.after ten B.before nineC.at nine D.before ten25. I _ go out with my friends on the evenings of weekends.A. can B.cant C. have to D.dont

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