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1、张培基英语散文4学习好资料生命Life何为He Wei如果回归自然,各有不同的方式,后人总是尊重前人最后一次选择。一位朋友偶然讲起一件事,有如一篇小小说,听者动容。There are various ways of returning to nature, but people generally respect the last wish made by their parents towards their journeys end. A friend of mine incidentally related to me the following occurrence which, li

2、ke a little story, is very touching:要点:1,“前人最后一次选择”译者按”父母的临终愿望“之意译为the last wish made by their parents towards their journeys end,其中ones journeys end意为“临终,生命的尽头”也可译为the last wish made by their parents towards the end of their life journey2, “一位朋友偶然讲起一件事”译为A friend of mine incidentally related to me

3、the following occurrence,其中relate 意为“讲述”其同义词有recount,recourse, speak of,occurrence指“发生的事情”比thing更加高端啊有木有3,“听者动容“即”令听者动容“或”令人动容“=touching在新开发的丛林里,一条蜿蜒的小径上,一个衣着素色的女人踽踽独行,径直走向林子里的一棵树。这里许多树大小参差不一,有的移植不久,不过都长得很快。在一个时期内,都挺直有神。新生的树叶嫩绿有生机。当然,有人专门护理这些纪念树。In a newly opened-up forest, a quietly dressed woman w

4、alked all by herself on a winding path straight towards one of the trees. There were many trees of varying sizes, and some had just been transplanted, but all were shooting up fast, standing straight and stout and covered with light green young leaves. Evidently, some people had been put in charge o

5、f these memorial trees. 要点:1,“在新开发的丛林里,一条蜿蜒的小径上,一个衣着素色的女人踽踽独行,径直走向林子里的一棵树。“本句虽然是四个散句,表达的却是一连串的动作,因此可以调整顺序后将其整合为” 一个衣着素色的女人独自沿着蜿蜒的小径走向一棵树“译为In a newly opened-up forest, a quietly dressed woman walked all by herself on a winding path straight towards one of the trees.2,“衣着素色的“译为a quietly dressed,此处的qu

6、iet意指”颜色素净,不显眼“;”踽踽独行“即”独自行走“=walked all by herself3,shoot up意为“上冒,喷出,猛长“=spring up,更加生动形象地表现出树木那富有生机的生长状态是一个值得借鉴的好词,4,“有人专门护理这些纪念树“译为some people had been put in charge of these memorial trees。此处”专门护理“宜理解为”专门负责照顾这些树“,也可译为some person had been specially assigned to take good care of the memorial trees

7、综述:类似于shoot up这种生动形象的词我们之前也见过不少,比如put forth, sprout up/out不知多少年来,这个女人总是带着一束鲜花默默地置于树根旁,然后仰起头来,对着树身凝视,翕动着她独有的小小嘴唇,既像独语,又像倾诉。她退后一步,打量她这树高了多少,细心地除去树下斑斑驳驳的落叶,向这颗移植多年的树倾身拥抱,亲了一下,轻轻摩挲树皮的皱纹,如同面对一个有生命的躯体。不久,她依依不舍的转身离去,消失在暮色渐浓的秋天最后一抹余晖里。As she had been doing for we dont know how many years, the woman stood si

8、lently beside the tree with a bunch of fresh flowers in her hand. She raised her head to fix her eyes on the tree and kept moving her unique small lips as if she were soliloquizing or sharing her innermost feelings with someone. She took a step back to assess how much the tree had grown in height an

9、d softly removed the mottled fallen leaves under it. She bent forward to hug and kiss the tree that had been transplanted many years before, and gently stroked its wrinkled bark as if it were something alive. Then she reluctantly turned round and left, vanishing into the last rays of an autumn day i

10、n the deepening dusk. 要点:1,“不知多少年来“译为As she had been doing for we dont know how many years,其中we dont know how是插入语,用以表达原文的”不知“此从句也可译为”她这样做已经许多年了“即As had always been the case for many years或as she had been doing this for many years在我坐了木船中也有类似表述“跑了不知多少趟,总算有眉目了”译为After making you dont know how many visi

11、ts, there eventually appear signs of positive outcome.其中的you dont know how也是插入语,修饰many。2,“翕动“即”不断地张合“故译kept moving3,“依依不舍“一般都用reluctant来翻,如It the time to go back. We were fascinated by the scenery and reluctant to leave.该返回了,我们被这景色深深吸引住了,不愿离去。综述:本段有很多文学性较强的词如“独语“”倾诉“”斑斑驳驳的“摩挲”“ 翕动”都是我们需要积累的哦还是那句话:文学

12、性很重要的一个体现就是在选词用词上一阵秋风吹过,树叶沙沙地响动,仿佛隐秘的私语。女人顿时回过身来,惟有她才能听懂私语的全部含意。于是喃喃自语向大树告诉。含着泪,走向她的归途。年复一年,小径上的女人孤独的背影,显得越来越苍老了。At a sudden gust of the autumn wind, the tree rustled like it was whispering secretly and the woman, being the only person capable of understanding the full implications of the whisper, i

13、mmediately turned round. Then, after mumbling a few words to the tree, she said goodbye to it and set out on her way home with tears in her eyes.As the years went by, the woman, a regular solitary visitor on the path, became older and older.要点:1,”一阵秋风吹过“即”秋风起“或”起了一阵秋风“,故译At a sudden gust of the autu

14、mn wind,其中at的含义是”由于“”作为对的反应“2,“树叶沙沙地响动,仿佛隐秘的私语“译为the tree rustled like it was whispering secretly and the woman.”沙沙地响动“=rustle,简洁生动拟声词在文学翻译中的作用也是应该引起重视的3,“.惟有她才能听懂私语的全部含意“其实隐含了”因为“这层关系,因此译为being the only person capable of understanding the full implications of the whisper4,“小径上的女人孤独的背影,显得越来越苍老了“如果直接

15、译为”背影变得苍老“会引起外国读者的困惑,因此可以按照”常见于小径上的那个孤独女人,显得越来越苍老了“,译为the woman, a regular solitary visitor on the path, became older and older.综述:介词,拟声词,显示了译者扎实的语法功底和语言功底,惟有不断积累和运用才能成就的事业若干年后,这棵树长得更高大了,树冠缀满葱茏的树叶。它屹立在这片土地上,风吹来,满树充满生命的绿色更繁茂了。它对着苍穹,仰望太阳、月亮和星星的运行,与大自然亲密无间连成一片。Several years later, the tree became even

16、taller and was crowned with verdant foliage. It stood erect and became more and more luxuriantly green in the wind. It looked up at the firmament to watch the motions of the sun, moon and stars and thus merged itself with Mother Nature.要点:1,“风吹来“也是采用介词+名词的形式译为in the wind,置于句中,凸显句式的简洁2,”缀满“=be crowed

17、 with=be filled with,crowed 较filled更加生动3,“与连成一片”=merge oneself with又过了些时候,靠近大树旁出现了一棵新移植的小树。小树很壮硕,也很安静。随着岁月递增,年长日久,大树和小树埋在泥土下的根茎错节,相互交织。两棵树下各埋着一个精致的小木盒,木盒里的骨灰,逐渐化为树根下的有机肥,融入树身内。两个老者相继以这样的方式回归自然,在大自然的怀抱中,生命得以延续。树上每一片小绿叶都蕴含着绿色的希望。这是真的,是一首歌颂树葬的诗篇。不用问他们是谁,是谁,就是谁。Another period of time afterwards, there a

18、ppeared close to it a newly transplanted small tree. It was robust and quiet. With the passage of time, the roots of the two trees had become twined together. They each had a delicate small wooden cinerary casket buried underneath them. The ashes in the caskets had gradually turned into organic fert

19、ilizer passing into the trees trunks by way of the roots. The two elderly persons had successively chosen the same way of returning to nature so as to have life prolonged in the bosom of nature. Each tender leaf in the trees was pregnant with green hope.Its a true story. Its a poem singing the prais

20、es of tree burial. No need to identify the two elderly people though. It could be any person.要点:1,“根茎错节,相互交织”即“树根相互盘绕”即the roots of the two trees had become twined together.2,” 两棵树下各埋着一个精致的小木盒”译为They each had a delicate small wooden cinerary casket buried underneath them. have done表被动3,“木盒里的骨灰,逐渐化为树

21、根下的有机肥,融入树身内”即“木盒里的骨灰,逐渐化为有机肥,通过树根,进入树身”译为The ashes in the caskets had gradually turned into organic fertilizer passing into the trees trunks by way of the roots.by way of 已经粗线好多次了意同于through4,“是谁,就是谁”即“可能是任何一个人”,译为It could be any person综述:注意本段中式散句的翻译,有些句子直译会引起困惑,需要译者把握及整合其具体意思而后进行翻译本篇文章短小而有有味道,文字清新且

22、富有诗意,无论是赏析还是拿来做练习都是一种享受书房My Study何为Hewei书房,是读书人心目中的一个私人领地,一个精神家园,一个智慧的世界。到过几位朋友家的书房,尽管大小各不相同,陈设各异,但四壁书橱架上,层层叠叠的书籍,或排成整齐的行列,或纵横交错如阡陌丛林,满屋子到处是书,则大体相同。新时期以来,各种多卷本全套硬面精装的文集,形形色色的选集,足以令书房生辉。其间不乏名著佳作,可作为文化积累,但也难免混杂一些文化垃圾。当然,这些都无碍于书房主人坐拥书城之乐。The study is to a scholar his private domain, his spiritual home

23、and his intellectual world. Ive been to the studies of several friends. Though of different sizes and with different furnishings, they are nevertheless about the same in boasting a roomful of books. Books shelved in bookcases lining the four walls. Books either piled up one upon another, or displaye

24、d in neat rows, or laid out in disorder like fields with crisscross footpaths or a jungle. In recent years, the appearance of various multivolume collected works in deluxe editions as well as selected works of every description has added to the splendor of a study. Among them there is no lack of gre

25、at classics and master writings. On the other hand, some trash is inevitably mixed with them too. But that doesnt hinder the owner of the study from enjoying the company of his library.要点:1,“但四壁书橱架上,层层叠叠的书籍,或排成整齐的行列,或纵横交错如阡陌丛林,满屋子到处是书,则大体相同”这句话看似结构松散,其实暗藏玄机,我们可以把“满屋子到处是书,则大体相同”看成总括的中心句与上句“尽管”接应,将“但四

26、壁书架上丛林”是描述书房具体情况的分句故可拆译,译为三个分句。2,“满屋子到处是书,则大体相同“提前,译为they are nevertheless about the same in boasting a roomful of books,其中boast相当于have,但其中包含有”自豪“的内涵,之前我们总结过表示”有“的词,常见的有possess ,own,以及feature在一定语境下也可以表示”有“,童鞋们平时也要注意积累这些常见的表述3,“四壁书橱架上“在原文中作状语,但因其包含的信息量比较大,且意思独立,因此单独拿出来译为Books shelved in bookcases lin

27、ing the four walls.避免句子太过复杂冗长4,“层层叠叠的书籍,或排成整齐的行列,或纵横交错如阡陌丛林“译为Books either piled up one upon another, or displayed in neat rows, or laid out in disorder like fields with crisscross footpaths or a jungle.译者将在原文中作形容词的”层层叠叠的“进行转换,译为动词体现了灵活性,另,”纵横交错如阡陌丛林“意即”纵横交错地摆着,像是田间的小路或是丛林“ 译为or laid out in disorder

28、 like fields with crisscross footpaths or a jungle.5,“不乏有”=there is no lack of6,” 坐拥书城之乐”即“享受拥有私人藏书馆的乐趣”译为enjoying the company of his library.综述:注意本段对于长句拆分来译的方法书房永远是令人向往的去处。A study is always a place of enormous appeal to us.要点:be+抽象名词=形容词,是文学翻译中常用的手法,延长行文的长度,以获得更好的行文效果我从事笔耕数十年,从来没有一间自己的书房,一间独立的、完整的、

29、名副其实的书房。我多次迁居,从大城市直到外省人烟稀少的小山村。每次搬家时,惟有书籍最累人,也最难舍弃。我爱书,说不上藏书丰富,日积月累倒也可观,几经迁移,不但没有损失,反而日益增多,因为居处的局限,每每有书满为患之感。现在我的卧室就是书房,群书延伸到小卫生间的大书架上,无法腾出一室作书房。Ive been engaged in writing for several decades, but Ive never had a study of my own a study that is independent, intact and true to its name, that is. Ive

30、 moved many times, once even away from a big city to a remote small mountain village in another province. Whenever I moved, my books, cumbersome as they were, turned out to be the last thing for me to part with. Im a bibliophile. My collection of books is far from being a big private library, but it

31、 keeps growing from day to day. Several times of house moving did not disperse my collection. On the country, it has become larger with each passing day until my small dwelling is overcrowded with them. Now the shelves of books in my study-cum-bedroom extend as far as the tiny toilet. No room is ava

32、ilable to serve specifically as a study.要点:1,“一间独立的、完整的、名副其实的书房”译为a study that is independent, intact and true to its name, that is.其中“名副其实的“= true to its name,句末的that is意为“换言之”2,“我爱书”译为. Im a bibliophile.也是很有新意的,3,“我的卧室就是书房”即“我的卧室兼书房”译为my study-cum-bedroom,其中cum是介词,作“兼做”解4,“每次搬家时,惟有书籍最累人,也最难舍弃。”即“每

33、次搬家,尽管我的书是最笨重的,它们却是我最难舍弃的”翻译时增译关联词“尽管“使得行文更加流畅综述:本段句式虽然我们基本可以顺下来,但大师译得还是很出彩,值得多多学习然而,在我的文学生涯中,一度也有一间自己的书房。所谓书房,其实是一间贮藏室。那幢在本世纪初落成的陈旧宅第,开间很大,楼下一间屋子就可作为街道办的托儿所。我的一家住在三楼一大间,按今日标准,至少可分成三间,真是大而无当。不过房门外,紧靠楼梯,有一间贮藏室,倒是极为难得的。门一关,可与全家的生活区完全隔绝,避免尚在幼年的孩子们往来干扰。However, in the course of my career as a writer, I

34、did once own a study, or, to be exact, a storeroom turned study. I was then living in an old house built at the turn of the century. It was quite roomy, so much so that the ground floor served even as a neighborhood nursery. I and family lived in a room on the third floor, which was really big but i

35、mpractical because, according to todays standard, it could have been divided into at least three rooms. Fortunately, close to the staircase just outside my room, there was a storeroom, which I regarded as something of great rarity to me because sitting inside it behind the closed door I could cut my

36、self off from my family and work without any disturbance from my small kids.要点:1,“所谓书房,其实是一间贮藏室。“译为to be exact, a storeroom turned study.其中storeroom turned study 即”由储藏室改造的书房“,和西欧的夏天中castle turned hotel(城堡改造的旅馆)构造原理是一样一样滴2,“大而无当“= big but impractical3,“房门外,紧靠楼梯”= close to the staircase just outside m

37、y room,多状语时并列译出来也是一种方法4,” 极为难得的(事)“= something of great rarity这贮藏室于是成了我一生中唯一的书房,也许称之为小作坊更为贴切。狭长逼仄的一小间,北窗下靠墙置一旧书桌,进门处兀立两只叠起来的玻璃书柜,都是原先住户废弃的家具。除了窗下书桌可容纳我的一把旧藤椅,就没有多余的空间了。不过,这样的一间书房,一个人躲在里面写作,思想很集中。我利用一切节假日、下班后的全部业余时间,独处斗室,创作的思维和想象空间都很广阔。The storeroom was the only study Ive ever had in my life. Perhaps

38、 it could be aptly called a workshop. It was long, narrow and small. An old desk stood against a wall under the northern window. Two piled-up glass bookcases rose erect near the entrance. They were the furniture abandoned by a former resident. There was no room for anything else besides my old cane

39、chair placed before the desk under the window. However, enjoying the privacy of a so-called study like this, I could do writing with high concentration. All festivals and holidays as well as all after-hours spare time would find me confined in solitude to the tiny room to experience the delight of g

40、iving free rein to my literary thought and imagination.要点:1,“狭长逼仄的一小间,北窗下靠墙置一旧书桌,进门处兀立两只叠起来的玻璃书柜,都是原先住户废弃的家具。”每个分句的信息都很复杂,修饰成分很多,因此译者又采用了分译的方法处理此句,译为4个分句2,这样的一间书房,一个人躲在里面写作,思想很集中”译为enjoying the privacy of a so-called study like this, I could do writing with high concentration.其中“一个人躲在里面”译者并没有按照字面意思直

41、译,而是意译为enjoying the privacy of,比直译更加贴切3,“创作的思维和想象空间都很广阔“即”任凭自己的的创作思维和想象力自由驰骋“译为giving free rein to my literary thought and imagination.综述:注意本段的拆译和意译哦,良好的拆分和意译都是建立在扎实的中文功底上的五十年代的上海寒冬腊月,气候比现在冷得多。寒夜,窗上玻璃结满冰凌,呵气如雾。我拉上窗帘,以炭盆烤火取暖,让身边的小水壶在炭火上嘶嘶作响,伴随我逐渐投入创作境界。室内四壁都伸手可及,我在墙钉上挂着几条绳索,以便挂上大小纸片。纸片上有创作素材的零星记录,有词海

42、语林偶得的一鳞半爪,也有已成篇尚待修改的原稿。短短几年,我在这作坊里,写了不少长短文章,其中有些小文,至今还受到读者的青睐,这是我想不到的。In the fifties, Shanghai was much colder in winter than now. the window panes would ice up and ones breath would freeze in the cold air. I would, with the window curtains drawn together, warm myself by a charcoal brazier over whic

43、h a small kettle was sizzling away, and gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing. On the four walls, which I could easily reach by holding out my hand, I had several strings with scraps of paper hung on them stretched between nails. On these scraps of paper, I kept jottin

44、gs of fragmentary materials for creative work, some linguistic gems and my original manuscripts awaiting revision. In this workshop, I turned out in a few years a large number of articles, both long and short, and, to my great surprise, some of the short essays I then wrote are today still to the li

45、gnin of the reading public.要点:1,“五十年代的上海“译为 In the fifties, Shanghai was中文关于时间的表述译成英文时,大部分是做状语的,这一点在西欧的夏天中也有体现,有时也作主语,如我对于运动会的感想中The third time, however, found me rising to my feet in spite of myself to join my fellow students in cheering like mad.(看到第三次,我也不知不觉的站起来,跟着我们的同学们拼命的喊那助威的“呼声”)2,”我拉上窗帘,以炭盆烤

46、火取暖,让身边的小水壶在炭火上嘶嘶作响,伴随我逐渐投入创作境界。”多动词句,以“我“作为核心,译为I would, with the window curtains drawn together, warm myself by a charcoal brazier over which a small kettle was sizzling away, and gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing.其中注意找准其他名词与核心主语的关系3,” 逐渐投入创作境界“即”逐渐进入创作的最佳状态“,译为g

47、radually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing. the best state of readiness意为”最佳的准备状态“。4,” 室内四壁都伸手可及,我在墙壁上”中前一句的主语“墙壁”在后一句中作状语,宜进行合译,将“室内四壁都伸手可及”译为“在伸手可及的墙壁上”5,“词海语林偶得的一鳞半爪“即”可供学习参考的只言片语“译为some linguistic gems,也可以译为some useful words and expressions综述:再次回顾了合译我很想念那间小书房。有几次偕孩子们路过其地

48、,孩子们如今都到了中年,每次我总要指点方位,告诉他们,那几乎不复可辨的三层楼上,过去是我们一家住过的地方。昨日偶经该处,发现旧屋原址上屹立着耸天高楼,旧居了无痕迹。我在夜色中频频回首仰望,怅然重温我的那个书房旧梦。How I cherish the memory of the small study! Whenever I passed by the former residence with my children, who have now reached middle age, I never failed to show them the location of our old hom

49、e and tell them that the third floor of the building which had changed beyond recognition had once been our home. Yesterday, when passing by the same place, I found that the old building was nowhere to be found and that a high-rise had been erected on its site. In the deepening dusk, I repeatedly turned round

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