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1、-范文最新推荐- 云南大理英文导游词 Welcome, everyone!Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali. Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introduction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao, Duansiping

2、Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized place.OK, everyone, we are now at the Three Pagodas.These three pagodas make a beautiful picture,right?Three Pagodas are the symbol of Dal

3、i,they have a history of more than 1,000 years. The major Pagoda, we call it “千寻”,built during the period of NanZhao State, stands 69 meters in height and is divided into 16 tiers. Each tier is inlaid with the statues of Buddha. Its front”s four Chinese characters are quite striking, meaning “Ensuri

4、ng Tranquility to Mountains and Rivers Forever.”I am sure you have noticed the two small pagodas. They were built at the beginning of 10th century during the period of Dali State. Each Stands 42 meters in height and is divided into 10 tiers. They are made from bricks.After visiting the temple, we wi

5、ll go to enjoy the other place of interests, Ok ,Lets go, everyone. 是台北市现存最完整也是最具历史意义的老街,走进老街看看,闽南、洋楼、现代主义及仿巴洛克式建筑特色一一呈现,时代的轨迹在此留下痕迹。迪化街是南北货集中点,这里各式干货一应俱全。商品种类繁多、量大而便宜,是迪化街的一大特色,也是最吸引人的地方。过年的时候,政府会在这里举办年货大街活动,来往行人忙着试吃、选购过年食品。另外迪化街也是台湾地区布帛、中药、南北货最大的批发市场。如果您想要更深入地了解迪化街的历史,挑个天气晴朗的下午来此走一走,您可以领略到一世纪前的古老台

6、北。 秋茂园位于苗栗县通霄镇北方5公里的新埔村内,是由旅日侨胞黄秋茂博士独资兴建,园内花木扶疏,为通霄着名的风景名胜之一,亦是全台少数不收门票的私人花园风景区,因此十分值得嘉许!秋茂园占地约4公顷,园中造景以人工为主,设有多座凉亭、座椅及动物、人物塑像,色彩艳丽,俚俗味十足。园内的各项雕像皆以“友爱、和平”为出发点您可在此看见东方的宗教庙宇与西方的教堂等,园主并题了一首“友爱诗”,提倡人与人的和平相处之可贵!建筑在斜坡上的“神灵馆”,利用眼睛的错觉,制造了“水往高处流”、“球往高处滚”的现象,走在里面会让人不自觉头昏眩,十分有趣。秋茂园的后门外是海堤,可在此眺望台湾海峡波涛,颇为心旷神怡。另秋茂园特别请各位游客维护园内各项设施,务请大家合作配合。 3 / 3

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