1、-范文最新推荐- 植树节主持词 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好 据联合国统计,现在世界上已有50多个国家设立了植树节。由于各国国情和地理位置不同,植树节在各国的称呼和时间也不相同,如日本称为“树木节”和“绿化周”;以色列称“树木的新年日”;缅甸称为“植树月”;南斯拉夫称为“植树周”;冰岛称为“学生植树日”;印度称为“全国植树节”;法国称为“全国树木日”;加拿大称为“森林周”。 就让我们一起来植树吧! 树节(arbor day) -3月12日 植树节arbor day / planting trees day 植树日tree-planting date你可能在学校里听过植树节。you may
2、 have heard of arbor day at school.“植树节”是一些国家为防止森林过度开伐,激发人们爱林、造林的感情而设立的法定节日。arbor day is one day in the year that preventsdeforestation, celebrates trees and promotes planting.在不同国家,植树节在不同的日子。in different countries, planting trees days are on different days.例如在印度,植树节在07月01日。like in india, planting t
3、rees day is on july 1.在中国,植树节是在三月十二日。in china, arbor day is on march 12.春天是植树的最好时间。spring is the prime time for planting trees. in the years following that first arbor day, mortons idea spread beyond nebraska with kansas, tennessee, minnesota and ohio all proclaiming their。 own arbor days. today all
4、 50 states celebrate arbor day although the dates may vary in keeping with the local climate. (state arbor days) at the federal level, in 1970, president richard nixon proclaimed the last friday in april as national arbor day. arbor day is also now celebrated in other countries including australia.
5、variations are celebrated as greening week of japan, the new years days of trees in israel, the tree-loving week of korea, the reforestation week of yugoslavia, the students afforestation day of iceland and the national festival of tree planting in india. julius sterling morton would be proud. somet
6、imes one good idea can make a real difference. for the homeowner, arbor day is an excellent opportunity to take stock of the trees on your property and plan for the future. inspect your trees. note any broken branches or evidence of disease or insect infestation. think about how planting new trees m
7、ight improve the look of your property or provide wind or heat protection. take a trip to your local nursery to see whats available and to get new ideas. walk around your neighbourhood. are there any public areas where tree planting or tree maintenance might make a real difference to your community? talk with your neighbours. find out what their opinions are. and, oh yes, plant a tree. 3 / 3