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1、-范文最新推荐- 投资分析师的英文简历范文 investment analysis strength ·comprehensive knowledge of defined contribution 401(k) pension concepts and regulations. ·effective leadership and team -buildng. ·extremely well organized. ·proven customer service skills. ·excellent pc skills an

2、d defined contribution 401(k)daily processing ,stock ,and mutual fund system logic. personal name: stella li gender:female date of birth:august 23th,1973 martial status:married email address:stellali experience 1990-1996 xxxx retirement & investment services plan analyst ·processed all co

3、ntributions, loan repayments,benefit disbursements,fund transfers,and nonfinancial changes for daily/periodic 401(k) pension record-keeping transactions, including cash,mutual fund ,stock,and guaranteed investment contract money movements. ·resolved client questions and problems. ·inte

4、rfaced productively with team ,department,field ,and sales personnel. ·completed,verified,and mailed all required client reports. ·plan year packages,and auditors requests. ·processed adps/acps and correction of year-end participant tax information. promoted four times in four y

5、ears consistently met or exceeded all established standards for timing and accuracy selected as one of first two people to participate in changeover to daily 401(k) processing environment from a monthly processing enviroment ,and quickly adapted to new system chosen to train new hires and other plan

6、 analysts transitioning to the daily processing environment served as technical liaison with systems personnel in identifying, communicating, and resolving processing problems with the new system served effectively as team leader and account manager for new pilot team concept while maintain own book

7、 of business education xxxx college bachelor of science, business administration awards presidents club awar Sales Assistant:Act as liaison between customer and sales representative.Provide customer service via telephone.Ascertain order accuracy.Track and expedite orders.Cooperate in team endeavors.

8、 1987-1990 THE MUSIC MAKER,Inc.,Houston,TX Sales Assistant:Coordinated sales efforts of a staff of six for a large musical instruments dealership.Developed and maintained working relationships with manufacturers and customers.Supported top account executives.Maintained open files to ensure greatest

9、customer satisfaction. 1985-1987 CITY OF DALLAS,TREASURERS DEPARTMENT,Dallas,TX Research Assistant:Assisted in the collection of delinquent real estate,personal property and motor vehicle excise taxes.Matched instrument of taking against daily tax title receipts.Processed petitions of foreclosure fo

10、r the legal section and title searches. 1984-1985 TRAFFIC AND PARKING DEPARTMENT,Dallas,TX Senior Claims Investigator:Investigated and expedited claim settlements relating to ticket disputes and information request. 1983-1984 SHERMAN BANK FOR SAVING,Sherman,TX Bank Teller:Interacted with customers ,

11、processed all money and check transactions,balanced all transactions at the end of each shift.Operated a Wang Word Processor,CRT and TRW terminal,and developed a working knowledge of money market funds and TRA accounts. EDUCATION: Austin College,Sherman,TX A.S. Business Management,1983 Texas Institu

12、te of Banking Completed courses in Bank Organization and Business English,1981. Notice: Education is listed towards bottom of resume because candidates practical experience outweighs his/her degree. Reverse chronological format focuses employers attention on candidates most current position. 英文个人简历 3 / 4

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