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1、-1-vUse the microphone when answering questions.vForm groups of four and find your group leader.Get Ready for the ClassBefore Class-2-3-run on solar energy-4-5-First impressions-6-Go through the beginning and the ending.The passage is a _ from Li Qiang to his parents on _(date).spacemail 15/11/3008t

2、he type of the passageReading tip:Going through the beginning and the ending first helps us get a general idea quickly.-7-Fast reading1.The passage is mainly about_(whose)first impressions of _.2.Divide the passage into two parts according to the key words.Li Qiangsfuture life Part1(Para1-_)Part2(Pa

3、ra _-4)Before arriving at the future First impressions of future life23-8-How did he feel at first?Why did Li Qiang go into the future?Careful reading(Para1-2)WhyHow HowTaking up the prize that he won last year.Before arriving at the futureNervous/Uncertain.How did he get to the future?By time capsu

4、le.making use of-9-Careful reading(Para3)1.What was the transport?2.How was the transport?1.What were his first impressions of the air quality?2.How did he solve the problems?air qualitytransportFirst impressions By putting on a mask.a lack of fresh air.A hovering carriage.move swiftly.By bending or

5、 pressing down;little oxygen Thin air;-10-bedwallCareful reading(Para4)table and chairs First impressionshouse -11-PessimisticOptimistic VSVSPKPKReview-12-Summary I was taking up a _ that I _ last year.I was very_ and _ at first.I was transported safely to the future in a _ _.The air in the future w

6、as _ as though its combination of gases had little _ left.Wang Ping asked me to put on a _.We then collected a _ _ driven by _.By _ or_ down in your seat,you can move _.At last,we arrived at a house whose wall was made of _.A table and some chairs rose from _ the _ as if by _.A bed was also produced

7、 from the _.prizewonnervousuncertaintimecapsulethinoxygenmaskhoveringcarriagecomputerbendingpressingswiftlytreesunderfloormagicfloorThinking-13-Air quality:(thin,little oxygen,a lack of,unbearable)Transport:(a hovering carriage,move swiftly)House:(wall,table,chairs,bed)ReviewTell Li Qiangs first imp

8、ressions Summary-14-air qualityclothingpopulationtransporthousesenergyglobal warmingpollutionWhat else would Li Qiang tell in his next spacemail?“More news later from your loving son”.Thinking-15-Air qualityTransport HouseGroup workMy imagination of future lifeOther aspectsShow timeKey words:time ca

9、psule,thin,a lack of,unbearable,hovering carriage,move swiftly)Suggested structure:I suppose/imagine thatI wonder ifIt is likely that-16-17-Assignment:Choose whichever you likeLevel 1:Write an e-mail to Li Qiangs parents to tell them more news.Level 2:Write a composition about your first impressions of future life.Level 3:Learn more about the future life by entering the suggested websites:http:/www.nehrp.gov/http:/future life.usgs.gov/http:/www.geohaz.org/

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