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1、江苏省高三动词和动词短语专练及详解1. Trivial breaches of regulations we can _, but more serious ones will have to be investigated.A. go over B. pass over C. look over. D get over2. Thesmallmountainvillagewas_bythesnowformorethanonemonthA.cutbackB.cutoutC.cutoffD.cutaway3.MissGreenwas_$100fordrivingafterdrinking.A.fi

2、nedB.chargedC.punishedD.posed4.Modern_4_perhaps causes more problems than it solves.A. technique B. technologyC. tactics D. tendency5.Underthis_pressuresomeoftherocksevenbecameliquid.A.intensiveB.weightyC.intenseD.bulky6. Nancywassurprisedthattheyhave_.Theyseemedtobeahappycouple.A.splitupB.brokendow

3、nC.fallenthroughD.knockedout7.Thebeachisinanideal_todrawtourists.A.conditionB.situationC.stateD.publicity8.Our_ abilitydecreaseswithage.Byage60,mostpeoplehavelost40percentoftheirabilitytosmelland50percentoftheirtastebuds.A sensible Bsenseless Csensitive DSensory9. Theeldestchildisthoroughly_becauset

4、heyalwaysgivehimwhateverhewantsA.wastedB.spoiledC.destroyedD.uneducated10.Ifasubstanceisdissolvedinwaterorheated,itmay_agas.A.giveintoB.giveoverC.giveoffD.giveaway11.Am I to understand that his new post _ no responsibility with it at all?A. keeps B. supports C.carries D.possesses12.The bank manager

5、asked his assistant if it was possible for him to_ the investment plan within a week.A. work out B. make out C. put out D.set out13. Theyd _the registry office _ which then left an open space.A turned down B. got down C. fallen down D. pulled down14.For the success of the project, the company should

6、_ the most of the opportunities at hand.A. obtain B. grasp C. catch D. make15. Failure to follow the club rules _ him from the volleyball teamA. disfavoured B. disadvantaged C. disqualified D. dismissed16. Dont rest on your laurels(光荣),_ your success and start looking for new markets now.A. add up B

7、. follow up C. work up D. count up17. The Olympic Games _ in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town in Greece.A. originated B. stemmed C.derived D.descended18. The increase in student numbers _ many problems for the universities.A. forces B.presses C.provides D. poses19.The old couple will never _ the lo

8、ss of their son.A. get over B.get away C. get off D. get across20.Mr.Browns condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _.A.pull back B.pull up C.pull through D.pull out21.The local authority _ the company an interest-free loan to start up the new factory.A. granted B.allocated C.fina

9、nced D.sponsored22.What is it that the author wants to _ to his leaders through the story?A. convey B.convince C.convert D.conform23.Although the speaker was a well-known personality, his speech was poorly _. A. raised B.delivered C.lectured D.posted24.The picnic _ at last after being twice postpone

10、d.A. came off B.came up C.put on D.put off25.He was facing charges on forgery(造假) in a court of law but he hired a good lawyer to _.A. get through B. get off C.get by D get away26. Part of the investment is to be used to _ that old temple to its original splendor.A.rest B.recover C.replace D.restore

11、27.He was completely _ by her tale of hardship.A. taken away B.taken down C.taken in D.taken up28. The computer can be programmed to _ a whole variety of tasks.A. assign B.tackle C. realize D solveI am available in case Im _ to help.A. called for B called at C. called on D.called in29.We were drowni

12、ng in data but _ of information.A. lacked B.packed C. starved D.convinced30.During the famine, many people were _ to going without food for days.A. sunk B. reduced C. forced D. declined答案:BCABC ABDBC CADDC BADACAABAB DCBCB详解:1. go over:复习,仔细检查;认真讨论;用心思考;pass over:置之不理,忽视,去世look over:仔细检查(审视)某人或某物; g

13、et over: 客服;(使)渡过本题空格处意为“我们对微不足道的违规可以忽略不计”正确答案:B2. cut back:减少;削减;缩减; cut out:停止,裁剪,剪下;cut off:切除,切(隔)断cut away:切,去掉,切成。本句句意:这个小山村因为大雪与外界隔离有月余了。正确答案:C3. fine:罚款; charge:向.收钱,要价;punish:惩罚;pose:使摆姿势,造成,引起本句句意:格林夫人因为醉驾被罚款100美元。正确答案:A4. technique:具体的方法,技艺,技巧; technology:科技(总称);tactics:战术,策略,手段;tendency:

14、(令人不快的)倾向,趋势;(性格中不良的)倾向,偏好本句句意:当代科学技术相对于其解决的问题,可能会造成更多的问题。正确答案:B5. intensive: 加强的,集中的;weighty:重的,重要的,重大的;intense:热情的,强烈的,紧张的;bulky:庞大的,笨重的本句句意:在强大的压力下,有些岩石甚至会变成液体。正确答案:C6. split up:(使)分手;(使)离婚; turn up:开大,翻起,出现; fall through:失败,破产;knock out:淘汰,出局,(使)不省人事本句句意:南希很惊讶他们已经分手了,他们看起来就是一对幸福的夫妻。正确答案:A7. cond

15、ition意为“状况;形势”;situation意为“位置,地点,环境”;state意为“状态,情形”;publicity意为“公众的注意,名声”。本句句意:这片海滩所处位置理想,吸引了很多游客。正确答案:B8. sensible意为“明智的,合情理的”;senseless意为“失去知觉的,不省人事的”;sensitive意为“敏感的”;sensory意为“感觉的,传递感觉的”。本句句意:我们的感官能力随着年龄的增长而下降。比如说,到60岁的时候,多数人失去了他们40%的嗅觉能力和50%的味觉能力。正确答案:D9. waste:浪费; spoil:宠溺;destroy:毁坏; uneducat

16、ed:未受过教育的本句句意:因为长子要什么他们就给什么,所以这个孩子完全被宠坏了。正确答案:B10. give into:通向.;give over(doing):停止;别再做;住手; give off:释放,放出,发出(气体、热量、气味等)=give out; give away:泄露,失去,赠送本句句意:如果物质溶于水或被加热,它就会释放出气体。正确答案:C11.从句意上可先排除A,B. carry指“带有,持有(权力或凭证)”; possess “占有,拥有”,主语一般为人。此处从句主语为post,所以答案为C.12.work out:制订 ; make out:辨认出,懂得;put o

17、ut:生产,出版,熄灭;set out:阐述 答案为A13.turn down:拒绝(某人或其请求、提议等);get down:写下;记下,费力地)吞下;勉强咽下; fall down:跌倒,失败; pull down: 拆毁;摧毁;拆掉本句句意:他们拆掉户籍登记处后,那里留下了一片空地。正确答案:D14. 本题考的是动词搭配,只有make the most of :最大限度地利用。正确答案:D15. 违反俱乐部规定使他失去了参赛资格。选项A“不喜欢,厌烦”(dislike);选项B“驱走”(to make something go away,especially a belief,idea,

18、or feeling),例如:1We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat well in Britain/2Light poured into the hall,dispelling the shadows;选项D“解雇”(to remove someone from their job);选项C“使失去资格参加”(to stop sb from taking part in an activity because they have broken a rule),符合句义,为正确答案。16. follow up用继续行动来加强.的效果;ad

19、d up加起来,合计 ;work up综合加工,整理;count up 共计 正确答案:B17. 本句句意为:奥林匹克运动起源于公元前776年,希腊的一个小城,奥林匹亚。originate:产生,源自,后接in,from; stem:来源,起源,不与in搭配;只有stem from; derive,作不及物动词,也只与from连用;descend:下降,突然造访,与本句句意不符。正确答案:A18. pose “提出,陈述;造成,形成”,可与problem,argument和question 等搭配,pose.problem表示“提出(或造成)问题”。因此,D为正确答案。19. get over

20、表示“熬过,恢复”; get away: 逃脱,离开;get off: 下来,脱下,出发,被容忍,动身,开始等; get across: 被理解,使人了解正确答案:A20. pull back:把.向后拉,反悔,(使)撤退,紧缩开支; pull up:拔起,停下,阻止;pull through: 渡过难关,脱离危险期,恢复健康(=pull round); pull out “(火车)离站,撤离,离开”。根据前半句的“condition(病,疾病)”,可知本题选C21. grant: 正确依法给与某物, grant sb sth; allocate:赞助 ; finance:资助; sponso

21、r:举办 正确答案: A22. convey: 表达; convince:使确信; convert:转变;conform: 使符合正确答案:A23. deliver a speech 发表演讲;raised 升起,出现;lectured 演讲;posted:张贴,宣布。 正确答案:B24. came off 举行,实现;came up发生,出现;put on :穿上,增加;put off:推迟 正确答案: A25.get through:通过,捱过;get off:使获释或减轻处罚; get by:勉强通过,越过;get away:脱身,逃脱 正确答案:B26.restore修复(建筑物,家具

22、,艺术品等);recover恢复到正常状态(如健康,神智,繁荣等);replace将(某物)放回到原处。正确答案:D27. take away:带走,拿走;take down:记下来;take in:欺骗,吸收;take up:开始从事 正确答案: C28.四个选项中,只有tackle能与task搭配。正确答案:B29.本句句意:我们淹没在数据中,却找不到有用的信息。be starved of:缺乏.,非常需要.正确答案:C30. be reduced to 为固定搭配,意为“被迫沦落为.”的意思。如:she was reduced to begging.be forced to指 “强制,迫使”, 不符合句意。正确答案:B

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