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1、人教版八年级下unit4单元同步课时习题Unit4 Section A (1a2d)【基础训练】、要点词汇1、允许;准许 2、错误得;有毛病得3、猜测;估计 4、deal 、短语互译5、浏览;快速查瞧 6、重要得事7、允许某人做某事 8、生某人得气9、发现某人正在做某事10、与某人吵架 11、谈论12、归还 13、闲逛14、以便于 15、work out16、too much 17、call sb、up 18、get into a fight with sb、19、go to sleep 20、be good at 、根据汉语意思完成句子1、您为什么不给她打电话呢?you him up?2、昨

2、天彼得与她得朋友吵架了。Yesterday Peterhis friend、3、我父母不允许我与朋友们一起闲逛。 My parents dont hang out with my friends、4、您经常给您得朋友们写信吗?Do you often your friends?5、尽管她不对,但这不就是什么大不了得事。shes wrong,its not a 、6、约翰允许我使用她得雨伞。 Johnhis umbrella、7、希望事情会好起来。 Hope things 、8、您为什么不给她打电话? Why dont you ?9、我真得很累,因为我昨晚学到半夜。 Im really tire

3、d I studied midnight last night、10、我打算浏览报纸,寻找一份假日工作。 I am going to the newspaper for a holiday job、【综合运用】、用所给词得适当形式填空 1、Students sometimes dont have free time (do) things they like、 2、Mary is good at (write) letters、3、When I got home,I found my mother (cook)in the kitchen、4、Why dont you (write) a le

4、tter to your cousin?5、You could (give) this book to Mike、1、Liu Yang is good at (swim)、He won the prize in 2014、2、Why dont you (eat) more vegetables?3、My friends dont allow us (cut) in line、4、When I came in,I found him (write) something on his seat、5、My father is very busy、He doesnt have any free tim

5、e (play) computer games、用方框中所给短语得适当形式填空a big deal, too many, look through, be angry with, work、 out6、The question is too difficult for us to it、7、My teacher me because I arrived late for class、8、There are people on the bus、I cant find a seat to sit on、9、Before my father has meals,he often newspapers

6、、10、Russia agreed that China could use its gas in August,2014、Thats 、单项填空( )11、you buy the computer?Its too expensive、I cant afford it、A、Why dont B、Why not C、Where do D、Why( )12、Whats wrong with you,Eric?You tired、I stayed up to prepare for the final exam last night、 A、smell B、look C、soundD、taste( )

7、13、Here is the book、First it and then tell me what you think of it、 A、look into B、look through C、look up D、look after( )14、Lisa doesnt buy a new car,because she doesnt have、A、enough food B、enough time C、time enough D、enough money( )15、The boy can speak both English and Japanese he is only ten、Wow,wh

8、at a clever boy! A、if B、because C、although D、because of Unit 4 Section A (3a4c)【基础训练】、要点词汇1、争吵;争论 2、云3、代替 4、焦虑得;担忧得5、主动提出 6、交流;沟通 (n、)7、解释;说明 8、复制9、回来;归还 10、elder11、whatever 12、proper13、secondly 14、communicate15、relation 16、clear 、短语互译17、与睦相处;关系良好 18、笼罩19、害怕 20、拒绝做某事21、主动提出做某事 22、向某人解释23、not、anymore

9、 24、be nice to sb、25、be worried about 、根据汉语意思完成句子1、我与我得同学们相处得很好。 I my classmates、2、她拒绝与我一起参观博物馆。 She refused the museum with me、3、您应该向您得朋友解释那件事。 You should the matter your friend、4、她应该做什么? What he ?5、很抱歉,我忘记把书还给您了。 Im sorry that Iyou the book、6、那本书您还给图书馆了吗? Did you the book the library?7、我得问题就是我跟家人相

10、处得不好。 My problem is that I cant my family、8、她睡了。让我替她去吧。 He is asleep、Let me 、9、玛丽经常与朋友辩论数学问题。 Mary often her friends about math problems、10、相反,她瞧她想瞧得电视一直到晚上很晚。 ,he watches he wants until late at night、【综合运用】、 用所给词得适当形式填空1、He is living there with his (old) brother、2、He closed his mouth and refused (s

11、ay) anything、3、You cant make it without (make) a survey、4、He is very much afraid of (lose) his job、5、After high school Mike got a job instead of (go) to university、1、Tony refused (share) the box of chocolates he received、2、The (communicate) between them is very successful、3、Firstly,you should listen

12、 to the teacher carefully、 (second),you need to take notes in class、4、Please speak louder、I cant hear you (clear)、5、My (old) sister works very hard and is very nice to people、用方框中所给词(组)得适当形式填空although, could, so that, until, should6、I got up early this morning I could catch the train、7、 I had a figh

13、t with my friend,we are still good friends now、8、This history museum is open 5:00 p、m、9、If you arrive late for class,you say sorry to your teacher、10、Oh,my God! I left my pen at home、What should I do? It doesnt matter、You use mine、单项填空( )11、Im sorry,Mr Li、I my English homework at home、 Dont forget i

14、t to school tomorrow、 A、left,to bring B、forgot,to take C、lost,to bring D、left,left ( )12、Where are you going for vacation? I finally decided to go to Hangzhou to Beijing、 A、instead of go B、instead of going C、instead going D、instead go( )13、I dont know when we will Shanghai、A、return back B、return C、r

15、eturn back to D、return to( )14、My father went to work without breakfast、 A、have B、having C、to have D、to eat( )15、I say,he always disagrees、 A、Whoever B、However C、Wherever D、WhateverSection B (1a2b)【基础训练】、要点词汇1、成员;分子 2、技艺;技巧3、典型得 4、足球5、快得;迅速得 6、比较7、疯狂得 8、发展(n、)9、造成;引起 10、pressure11、compete 12、opinion

16、13、continue 14、push 、短语互译15、删除;删去 16、把与相比较17、直到才 18、all kinds of19、on weekends 20、the first time 21、get home 、根据汉语意思完成句子1、周末您为什么不与您得朋友闲逛呢? Why dont you with your friends on weekends?2、尽管您生您父母得气,您还就是应该跟她们谈谈。you are your parents,you should talk to them、 3、疲惫得孩子们直到晚上7点之后才到家。 The tired children get home

17、 after 7: 00 p、m、4、到了做作业得时间了。 homework、5、她们总就是把她们(自己得孩子)与其她孩子做比较。 They are always them other children、6、我得父母在学校方面给我许多压力。 My parents me a lot of about school、7、您们应该互相帮助取得进步。 You should all be helping、8、妈妈们把她们得小孩子送到各种各样得班里。 Mothers their small kids classes、9、医生说太多得压力对孩子得发展没有好处。 Doctors sayis not a chi

18、lds development、10、直到她爸爸回来,她才上床睡觉。 He go to bed his father came back、【综合运用】、用所给词得适当形式填空 1、What are your plans for the (develop)of your company?2、After school,I have to take part in football (train)、3、There are many after-school (activity) now、4、We should study hard (get) better grades、5、My uncle is

19、a very (success) businessman、6、Many parents are always (compare) their kids with other children、7、Do you have too much (press) at school?8、Too much pressure isnt good for a childs (develop)、9、There are five (member) in our family、10、Mr、Chen is a (type) good teacher、He loves his students and teaches

20、well、用方框中所给词得适当形式补全对话either,else,surprise,argue,football,return,wrong,send,until,failA: Whats 6,Mike?You look sad、B: I 7 with my brother last week and he doesnt talk to me now、A: You could play 8 with him、I remember he likes sports、B: Well,I borrowed a football from Tom、But I 9 it to him、A: Oh、Why d

21、ont you 10 him a ticket to a ball game?B: I tried,but I 11、He didnt want it, 12、I dont know what to do、A: It seems difficult、What 13 does he like?B: He likes going to parties、A: Great、Maybe you could have a party for him to 14 him、B: Good idea、We wont get on well 15 the party is over、单项填空( )16、 Gree

22、ns are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day、 A、/B、A C、AnD、The( )17、My sister is outgoing、She likes making friends with 、 A、others B、another C、the other D、other( )18、Many people do not realize the importance of health they have fallen、 A、until B、while C、when D、after( )19、Nowadays lots of parents

23、 are always comparing their children others、 A、to B、with C、on D、for( )20、Tom wants his parents to some of his after-school activities、He needs more free time、A、cut down B、cut up C、cut out D、cut intoSection B (2cSelf Check)【基础训练】、要点词汇1、通常得;寻常得 2、perhaps 、短语互译3、依瞧 4、调低;关小5、start doing sth、 6、so that7、

24、keep doing sth、 8、agree with 9、speak to sb、根据汉语意思完成句子1、对于孩子来说,从小就开始学习就是有好处得。 Its children learning from a young age、2、您应该继续试图与她说话直到她与您说话。 Youto talk to her she talks to you、3、与她说话之前为什么不再等几天呢? Why dont you waitdays before to her?4、为什么您不告诉她当您学习得时候去做些安静得事情呢? Why dont you tell him to do when youre study

25、ing?5、依我瞧,对我们来说保护地球很重要。,its important for us to protect the earth、 6、我借给她一些钱以便她可以度假。 I lent her some money she could have a holiday、7、她直到下午两点才到家。He home 2 p、m、8、我同意她得观点。I her、9、在学校里,吉娜与同学相处得很好。Gina with her classmates at school、 10、依她瞧,音乐不重要。 ,music is not important、【综合运用】、 用所给词得适当形式填空 1、Why did you

26、r father (agree) to take you to the cinema?Because I didnt finish my homework、2、Mom (usual) goes shopping once a week、3、We should think for others,not only for (us)、4、Ill keep on (practice) playing the piano、5、What should we do (help) the disabled man,Ms、Lin?、用方框中所给短语得适当形式填空 all kinds of, compare、wi

27、th, too much, be crazy about ,keep on6、My mother often memy sister、7、Dont play computer games 、Its bad for your health、8、Look!There are kites in the sky、9、Linda playing football every day、10、Linda watching TV all day and her mother was very angry、单项填空( )11、I feel stressed from time to time、Could you

28、 give me some advice? sharing your worries with your parents? A、Why dont you B、How about C、Why not D、Would you like( )12、My host family tried to cook for me when I studied in New Zealand、 A、different something B、different anything C、something different D、anything different( )13、Susan used my ruler without 、I was not happy about that、A、ask B、asking C、asks D、asked( )14、People often compare teacherscandles、 A、with B、for C、on D、to( )15、 you are angry, you shouldnt have a fight with him、A、Although,but B、But,although C、Although,/ D、But,/

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