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1、智潮英语周练十一 特殊疑问词英汉互译1.what what time what color 2.where 3.when 4.which5.why 6.Who 7.whose8.how 9.how many 10.how much 11.how long 12.how far 13.how old 14.how ofen 15how soon 二练习,对划线部分提问1. Jack often goes to work by car. _ _ Jack _ to work?2. She works on a farm. _ _ she _ ?3. She plays basketball on

2、Sunday. _ _ she _ basketball?4. My sister is sleeping in her room. _ is _ sister _ ?5. It is Friday today. _ _ is it today ?6.Peter does outdoor activities two or three a week. _ _does Peter do outdoor activities.7.I have two interesting books. _ _ interesting books do you have?8.Lucy likes math bec

3、ause its interesting. _ _ Lucy like math?9.Toms math teacher is Mr Brown. _ _ Toms math teacher?10.I like the blue one. _ _ do you like?11My mother is forty years old. _ _ is _ mother?12. Its about fifteen kilometers away from here. _ _ is it about away from here?14. I will stay here for three days.

4、 _ _ will you stay here?15. I am from China. _ are you from?三练习:将下列句子变成一般变一般疑问句1. I am a teacher._ _ a teacher?2. They are students. _ Students?3. Jane is a girl. _- _ a girl?4. They like English. _ they like English?5. I come from China._ you come from China?6. He likes Chinese. _ he _Chinese?7. Ma

5、ria comes from Cuba. _ Maria _ from Cuba?8.We speak Chinese. _ you _ Chinese?四阅读理解Alicia doesnt like weekends because she has to get up at 6:30. At seven on Saturday morning, her mother takes her to the music club to learn to play the piano by bus. On Saturday afternoon, she has to learn how to pain

6、t(绘画).When they come back home, the eight-year-old girl is very tired. She goes to bed quickly after dinner.At around 7:30 on Sunday morning, Alicia starts to learn to sing and dance at the art club. After they get to the club her mother is doing some shopping while she is studying. The mother waits

7、 for her till(直到)twelve oclock. When they get home, the father gets ready for the lunch. They have it about one. Alicia starts to do her homework at two on Sunday afternoon. It usually takes her four hours. After she finishes her homework, it will be the time for dinner.Alicia doesnt have time to pl

8、ay with her friends. She has no time to go to the park. She feels much tired on weekends. She writes letters to her best friend to tell her all about it. She wishes there were no weekends in the world.( )1.Alicia learns to play the piano with her . A.friend B.father C.mother( )2.What time does Alici

9、a go to the music club on Saturday? A.At six thirty B.At seven C.At around 7:30( )3.Alicias mother goes to shopping on . A.Saturday morning B.Sunday afternoon C.Sunday morning( )4.Alicias family has lunch at on Sunday. A.one B.twelve C.eleven ( )5.Alicia doesnt like weekends because she has . A.nothing to do B.no time to play C.to watch TV五 、改错 请从A、B、C中选出错误选项并改正。( )1. I often brush my tooth at 7:00 a.m. A B C( )2. They do their homeworks in the evening. A B C( )3. Can you play the chess? A B C ( )4. He has much beautiful pens. A B C( )5. I want learn to swim from Tom. A B C

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