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1、Unit 9My favorite subject is science.What subjects do you know?EnglishmathsciencemusicP.E.historyChinesebiologyWhat subjects do you know?artgeographypolitics1aMatch the words with the pictures.1.P.E._2.art _3.science _4.music _5.math _6.Chinese _7.geography_8.history _cdbfeh1bListen and circle the s

2、ubjects you hear in 1a.agA:Whats your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is _.Look and sayscienceA:_your _?B:My favorite subject is _.Whatsfavorite subject musicA:_his _?B:_.Whatsfavorite subjectHis favorite subject is P.E.A:_ her_?B:_.favorite subjectHer favorite subject is mathWhatsA:_Kens _?B

3、:_.Whatsfavorite subjectKens favorite subject is artA:_Lindas _?B:_.Whatsfavorite subjectLindas favorite subject is Chinese2aListen and put the conversation in order.423Subject Description Word1.art a.fun2.science b.interesting3.music c.boring4.P.E.d.difficult5.math e.relaxing6.geography7.history2bL

4、isten and match the subjects you hear with the description words.2cWhat do you think of the subjects above?Make your own conversations using the words in 2b.Whats your favorite subject?Science.Why do you like science?Because its interesting.2dPairworkRole-play the conversation.Frank:Hi,Bob.Hows your

5、 day?Bob:Its OK.I like Monday because I have P.E.and history.Theyre my favorite subjects.Frank:Whos your P.E.teacher?Bob:Mr.Hu.He always plays games with us.Frank:Thats great!But why do you like history?Its boring.Bob:Oh,I think history is interesting.Whats your favorite day?Frank:Friday.Bob:Why?Fra

6、nk:Because the next day is Saturday!Bob:Haha!Thats for sure.I like Friday,too.1.A:do you like history?B:Because its interesting.2.A:like math?B:Eric does.3.A:is your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is P.E.4.A:is your science teacher?B:My science teacher is Ms.Chen.5.A:do you like art?B:Becaus

7、e its fun.3aFill in the blanks with what,who or why.Why Who What Who Why 3bWrite questions for answers.QuestionsAnswers1._?2._?3._?4._ _?5._ _?Because history is interesting.Science and math.His Chinese class is on Monday.Marys favorite subject is art.My geography teacher is Mrs.Qin.Whats your favor

8、ite subjectWhy do you like historyWhen is his Chinese classWhats Marys favorite subjectWho is your geography teacher3cInterview three classmates and complete the chart.Then tell your group about the results.GroupworkA:Whats your favorite subject,Jingjing?B:MusicA:Why do you like music?B:Because its

9、fun.A:Whos your music teacher?B:Ms.Xie.easy interesting fun free coolMatch the words on the left with their opposites on the right.1aboringdifficultbusy1bListen and check()the words you hear in 1a.1cListen again.Circle the classes David talks about on this schedule.1dTalk about Davids favorite subje

10、ct with your partner.Then talk about your favorite subject.PairworkA:Whats Davids favorite subject?B:.A:Why does he like?B:Because its .A:When is the class?B:Its on .music _ art _ English _ history _ science _ Chinese _ P.E._ math _ geography_ 2aWhat do you think of these subjects?Write a descriptio

11、n for each one.Dear Jenny,I am very busy on Friday.At 8:00 I have math.It is not fun.The teacher says it is useful,but I think it is difficult.Then at 9:00 I have science.It is difficult but interesting.At 10:00 I have history.After that,I have P.E.at 11:00.It is easy and2b Read the following letter

12、.Underline the subjects that Yu Mei likes.Circle the subjects she doesnt like.Are Yu Meis ideas the same as yours?fun.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have Chinese.It is my favorite subject.Our Chinese teacher,Mrs.Wang,is great fun.My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art

13、lesson for two hours.It is really relaxing!How about you?When are your classes?What is your favorite subject?Your friend,Yu Mei2cComplete Yu Meis schedule with the information in 2b.math P.E.FridayTime Subjects/activitiesTime Subjects/activities8:00 to 8:5012:00 to 1:009:00 to 9:5010:00 to 10:501:00

14、 to 1:5011:00 to 11:502:00 to 4:00sciencehistorylunchChinese artHi Mei Ling,Thank you for your E-mail.I want to meet you on Friday afternoon,but I am really busy.Lets meet on Saturday.Is that OK with you?DaleI have P.E.at 1:00.P.E.is fun.Then at 2:00 I have math.It is boring.At 3:00 I have art.It is

15、 cool.3a Number these parts of an E-mail(1-3)2313b Fill the schedule blow for your classes on Friday.Friday TimeSubjectsTimeSubjects 8:00 to 8:50 math9:00 to 9:50 Chinese 10:00 to 10:50 music11:00 to 11:50 English 14:00 to 14:50history15:00 to 15:50 computer16:00 to 16:50 P.E.3c Write an e-mail mess

16、age to a friend about your Friday.(请看课本P65)英文书信的格式:英文书信的格式:称呼称呼(Dear,),)顶格写顶格写;正文正文;结束语;结束语;署名署名(Yours)Dear.,Yours,Self Check 1.Add more words in each box.DescriptionsSchool subjectsDays of the weekinterestingEnglishMondayrelaxingcool easyusefuldifficultboringChinese sciencemath P.E.art geographyhis

17、tory musicTuesday WednesdayThursday Friday SaturdaySunday2.Complete the questions with what,when,who or why.Then answer the questions.1.is your favorite subject?2.do you like it?3.is your music teacher?4.is your math class?WhatMy favorite subject is English/Chinese/MathWhyBecause its WhoMy music teacher is/is my music teacher.WhenI have a math class at/on/Its at/on

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