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1、仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 1 Section B随堂练习含答案Unit6 Topic1 SectionB 随堂练习一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示拼写单词。1、 Can I help you, sir?I want to book a s_ room for my friends、 They will arrive here tomorrow、2、 How about the living _ (状况) in your town?Its much better than before、3、 The meat seems to get bad、Youd better put it in

2、to a _ (冰箱)、4、 Hello! Can I help you?Id like to book a room in the _ (宾馆)、5、 The sofa feels very soft、Yes、 Youll be _ (舒服得)and warm in it、二、单项选择。1、 _Id like to book a standard room for person、A、 Which do you want?B、 Welcome to our hotel!C、 Your name, please?D、 Can I help you, sir?2、 Which kind of ti

3、cket do you want?I want a ticket _ 640 _ the soft sleeper、A、 for; for B、 of; for C、 at; withD、 at; for3、 I want to _ another two _、A、 book; book B、 books; book C、 book; books D、 books; books4、 The room _ one double bed costs 100 yuan、A、 and B、 to C、 with D、 of 5、 Jane plans to buy a pair of sports s

4、hoes for the trip、 It will make her feel more _、A、 normal B、 happy C、 comfortable D、 soft三、按要求改写句子,每空一词。1、 We have a standard room with air-conditioning and bathtub、 (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ standard room do you have?2、 The train leaves at 11: 00 a、 m、 and arrives in Shanghai at 7: 00 p、 m、(改为同义句)It _ _ _ to

5、go to Shanghai by train、3、 We plan to visit the Great Wall、(改为同义句)Our plan _ _ _ the Great Wall、4、 I paid 10 yuan for this pencil-box、(改为同义句)I _ 10 yuan _ this pencil-box、5、 comfortable, you, here, conditions, the, feel, make, will(连词成句)The conditions here will _ _ _ _、四、从方框中选合适得句子补全对话(有两项就是多余得)。A:

6、Hello, Great Wall Hotel、 1 B: Hello、 2 A: We have rooms with a bathroom, TV, air conditioner and fridge、 The beds are quite comfortable、 There is a beautiful park near our hotel、B: 3 A: A standard room with two beds costs 180, and a room with a single bed costs 150、 B: OK、 4 A: When will you want th

7、em? And how long will you stay?B: 5 A: Youre welcome、 A、 Thats very nice of you、 B、 What can I do for you?C、 We want to hook three rooms with two beds and two rooms with a single bed、D、 We want to book some rooms、 And how is the condition of the rooms?E、 May 1st and 2nd, just two days、 Thank you、F、

8、How much does a standard room cost?G、 My pleasure、参考答案及解析一、1、 standard 2、 condition 3、 refrigerator/fridge 4、 hotel 5、 comfortable二、1、 D 由答语可知问句应为“您有什么需要?我能为您做什么”?2、 D 以什么价格要用介词at。介词for连接对象表示“对于”。3、 C book第一空作动词“预订”,第二空作可数名词“书籍”。4、 C with意为“有,带有”,修饰the room。5、 C feel more comfortable“感觉更舒服”。三、1、 What kind of 2、 takes eight hours 3、 is to visit 4、 spent; on 5、 make you feel comfortable四、1-5 BDFCE

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