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1、大家好1Unit 2 A visit to the zooUnit 2 A visit to the zoo Part B大家好2Unit 3 Easter Part A大家好3Unit 3 Easter EggsUnit 3 Easter EggsPart BPart B大家好4大家好5Im going tomake some Easter eggs color the eggshide the eggs大家好6be going to do sth是表示“打算做事”,往往是计划或安排好的事情 be going to后面接动词原形 Im going to go swimming.She is

2、going to fly the kite.We are going to play football.大家好7Easter morning,the kids are looking for the eggs.look 看look at 看着look for 寻找see 看到watch 观看watch TVwatch 3D films大家好8Theyre looking for Easter eggs.Theyre是They are 的缩写。They are looking for Easter eggsare=be动词,look后面加了ing大家好9be+动词ing 表示“正在做某事”,是正

3、在进行时态。They are looking for Easter eggs.Theyre looking for Easter eggs.ride_riding,dance_dancing run_running,swim_swimming play_playing,watch_watching pick_picking大家好10pick up 捡起 pick up _picking up Im picking up a book.Im picking up a pencil-box.Im picking up an Easter egg.大家好11be going to+动词:打算做某事b

4、e+动词ing:正在做某事我打算制作复活节彩蛋。我正在做复活节彩蛋。我打算去找蛋。我正在找蛋。大家好12I got.got是get的过去式 get up 起床 get 获得,得到 I got eighteen eggs 大家好13复活节的由来:复活节的由来:耶稣被钉死在十字架上,第三天身体复活,耶稣被钉死在十字架上,第三天身体复活,复活节因此得名。复活节是基督宗教最重复活节因此得名。复活节是基督宗教最重大的节日,重要性超过圣诞节。复活节的大的节日,重要性超过圣诞节。复活节的日期在每年的日期在每年的3月月22日至日至4月月25日之间。日之间。今年的复活节就在今年的复活节就在4月月5日。日。大家好

5、14复活节蛋复活节蛋Easter eggs大家好15make some Easter eggs制作一些复活节蛋制作一些复活节蛋大家好16Im going to make some Easter eggs.我准备制作一些复活节蛋。我准备制作一些复活节蛋。be going to表示表示准备准备,将要将要大家好17 the eggscolor给蛋上颜色给蛋上颜色大家好18Im going to color the eggs.我准备给蛋上颜色。我准备给蛋上颜色。大家好19red I need red,yellow,green and brown colors.yellowgreen brown 我需要

6、红色,黄色,绿色和棕色我需要红色,黄色,绿色和棕色。大家好20brown 棕色棕色大家好21hide 隐藏隐藏大家好22大家好23hide the eggs 藏蛋藏蛋Im going to hide the eggs.我准备藏蛋。我准备藏蛋。大家好24gardenIm going to hide the eggs in the garden.我准备把彩蛋藏进花园里我准备把彩蛋藏进花园里。大家好25What are you going to do,Mom?Im going to hide the eggs in the garden.我准备把彩蛋藏进花园里我准备把彩蛋藏进花园里。你准备去做什么,

7、妈妈?你准备去做什么,妈妈?大家好261.Im going to color the eggs.我准备给蛋上颜色2.Im going to hide the eggs.我准备藏蛋。3.She is going to do her homework.她将要做她的家庭作业。4.They are going to skate.他们将要去滑冰。大家好27What animals did you see?animals 动物物大家好28We saw pandas.We saw bears.We saw monkeys.We saw elephants.大家好29And tigers and lions,

8、too.see-saw 看看见大家好30Did you take any photos?大家好31Yes,I took a photo of a baby elephant.大家好32Look,here it is.Its very lovely.大家好33Did you give bananas to the monkeys?No,we didnt.大家好34Did you give food to the elephants?Yes,we did.大家好35hungry,hungry,Im hungry.大家好36We ate the bananas.eat-ate 吃吃大家好37We ate the noodles.大家好38We ate the hamburgers.大家好39结束大家好40

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