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1、仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit1知识点学习好资料Unit2知识点短语: come from = be from 来自 look the same 看起来像 look different 看起来不同 look like 看上去很像 a pair of 一双;一副 give sth. to sb.= give sb. sth. 把某物给某人 形容词修名词语序:数+大小(长短)+形+颜+名four big round red apples want sth. 想要某物 want to do sth. 想要做某事 look at 看着 in+a/an/the+颜色+名词或in+颜色 穿着某种颜色的衣服

2、next to 靠着,挨着,与相邻 help sb.(to)do sth.= help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事句型:见练习册第18页句型集锦1) Do we/you/they have.? Yes, we/you/they do./ No, we/you/they dont.2) Does+主语+have+.? Yes, 主语+ does./ No, 主语+ doesnt.3) What does/do+主语+look like? 某人长得什么样?语法:u have/has的用法1. Li Lei and Li Jun_big noses. A.has B.have C.are

3、2. Excuse me. Who _ an eraser? I _ one. Here you are. A.have;has B.has;have C.have;have3. I _ long arms and my sister _ long arms,too. A.have;has B.has;have C.have;haveu 陈述句变为一般疑问句1. We are from China _ _ from China?2. Mr.Lee can speak English. _ Mr.Lee _ English?3. I want a pen pal. _ you _ a pen p

4、al?4. My sister has a round face. _ _ sister _ a round face?u 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词1. Look! Wheres that woman? She is next to_baby. A.her B.hers C.she2. _ hair is long. Yes,youre right. _ has long hair. A.Hers,She B.Her,She C.She,Her3. Are these toys _? No, they are not_. They are Lilys. A.yours,hers B.yours,mine C.Lilys,yours精品资料

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