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1、外研版八年级上Module1课文带译文学习好资料 MODULE 1 How to learn English 模块 1 怎样学英语 Unit 1Try not to translateevery word. 第一单元不要试图翻译每个单词。Ms James:Welcome back,everyone! Now, becauseits a new term, Imgoing to give you someadvice.詹姆士女士:欢迎大家回来。现在,因为是一个新学期,我打算给你们提一些建议。Why dont you write itdown? Ready?把它记录下来好吗?准备好了吗?All:Y

2、es, Ms James.所有人:是的,詹姆士女士。Ms James:You shouldalways speak English inclass.詹姆士女士:你们在课堂上应该一直说英语。And you should writedown your mistakes inyour notebooks.把你们的错误写在你们的笔记本上。And why dont you writedown the correctspelling and grammarnext to the mistakes?What else?为什么不把正确的拼写和语法写在那些错误旁边呢?还有别的什么吗?Lingling:Its a

3、 goodidea to check yourvocabulary notebookevery day.玲玲:每天检查词汇笔记本是一个好想法。Ms James:Thats a goodidea. Thanks a lot,Lingling.詹姆士女士:这是一个好主意。谢谢你,玲玲。How about listening tothe radio or reading anewspaper in English?But try not to translateevery word.听听英语广播节目或者看看英文报纸怎么样?不过不要试图翻译每个单词。Lingling:I thinkeveryone s

4、hould have apen friend and writeemail messages to eachother.玲玲:我想大家都该有一个笔友,互相写写电子邮件交换信息。Im going to meet my penfriend in Beijing thisterm.这学期我打算认识一下我在北京的笔友。Ms James:Excellent!Lingling:She plays inher school orchestra,and theyre doing someconcerts in China.詹姆士女士:好极了!玲玲:她是学校管弦乐队的成员。他们在北京举办几场音乐会。Ms Jam

5、es:Is she English?Lingling:Yes, she is.Daming:Good! She can help me with my homework.詹姆士女士:她是英国人吗?玲玲:是啊,她是英国人。大明:好啊!她可以帮我做家庭作业。 Unit 2Please help me! 第二单元 请帮帮我! Questions and answersSend your questions tothe Language Doctor,nse.问题和答案把你的问题发送给语言博士,邮箱是nse。Many students ask foradvice about improvingthei

6、r English. There arethree basic questions.许多学生寻找关于提高他们的英语水平的建议。有三个基本问题。The first question isabout real English.第一个问题谈的是真实的英语。Li Hao from Hubeiwrote,“I enjoy watchingEnglish films andlistening to realEnglish songs.湖北的李浩写道:“我喜欢看英语电影和听真实的英语歌曲。But it takes a longtime. What do youthink?”但这样花费了很多时间。你是怎么认为

7、的?”This is a great way tolearn English! Talkabout the film or songwith your friends,这是一个学习英语的很好的方法。和你的朋友谈论电影或歌曲,05:39.39and guess the meaning ofthe new words. Justenjoy yourself!猜测新单词的意思。只要自己喜爱就行。The second question isabout speaking. Sam,from Suzhou wrote,“Ourschool has a foreignteacher.第二个问题谈的是说英语。

8、苏州的萨姆写道:“我们学校有一个外籍教师,But Im shy and cantspeak to her. Whatshould I do?”可我生性害羞,无法和她交谈。我该怎么做?”When I visit China,lots of people in thestreet say,“Hello! Howare you? Where are youfrom?当我在中国游览的时候,许多街上的人说,“你好!你好吗?你从哪来?Do you likeChina?”These are goodquestions to start aconversation.你喜欢中国吗?”这些都是开始一次谈话的好问题

9、。Many people are shy whenthey speak English, sobefore you begin, take adeep breath and smile!Smiling always helps.许多人说英语的时候会害羞。所以在你开始之前,深吸一口气,微笑一下。微笑永远可以帮助你。The third question isabout vocabulary.Oliver, from AnhuiProvince wrote,第三个问题谈的是词汇。来自安徽省的奥利弗说:“I want to remember allthe new words. I writethem

10、down, but I forgetthem quickly.What shouldI do?”“我想记住所有的新单词。我把他们写下来。可我很快就把他们忘记了。我该怎么做呢?”Try to remember eight orten words a day. Writethem on pieces of paperand place them in yourbedroom.一天想办法记忆八到十个单词。把它们写在一张纸上,放在你的卧室里。Say the words when yousee them, and changethem every day.看到它们时就把它们说出来。每天更换这些单词。And when youre shopping, how about counting theEnglish words, or sayingthe English names foreverything you see?在你买东西的时候,数数英语单词,或者说出你看到的东西的英文名字好吗?精品资料

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