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1、1.The radio says there will be much _(rain)this afternoon.2.Look!The road_(build)by the workers.3.The teacher often gets us _(try)out new ideas.4._(when)you see him,he is setting his mind to study his lessons.5.I broke the glass.The woman looked at me _(straight)and angrily.rainis beingto tryWhenstr

2、aightly6.Of all the books,I like it _(well),for its not interesting at all.7.It is _(terrible)cold today,isnt it?8.They are waiting for you at the front _(enter)to the building.9.At last I saw the stars _(appear)in the sky.I couldnt find them any more.10.Why dont you like the story?Its _(interest)on

3、e that I have ever heard of.bestterriblyentranceappearthe most interesting11.Ill spend as much money as I can _(decorate)my house.12.Thanks to the _(invent)work.We are living better and better.13.He _(angry)pointed at my nose and said shouted,14.He told me he would tell us something _(surprise)15.He

4、 has been very ill,but the doctor says he is now out of _(dangerous).to decorateinventorsangersurprisingdanger16.This year alone,there _(be)many new buildings here.17.How _(noise)they are talking over there!18.You can travel _(safety)by train than by air.19.The rice _(grow)in South China tastes nice

5、.20.There are many more trees_(plant).have beennoisymore safelygrownto be planted21.They left for Kaifeng,_(leave)their son by themselves.22.The thief was brought in,with his hands _(tie)behind his back.23.Whats the number of the Smiths flight_(leave)Beijing?24.The more he said,the _(angry)we felt.2

6、5.Which colour is _(bad),Green,white or black?26.The physics teacher told us that water _(freeze)below zero.leavingtyingleavingangrierthe worstfreezes27._(safe)comes first.28.For_(who)are you going to buy a present?29.Kate likes _(fish)best of all the food.30.What is the _(high)of that mountain?31.L

7、ook!How _(terrible)he is coughing!32.The parks in Suzhou are nicer than _ (that)in Shanghai.Safetywhomfishingheightterriblythose33.Do you think Lu Xun was one of the greatest writers in the _(twenty)century?34.Sally was going to start work the _(follow)month.35.The porridge smells_(terrible).36.He w

8、as so _(luck)that he didnt catch the last train.37.There will be _(rain)and it wont be_(rain)tomorrow.twentiethfollowingterribleluckyrainrainy38.His father doesnt let him _(smoke).39._(luck),he failed the English exam this time.40.He has _(always)been there before,has he?41.I went to the biggest _(s

9、cientist)museum in town yesterday.42._(when)you are free,you can come.43.By the time we got there,the train _(be)away for ten minutes.44.Well have fun _(learn)English well.smokeUnluckilyneverscienceWhenhad beenlearning45.All those foreign _(thief)have been caught.46.Is Australia the _(three)largest

10、island country in the world?47.Look,our dog Colly is lying_(comfort)on the grass,_(enjoy)its sunbath.48.What a _(please)it is for me to play the piano with you!49.There are a lot of differences between John and _(I.)thievesthirdcomfortableenjoyingpleasureme50.It is _(pain)to get an injection.51.Moth

11、er asked the Greens to help _(they)to some pears.52.A few big eggs _(lay)by these ducks last night.53.The cake_(make)by her was eaten by her.54.He felt _(true)sorry for what he said.55.Our _(know)of the universe is growing all the time,painfulthemselveswere laidmadetrulyknowledge56.Our physics teach

12、er told us that light _(travel)faster than sound.57.Tom had two of his_(tooth)_(pull)out last year.58.Its _(wet)today than yesterday.58.Even though he is eighty years old,he never gives up_(learn)59.He can work out the problem _(exact).travelsteethpulledwetterlearningexactly60.That means we must hav

13、e smaller families with fewer,but _(heath)children.61.Its snowing _(heavy)when he got home today than yesterday.62.His fathers _(dead)made him very sad.63.It was the first newspaper _(sell)on train in America.64.Japan is a _(develop)country,but China is a _(develop)one.healthierheavilydeathsolddevel

14、opeddeveloping65.A:What can I do for you?B:Three _(piece)of bread,please.66.Do English people shake hands as often as _(German)?67.Many worldfamous _(sing)and _(dance)like to give their performances in the Shanghai Grand Theatre.68.Who is the _(invent)of telephone?69.Who is the _(win),Tom or Jack?pi

15、ecesGermanssingersdancersinventorwinner70.You are a very good _(cook).71.Lu Xun was one of the greatest _(write)in the world.72.There are different kinds of _(fish)in the sea.73.Last week I caught two _(thief)with a policeman.74.Uncle Li used to be a cook,but now he is the _(manage)of a restaurant.c

16、ookwritersfishesthievesmanager75.He met some _(China)in London.76.There were several _(sheep)in the field.77.“Who is the _(drive)of the car?”the policeman asked.78.She picked up a wallet,but couldnt find its _(own).79.The citys air is polluted by many _(factory).Chinesesheepdriverownerfactories80.Im

17、 sure there are _(mouse)in that house.81.The bright boy later became a famous _(science).82.They cant help_(plant)trees because of his headache83.My son has decided to change another job.His _(decide)surprised us all.84.The _(develop)of digital television is very fast in recent years.micescientistpl

18、antdecisiondevelopment85.How many times have you been to the Great Wall?_.(one)86._ of the newspapers published in Shanghai are in foreign language.(2/5)87.Ive read _ pieces of sports news about the 15th Doha Asian Games.(twelfth)88.Which is the _ biggest continent in the world?(two)89.I like Tokyo

19、very much.I _(come)here since l was five years old.OnceTwo fifthstwelvesecondhave been90.When you heat the ice,it turns into water _(quick).91.The sun shines _(bright)in summer.92.The street is _(crowd)with people on Christmas Day.93.Our teacher was _(please)with my answer to the question.94.His gra

20、ndpa has been _(death)for more than ten years.quicklybrightlycrowdedpleaseddead95.Look,who _(sing)a pop song in the room.96.The teacher said the earth _(go)around the sun.97.I hope that you _(come)to Shanghai next spring.98.Last night while I _(do)my maths exercises,my parents _(watch)TV.99.By the end of last term,we _(learn)ten English songs.100.The police _(catch)the thief yesterday.is singinggoeswill comewas doingwere watchhad learntcaught

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