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1、A Life in Sport主讲人:李可主讲人:李可Do you know these people?Do you know these people?What are their jobs?What are their jobs?Warmming up:BrainstormHow many kinds of sports do you know?footballbasketballtennisbaseballvolleyballbadmintonTrack and field(田径田径):runinghigh jumphurdleslong jumpAquatics(水上项目水上项目):s

2、wimmingdivingrowingweightliftingfencingboxingtaekwondoGuess who he is?Li NingSkimming:Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.A.Li Ning lauched a new brand of sportswear after he retired.B.Li Nings products are very successful now.C.Li Ning realized his dream and decide

3、d to continue his work for sportD.Li Nings success in his sports lifeE.several things guaranteed Li Nings success.Para1Para2Para3Para4Para5Skimming:Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.A.Li Ning lauched a new brand of sportswear after he re tired.B.Li Nings products

4、are very successful now.C.Li Ning realized his dream and decided to continue his work for sportD.Li Nings success in his sports lifeE.several things guaranteed Li Nings success.Para1Para2Para3Para5Past achievementssuccess in business now future dreamPast achievementssuccess in business now future dr

5、eamRead paragraph1 carefully and fill in the blanksRead paragraph1 carefully and fill in the blanksHe won_ at the World Championship.He won _as well as 2 silver and 1bronze at Olympics in LosAngeIes.He _at Seoul Olympics.He was one of _ of the twentieth century.When he retired,he had won _in major c

6、ompetitions across the world.6 Out 7 gold medals 3 gold medals did not perform wellthe greatest sportsmen106 gold medals 198219841988199926 years oldPast achievementssuccess in business now future dreamRead paragraph 2,3,4,and answer the questions.Read paragraph 2,3,4,and answer the questions.1.Why

7、did LiNing start a sportswear company?2.Why has he been successful?He cant forget his sporting background.He want to compete with global giants.There is no such company in China.came onto the market at just the right time.The designs were attractive.cheaper than their rivalsPast achievementssuccess

8、in business now future dreamWhat can we infer from the last paragraph?What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.Li Nings goal when he retired was to open a school for gymnasts.B.Pele has worked with the United Nations for childrens rights and peace.C.Li Ning will do the same thing as Pele and Muha

9、mmed Ali.D.Pele and Muhammed Ali are honored not only because they are great sportsmen,but because of their work after they retired.Summary:Try to retell the whole story.Li Ning was called the prince of gymnasts.He won 106 gold medals in all and was chosen as one of the greatest sportsmen of the 20t

10、h century by sports journalists.After he retired,he began a new career as a businessman,launching a new brand of sportswear and choosing his own name as the brand mark.Li Nings sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time and gained success quickly.In just a few yers Li Ning won more t

11、han 50 percent of the national market and his company also grown internationally.But Li Nings goal was not to make money When he retired.In 1991,he opened a school for gymnasts to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions.Now please read my sample loudly by yourself.Group Discussion:Lets

12、 make a dialogue.A:Who is your favourite celebrity?(名人)B:My favourite celebrity is Li Ning?A:What is Li Nings job?B:He used to be a gymnast,but now he is a successful businessman.A:Why did he become famous?B:When he was a sportsman,he won 106 gold metals.And now his company has grown internationally.A:What can you learn from him?B:I learn that I should not give up when I meet difficulties.Anything is possible!Thank you!

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