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1、人教小学英语六年级上测试卷U1-U2单元学习好资料南开区2016-2017学年度第一学期六年级英语跟踪练习Unit One. Listening 听力A. Look, listen and match 选出与你所听到的句子意思相匹配的图画(其中有一幅图片是多余的) A B C D E F1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._B. Listen and match 将你所听到的问题与适当的应答相匹配(其中有一个应答是多余的)A.I often go shopping with my mum. B. At six thirty.C. He often plays football.D. She d

2、oesnt like music.E. No, she has lessons on Monday evening. F. Yes, I do.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._C. Listen and fill the right time 根据你所听到的内容,在下面的表格内填上适当的时间AMPMGet upBegin classesHave breakfastFinish classesGo to schoolGet homeBegin classesHave supperHave lunchGo to bedD) Listen and choose听一段独白,独白后面有几个问题,从

3、题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。( )1. On weekdays the girl gets up at _.A. 6:30B. 7:00C. 7:30( )2. The girl _ at 8:00 on weekdays.A. goes to bed B. has classesC. has breakfast( )3. In the afternoon classes are over at _.A. 3:00 B. 3:30 C. 4:30( )4. On Sundays _ makes breakfast for the family.A. The girlB. The girl

4、s fatherC. The girls mother( )5. The girls parents like to have coffee _.A. in the sitting roomB. in the kitchen C. in bed . Fill in the blanks 词汇填空A. Fill with the proper forms 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空1. He usually _(get) up at 7:00.2. I always do some _(read) after dinner. 3. Tom often _(clean) his room on

5、 Sundays.4. Miss Wang _(not go) to work on Sundays. Sometimes she _(go) shopping with her daughter.5. _ you _(play) the piano every day?B. Fill with the proper words 根据句意,每空填上一个适当的英文单词6. I watch TV every evening, but my mother _. 7. Lucys mother _ English in Tianjin Primary School.8. I always go and

6、 _ a film with my parents on Saturdays.9. He likes taking a long walk _ his pet dog every evening. 10. Kate often helps mum do the housework. We should learn from _. Choose the right answer 单项选择填空( )1. We often have dinner _ 7:00 _ the evening.A. at, in B. at, on C. on, in D. about, on( )2. Lucy wat

7、ches TV _ 7:00 _ 8:00 every evening.A. at, to B. from, at C. at, till D. from, to( )3. I usually _ my homework _ home _ Sunday morning.A. do, in, in B. do, at, onC. make, at, onD. make, in, in( )4. Hes _ an English storybook in her bedroom now.A. looking B. seeing C. reading D. watching( )5. “School

8、 ends at three.” means _ at three.A. Classes begin B. School begins C. Having lunch D. Classes are over ( )6. “My mother walks to the park.” means she _.A. goes to the park on foot B. goes to the park by bikeC. goes to the park by bus D. goes to the park by car ( )7. -Do you often _? -Yes, I do. I o

9、ften work till about 11:00 p.m.A. get up early B. go to bed early C. stay up very late D. watch TV at home( )8. I have _ at about 7 p.m. _ my family.A. breakfast, at B. lunch, inC. dinner, with D. supper, at( )9. She often _ the piano but she doesnt _ it well.A. plays, play B. plays, plays C. play,

10、play D. play, plays( )10. “He _ stays up late at night.” means he _ goes to bed early.A. always, usually B. often, usuallyC. never, sometimes D. usually, seldom . Complete the dialogue 完成对话Kate: Hi, Peter! Tomorrow is Saturday. 1 Peter: I often go and see my grandparents. 2 A. Would you like to have

11、 a class with me?B. What do you do on Saturdays? C. How about you? D. Is it difficult to play the piano? E. Are you interested in playing the piano?Kate: I usually have piano lessons.Peter: 3 Kate: Yes. But Zhou Pei always helps me.eter: Really? Shes a good girl.Kate: 4 Peter: Yes, I like music.Kate

12、: 5 Peter: Great! We can play it together. Reading 阅读理解AWe go shopping almost every day. We have many choices of the places to buy things. Supermarket is the right place for you. There some good points of buying things at the supermarket.You buy things at the supermarket at a low price(低价). You pay

13、much more in the big store to buy the same goods.You decide what to buy all by yourself at the supermarket. And you dont have troubles(麻烦) from the shop assistant(店员) at the big store.There are many kinds of things at the supermarket. You can buy many things for a weeks use at a time: it saves us mu

14、ch money and time.In a word, it is better to buy things at a supermarket.Mark T or F 判断下面的句子意思是否与短文内容相符 1. ( )The things at the supermarket are cheap.2. ( )You need help when you buy things at the supermarket .3. ( )There are many kinds of goods at the supermarket.4. ( )It takes you much time to buy

15、 many things at the supermarket.5. ( )It is really nice to go shopping at the supermarket.BChildren in New Zealand bring their own lunch to school. They have small lunchboxes. Ben is in a primary school in New Zealand. Lets look inside his lunchbox. It is quite interesting. There is no hot food. Chi

16、ldren in China have their lunch in school or at home. They usually have rice, vegetables, some pork or chicken in their school lunch.Children in England also have lunch in school. But some English children bringtheir own lunch boxes, too. Children in Australia usually bring lunchboxes to school. The

17、y will eat their lunch outside the classroom.Mark T or F 判断下面的句子意思是否与短文内容相符 ( ) 1. This passage tells us where children in different countries have their lunch.( ) 2. All of the children in these four countries have their lunch at school. ( ) 3. Ben has a small lunchbox with some hot food.( ) 4. Chi

18、nese students dont have hot food for their lunch at school.( ) 5. Children in Australia like eating their lunch outside the classroom.南开区2016-2017学年度第一学期六年级英语跟踪练习Unit Two. Listening 听力A. Look, listen and choose 选出与你与所听到的对话意思相符的图片 A B C D E1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._B. Listen and match 将你所听到的问题与适当的应答相匹配A. Im

19、 playing computer games. B. My hobby is cooking meals.C. Hes fishing there.D. His hobby is playing the piano.E. Im interested in listening to music. F. Yes, I do.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._C. Listen and write根据你所听到的内容,补全表格Peterenjoys (1)_ newspapers.Betty (2)_ English songs.Bob (3)_ flowers.David (4)_ Chine

20、se tea.Tony (5)_ photos. Fill in the blanks 词汇填空A. Fill with the proper forms 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Different people have different _(hobby).2. My little sister likes collecting _(colur) cards.3. Miss Liu _(take) pictures for her students now.4. My mum often _(go) home at about 5:30 in the afternoon.5.

21、_(cook) is my mothers hobby.B. Fill with the proper words 根据句意, 每空填上一个适当的英文单词6. People usually have three _ a day.7. Most of us like _ Chinese tea very much.8. Its _ to play the piano. We must practice it every day.9. A map can help people _ the way from one place to another.10. People usually buy a

22、 _ and glue it onto a letter before they post it. Choose the right answer 单项选择填空( )1. I enjoy _ for many years.A. go fishing B. study EnglishC. listening music D. collecting toy cars( )2. My grandpa likes _ on his farm.A. growing flowers B. planting treesC. feeding animals D. All of the A, B and C.(

23、 )3. The children are _ in their new school.A. playing games B. seeing animalsC. raising horses D. planting rice ( )4. They are drawing _ faces on the blackboard.A. animals B. animalsC. an animals D. an animal( )5. -Does your father like walking?-_. He often walks for an hour after supper.A. No, he

24、doesnt B. Yes, he does. C. No, he does D. Yes, he doesnt ( )6. -Whats your favorite _ ? -Its football.A. foodB. sport C. season D. color( )7. Leaves are some parts of _.A. animals B. plants C. houses D. stamps ( )8. Lucy, can you _ this word in Chinese? -Yes, let me try.A. speak B. tellC. sayD. talk

25、( )9. -Does Liu Huan, the famous singer, like playing football? -_.A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he can. C. No, he doesnt D. He likes singing. ( )10. _ you interested _ music?A. Are, about B. Are, in C. Do, in D. Do, about. Choose the right answer 完形填空Im Kate. I have a sister and a 1 . My sisters name is Su

26、san. 2 is ten years old. She can play 3 piano. She likes eating fruit like apples and 4 . She also likes eating 5 . She likes tomatoes 6 she doesnt like carrots. For drinks, she likes water and 7 . Susan never eats hamburgers. She says they are not 8 for her health. My brother Alan is eleven years o

27、ld. He often eats unhealthy food like 9 and French fries. He often eats 10 . Of course, Alans teeth are not good.( ) 1. A. sisterB. motherC. uncleD. brother( ) 2. A. He B. SheC. TheyD. We( ) 3. A. aB. an C. theD. 不填( ) 4. A. water B. beefC. meatD. bananas( ) 5. A. fruit B. meat C. vegetablesD. rice(

28、 ) 6. A. but B. or C. andD. so( ) 7. A. fish B. juice C. hamburgerD. meat( ) 8. A. nice B. good C. favoriteD. bad ( ) 9. A. fruitB. rice C. noodlesD. hamburgers( ) 10. A. applesB. candy C. riceD. egg. Reading 阅读理解ALi Ying likes English very much. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking E

29、nglish. She often learns English over the radio. She seldom watches TV on weekdays. She only watches TV on Saturday evening.Li Ying has some other hobbies. She likes drawing and singing. She collects some candy paper. On Sundays, she also helps her parents do some housework. She is a nice girl and h

30、er parents and her friends like her very much.Choose the right answer 选择正确答案( )1. Li Ying usually reads English _. A. in the morningB. in the afternoon C. in the eveningD. in class( )2. She likes listening to the radio to learn _. A. musicB. EnglishC. drawingD. Chinese( )3. Li Ying watches TV _. A.

31、every day B. in the eveningC. at weekendD. on weekdays( )4. Whats Li Yings hobby? A. collecting candy paper.B. Drawing and singing. C. Both A and B. D. Listening to the radio.B Mr Kent is a science teacher. His hobby is bird-watching. He wants people to care more about birds. In a science lesson, Mr

32、 Kent takes his class to a big field. Birds are looking for food. He asks his students, “What will birds eat in winter. Can birds find food for eat? Many birds fly to another place in winter. Chinese cranes will fly from Heilongjiang to Jiangsu every winter. They fly together in small groups. They o

33、ften fly at night. Mr Kents students are very interested in birds. In winter, his students give birds seeds to eat. They like bird-watchingMark T or F 判断下面的句子意思是否与短文内容相符( )1. Mr Kent likes bird-watching and he doesnt like birds at all.( )2. Sometimes Mr Kent has his science classes on the field.( )3

34、. Mr Kent tells his students that birds cant eat any food in winter.( )4. Many birds fly to a warm place in winter.( )5. Mr Kents students like helping birds and they are birds friends. Read and fill根据图片所提示信息, 每空填写一个适当的英文单词完成短文,并请按题号顺序将答案写在短文下面的横线处Jim is 1 about his family photos with Gao Wei. These

35、 photos are about his family members 2 . Jims 3 hobby is fishing. He usually 4 fishing on Sundays, 5 gets nothing. Look at the old woman who is 6 Chinese tea. 7 Jims grandma. Jims father likes cooking, and his mothers hobby is 8 . She often sings 9 her birthday party, and she 10 it very much.1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6._ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _精品资料

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