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1、Happiness Happiness is a feel which peoples demands have been satisfied,is a moral enjoyment.vHappiness changes as we mature and define our goals more clearly.and our station in life,our surroundings,or our bank account does not determine the nature and extent of our happiness.Happiness is very simp

2、levCats eat fishvDogs eat meatUltra man fight with little monster sleeping to nature to wakeseveral money hand crampsvIn a word,happiness is an attitude toward life.It s a garden that only we can cultivate.How to Pursuit happiness Dontcompareyourselfwithanyoneinthisworld.Ifyoudo,youareinsultingyours

3、elf.Noonewillmanufacturealockwithoutakey.Similarlynoproblemwillgowithoutasolution.Life laughs at Life laughs at you when you are you when you are unhappy.unhappy.Life smiles at you when Life smiles at you when you are happy.you are happy.Life salutes you when Life salutes you when you make others ha

4、ppy.you make others happy.Everysuccessfulpersonhasapainfulstory.Everypainfulstoryhasasuccessfulending.Acceptthepainandgetreadyforsuccess.Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.Difficult is to recognize our own mistak

5、es.It is easier to protect your feet with slippers It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet.than to cover the earth with carpet.No one can go back and change a bad beginning;But anyone can start now and But anyone can start now and create a successful endin

6、g.create a successful ending.If a problem can be solved,no need to worry about it.If a problem cannot be solved,what is the use of worrying?IfyoumissanIfyoumissanopportunityopportunitydontfillthedontfilltheeyeswithtears.eyeswithtears.ItwillhideItwillhideanotherbetteranotherbetteropportunityinopportu

7、nityinfrontofyoufrontofyouChangingtheFacecanchangenothing.ChangingtheFacecanchangenothing.ButFacingtheChangecanchangeeverything.ButFacingtheChangecanchangeeverything.Dont complain about others;Dont complain about others;Change yourself if you want peace.Change yourself if you want peace.Mistakes are

8、 painful when they happen.Mistakes are painful when they happen.Mistakes are painful when they happen.Mistakes are painful when they happen.But years later collection of But years later collection of But years later collection of But years later collection of mistakes is called experience,mistakes i

9、s called experience,mistakes is called experience,mistakes is called experience,which leads to success.which leads to success.which leads to success.which leads to success.Beboldwhenyoulose!Beboldwhenyoulose!Becalmwhenyouwin!Becalmwhenyouwin!Heatedgoldbecomesornaments.Heatedgoldbecomesornaments.Beatencopperbecomeswires.Beatencopperbecomeswires.Depletedstonebecomesstatues.Depletedstonebecomesstatues.SothemorepainyougetinlifeSothemorepainyougetinlifeThemorevaluableyoubecome.Themorevaluableyoubecome.Thank you!

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