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1、英语教研组简介 我校英语教研组是一个富有朝气、充满活力、致力于英语特色教学的教研组。全组现有教师9人,其中高级教师2人,中级教师12人,初级教师8人。我们有着经验丰富、成绩显赫的指导力量,有着精神饱满而富有战斗力的中坚力量,还有年轻而富有冲击力的后备力量,这使我们英语组形成了平衡而有力的发展链条。 我们在教学中既注重团队合作,又重视个性发展。每学期都组织老师上公开课,以及参加校际交流活动,大家相互学习,交流教学感受和心得,使本组在融洽中和谐发展;同时,在“青蓝工程”的帮扶下,年轻老师茁壮成长,有着自己的教学特色,指导老师毫无保留地传授经验,也充满了年轻老师的活力。我们还积极思考与探讨,勤于总结

2、和反思,将教学中的疑点和难点各个击破,保持优点并进行改进。 我们也注重调动学生的积极性,发展学生的个性。我组每学期都举行一次学生英语比赛,如:作文比赛、英语口语比赛和英语基础知识竞赛等等,老师积极筹备,学生踊跃参与,给爱好英语的学生提供了施展才能的舞台,也为英语教学创造了良好的学习氛围。在新课改的推动下,我们积极参加课改培训,更新教学观念,开展课题研究,积极撰写教学论文和制作教学课件。近年来我组教师的论文和课件多次获得国家级、省级奖励,并在国家级、省级刊物上发表了多篇教学论文。回首过去,展望未来。英语教研组全体教师将继续保持优势,加强交流,拼搏进取,将自身的聪明才智融入到教学中,将彻底挖掘潜能

3、,喷洒于光辉的教育事业中,憧憬和创造美好的未来。Introduction English Teaching and Research Group in No.7 middle school is a group which is full of vigor and vitality, and aims at characteristics of English teaching. There are now 22 teachers in our group, including 2 senior teachers, 12 intermediate teachers, and 8 junior

4、teachers. Our group owns experienced and excellent teachers as guide power, spirited and bat-worthy teachers as backbone power and young teachers with impact as reserve power, which makes us form a balanced and powerful developing chain. We not only attach importance to group cooperation, but also p

5、ay attention to the development of personality in our teaching. Every term, we often organize teachers to give open classes, as well as take part in interchange activities between schools. We learn from each other and exchange feelings and experience of English teaching, which makes our group develo

6、p friendly in harmonious atmosphere. Meanwhile, with the help of the GreenBlue Project, young teachers keep steady and bee stronger and stronger, and they have their own characteristics of teaching. Guide teachers pass on their experience without reservation, and they are also full of young teachers

7、 vitality. We also think research actively, and are diligent in summary and self-examination, which makes us destroy the questionable and difficult points one by one, and keeps our advantages, even improves them. We pay attention to arouse the enthusiasm of students, and develop their personalities.

8、 Every term, we hold an English petition about position, spoken English or basic knowledge, etc. Teachers prepare actively and studentsjoin in with vigor or eagerness. These activities offer students who are interested of English a stage of showing theirtalent,and also create good study atmosphere f

9、or English teaching. With the motivation of new reformation of curriculum, we actively take part in the training of it, renew our teaching concepts, carry out subject study, write teaching thesis and make courseware. Recently our theses and courseware win a lot of prize about national level and prov

10、incial level, and some theses were published in relative publications. Looking back the past, and looking forward to the future, all teachers in our group will continuously hold on to our advantages, and strengthen munication, struggle and make progress. We will integrate our wisdom and talents into English teaching, and pletely tap our potential, then spray out to the brilliant education in order to long and create a bright future.

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