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1、石花镇中心学校英语社团(八年级)2014年秋 教 案 教师:刘 莉英语社团活动教案1Lesson 1Content and basic aims:1. Patterns and structural words:He said (that) He told me (that) he was going to /he felt/ he had finished.2. Vocabulary:Airport, milk, reporter, sensational3. Five prehension passages4. Grammar.Teaching steps1. Listening preh

2、ension.2. prehension.3. Asking questions.4. Pattern drill.5. Tell the story.6. Repetition drill.7. Pattern drill.8. Teach idioms.When I walk with two others, they must serve me as my teacher.Money will buy amusement but not happiness.Without hard work there wont be any scientific creations.Virtue is

3、 a jewel of great price.If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.9. Do some prehension exercise10. Grammar: 助动词(一),Like, 天气。英语社团活动教案2Lesson 2Content and basic aims:1. Patterns and structural words:He said (that) He told me (that) he would /could / might2. Vocabulary:Hotel, report, introduc

4、e, really, future, get married, the latest3. Five prehension passages4. Grammer.Teaching steps1. Listening prehension.2. prehension.3. Asking questions.4. Pattern drill.5. Tell the story.6. Repetition drill.7. Pattern drill.8. Teach famous sentences.When I walk with two others, they must serve me as

5、 my teacher.Money will buy amusement but not happiness.Without hard work there wont be any scientific creations.Virtue is a jewel of great price.If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.9. Do some prehension exercise.10. Grammer: 语音(三),助动词(二)Will/Shall表示将来,意愿。英语社团活动教案3Lesson 3Content and b

6、asic aims:1. Patterns and structural words:If (I win a lot of miney. I ) shallIf (he wins a lot of money, he ) willIf ( you feel better, you ) can2. Vocabulary:Dream, football, pool,seaside, depend on ,win, round3. Five prehension passages4. Grammer.Teaching steps1. Listening prehension.2. prehensio

7、n.3. Asking questions.4. Pattern drill.5. Tell the story.6. Repetition drill.7. Pattern drill.8. Teach famous sentences.An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.A room without books is like a body without a soul.Activity is the only road to knowledge.No man is born wise.Its never too late

8、to mend.Use a book as a bee does flowers.He who learns hard when he is young will not forget when he is old.9. Do some prehension exercise10. Grammer: Will/Be Going To,疑问词(四)。阶段测试。英语社团活动教案4Lesson 4Content and basic aims:1. Patterns and structural words:It is / They are ( opened) regularly.He is / Th

9、ey are ( invited) regularly.It was / They were (opened) this morning. He was/ They were (invited) this morning.2. Vocabulary:Amused, embarrassed, excited, funny, middle-aged, ugly, worried, curiously, kindly, opposite, regularly, powder pact, make up3. Five prehension passages4. Grammer.Teaching ste

10、ps1. Listening prehension.2. prehension.3. Asking questions.4. Pattern drill.5. Tell the story.6. Repetition drill.7. Pattern drill.8. Teach famous sentences.An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.A room without books is like a body without a soul.Activity is the only road to knowledge.N

11、o man is born wise.Its never too late to mend.Use a book as a bee does flowers.He who learns hard when he is young will not forget when he is old.9. Do some prehension exercise10. Grammer: 日期(询问日期及回答),动词Want / Would like,语音(四),打xx。英语社团活动教案5Lesson 5Content and basic aims:1. Patterns and structural wo

12、rds:It is /They have already been (opened).He is /They have already been (invited).Itll /Theyll be ( opened) soon.He hasnt/ They havent been (invited) yet.Itll/ Theyll be (invited) soon.2. Vocabulary:Beauty spot, cigarette end, ground, litter, rubbish, tire, visitor, woods, place, prosecute, surroun

13、d3. Five prehension passages4. Grammar.Teaching steps1. Listening prehension.2. prehension.3. Asking questions.4. Pattern drill.5. Tell the story.6. Repetition drill7. Teach famous sentences.An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon

14、 us.Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming.Flowers will bloom again in due time, but man can never regain his youth.There is no friend so faithful as a good book.8. Do some prehension exercise9. Grammer: 劝告和建议,疑问词(五),请求与邀请Will, Would, 数量,语音(五)。英语社团活动教案6Lesson 6Content and basic aims:1.

15、 Patterns and structural words: Its more/less (expensive). Its the most/least (expensive) Its as (good) as Its not as (good) as2.Vocabulary:deposit, model, installments, price, millionaire, television, cant affordon installments3. Five prehension passages4. Grammar.Teaching steps1. Listening prehens

16、ion.2.prehension.3. Asking questions.4. Pattern drill.5. Tell the story.6. Repetition drill.7. Pattern drill.8. Teach famous sentences.Reading makes a full man, conference makes a real man, writing makes an exact man.Better do a little well than a great deal badly.Studies serve for delight, for orna

17、ment and for ability.Book are the ever-burning lamp of accumulated wisdom.The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much.9. Do some prehension exercise10. Grammar: 问路和指路,To Be (was/were), 助动词。英语社团活动教案7英汉文化十大差异:在开放的现代社会,跨文化的言语交际显得愈发重要,已经成为现代交际中引人注目的一个特点。交际中的文化差异随处可见

18、,言语环境中的文化因素受到普遍重视。下面是英汉文化中十大常见差异。1回答提问中国人对别人的问话,总是以肯定或否定对方的话来确定用“对”或者“不对”。如:“我想你不到20岁,对吗?”“是的,我不到20岁。”(“不,我已经30岁了。”)英语中,对别人的问话,总是依据事实结果的肯定或否定用“Yes”或者“No”。如:“Youre not a student,are you?”“Yes,I am”(“No,I am not”)2亲属称谓英语的亲属以家庭为中心,一代人为一个称谓板块,只区别男性、女性,却忽视配偶双方因性别不同而出现的称谓差异。显得男女平等。如:英文“grandparents,grandf

19、ather,grandmother”,而中文“祖辈、爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆”。再如,父母同辈中的称谓:英文“uncle”和“aunt”,而中文“伯伯、叔叔、舅舅等,姑妈、姨妈等”。还有,英文中的表示下辈的“nephew和 niece”是不分侄甥的,表示同辈的“cousin”不分堂表、性别。3考虑问题的主体中国人喜欢以对方为中心,考虑对方的情感。比如:你想买什么?您想借什么书?而英语中,往往从自身的角度出发。如:Can I help you?What can I do for you?4问候用语中国人打招呼,一般都以对方处境或动向为思维出发点。如:您去哪里?您是上班还是下班?而西方人往往认为这些

20、纯属个人私事,不能随便问。所以他们见面打招呼总是说:HiHello!Good morningafternooneveningnight!How are you?Its a lovely day,isnt it?5面对恭维中国人的传统美德是谦虚谨慎,对别人的恭维和夸奖应是推辞。如:“您的英语讲得真好。”“哪里,哪里,一点也不行。”“菜做得很好吃。”“过奖,过奖,做得不好,请原谅。”西方人从来不过分谦虚,对恭维一般表示谢意,表现出一种自强自信的信念。如:“You can speak very good French”“Thank you”“Its a wonderful dish!”“I am g

21、lad you like it”所以,学生要注意当说英语的人称赞你时,千万不要回答:“No,I dont think so”这种回答在西方人看来是不礼貌的,甚至是虚伪的。6xx用语中国人打xx时的用语与平时讲话用语没有多少差异。“喂,您好。麻烦您叫一声王伟接xx。”“我是张英,请问您是谁?”英语中打xx与平时用语差别很大。如:“Hello,this is John speaking”“Could I speak to Tom please?”“Is that Mary speaking?”西方人一接到xx一般都先报自己的号码或者工作单位的名称。如:“Hello,52164768,this is

22、 Jim”中国学生刚开始学英语会犯这样的错误:“Hello,who are you please?”7接受礼物中国人收到礼物时,一般是放在一旁,确信客人走后,才迫不及待地拆开。受礼时连声说:“哎呀,还送礼物干什么?”“真是不好意思啦。”“下不为例。”“让您破费了。”西方人收到礼物时,一般当着客人的面马上打开,并连声称好:“Very beautiful!Wow!”“What a wonderful gift it is!”“Thank you for your present”8称呼用语中国人见面时喜欢问对方的年龄、收入、家庭等。而西方人很反感别人问及这些私事。西方人之间,如没有血缘关系,对男子

23、统称呼“Mr”,对未婚女士统称“Miss”,对已婚女士统称“Mrs”。中国人重视家庭、亲情,认为血浓于水。为了表示礼貌,对陌生人也要以亲属关系称呼。如:“大爷、大娘、大叔、大婶、大哥、大姐等”。9体贴他人在西方,向别人提供帮助、关心、同情等的方式和程度是根据接受方愿意接受的程度来定的;而中国人帮起忙来一般是热情洋溢,无微不至。例如:一位中国留学生在美国看到一位老教授蹒跚过车水马龙的马路,出于同情心,他飞步上前挽住老人,要送他过去,但是他得到的却是怒目而视。请看下面的对话:Chinese student:MrWhite,you are so pale,are you sick?English t

24、eacher:WellyesI have got a bad cold for several daysChinese student:Well,you should go to a clinic and see the doctor as soon as possibleEnglish teacher:Erwhat do you mean?中国人建议患上感冒的人马上去看医生,表示真诚的关心。而美国人对此不理解,会认为难道他的病有如此严重吗?因此,只要回答:“Im sorry to hear that”就够了。10请客吃饭中国人招待客人时,一般都准备了满桌美味佳肴,不断地劝客人享用,自己还谦虚

25、:“没什么菜,吃顿便饭。薄酒一杯,不成敬意。”行动上多以主人为客人夹菜为礼。西方人会对此大惑不解:明明这么多菜,却说没什么菜,这不是实事求是的行为。而他们请客吃饭,菜肴特别简单,经常以数量不多的蔬菜为可口的上等菜,席间劝客仅仅说:“Help yourself to some vegetables,please”吃喝由客人自便自定。可见在学习语言的过程中,不可忽视语言交际中的文化倾向,要适时导入相关的文化背景知识,以充实学习者的知识结构,提高认知能力。英语社团活动教案8英语情景交际练习题( )1早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:AHello! BHow are you CGood mornin

26、g,MrMiss.( )2假设你叫Lin Ping。当人家问你“Are you Lin Ping?”时,你应该说:AMy name is Lin Ping BYes,I am CI am not( )3当你要向别人打听某事时,你应先说:AHello BSorry C Excuse( )4当你向别人介绍你的朋友Jim时,你应说:AThis is Jim BHe is Jim CI am Jim( )5对方向你表示谢意时,你应说:AThats all right BNo,thanks CSorry( )6对方问你的身体状况时,你应该说:AHow do you do? BHow are you? C

27、Fine,thank you( )7当你要打扰对方时,你应该说:AHow are you? BExcuse me CI,m sorry( )8当你做错了事向别人表示歉意,你应该说:AIm OK BIm fine CIm sorry英语谚语A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。Do it now.机不可失,时不再来。Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。Knowledge is

28、 power.知识就是力量。 Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。 A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。 A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。英语社团活动教案9学习内容:感觉的表达教学目标:让学生能够用简单的英语表达感觉教学重点:表达感觉的单词及简单的句子学习过程:1提问2教单词3 句子4请同学试讲,教师做补充教案示例:sad 悲伤 happy 高兴terrible 糟糕worried 发愁shocked 震惊amazing 惊喜blue 忧伤 bad(坏的

29、)good(好的) terrlbie (糟糕的)wonderfulI(棒的)cool(凉爽的)cold(冷的)warm(温暖的)hot(热的)moved感动的surprised吃惊的frighted害怕的1.游戏内容:“Add on” 2.会话主题:看图说话 3.活动过程: Part 1 游戏是训练学生英语描述能力与及短期记忆,将学生以班为单位分成若干组,以比赛的形式进行,展示图片,要求学生根据图片内容描述,每说出一个完整句子可得一分,接下来必须在原句子的基础上添加新的内容,以抢答形式进行。例如: A: I see a living room. B: I see a living room and a beautiful box. C: I see a living room and a beautiful box. A cup is on the box. D: Part 2 让学生根据图片说一段话,先个人演练,再选代表进行比赛。 4总结,发奖品。

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