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1、管理沟通英语期末整理: 1. 管理沟通的五大策略,并且如何用这些策略分析视频或平面广告的沟通效果; municator Strategy:Is to analysis Who am I-credibility. Whats my object-(why). What style should I choose-(how), in all, is credibility, objective and style Audience Strategy: Techniques for gearing your munication toward your audiences needs and int

2、erests. Containing five parts:Who are they? What do they know? What do they need?What do they feel?How can you motivate them? Message Strategy: 2 basic approaches: Emphasize(强调) and organize(有条理的): Defining the object Clear ideas contend and structure. Channel choice Strategy:1. Writing or speaking?

3、 -Writing: keeps a permanent record and more formal; -Speaking: need a “richer” munication (需要更丰富的沟通) much more than words, difficult to arrange and unproductive and easier to be forgotten IMs problem 1.The other person is not always available 2. Not suitable for long conversation and plicated conve

4、rsation. 3. easy to be forwarded!4. Informal and bad grammar leads to a bad impression. 5. Too much multitasking and lead to embarrassments; Culture Strategy: How to influence:It affects objective, style, credibility in municator strategy. And selection and motivation in audience strategy. 2. 成功会议的标

5、准,根据给定的信息撰写会议开场白或者总结发言; The meeting 1. should be prepared well2. have clear purpose, 3. Everybody should be given a role, 4. has a clear procedure. A successful meeting contain three parts: 1. preparation before the meeting 2. participation and control during the meeting 3.decision-making and follow

6、-up after the meeting (会议后的决策和后续行动)Opening Remark(开场语) should contain a. agreeing the timing of the meeting(指出会议进行的时间) b. allocating or confirming the participants responsibilities(分工并明确责任) c. defining the output or results (描述之前的结果) d. outlining the agenda(描述议程) e. weling the participants(欢迎参会者) f.

7、 stating the purpose or objectives of the meeting(阐明目的或目标) g. introducing the participants (where necessary)(介绍与会者)Closing REMARK(结束语) should contain: a. Checking that the agenda is pleted;(检查议程是否完成) b. Agreeing and assigning actions;(同意并指出下一步行动) c. Ensuring that everything is clear;(确认每件事都是清晰的) d.

8、Going over the items on the agenda and summarizing the decisions and oute of the meeting;(回顾议程,总结会议结果及决定) e. Asking for clarification;(询问是否清晰) f. Closing the meeting;(闭幕) 3. 成功演讲和陈述报告至少应该注意哪三个方面的问题? Overall Does she consider the audience? System Is her presentation well prepared? Delivery Does she s

9、peak clearly Body language. Does she use her body to emphasize meaning. Visual Aids. Are the visual aids clear? Do they support her message? 31手机的利和弊Improve the efficiencySpend too much energy on mobile phones,Lead to decreased visionWe should take control of myself4. 什么是团队?合格团队应该具备的要素有哪些?关于团队冲突管理。

10、It is a sense of loyalty and dedication to the team.(对团队的忠诚和奉献) It is an unrestrained sense of excitement and enthusiasm about the team. (热情)It is a willingness to do anything that has to be done to help the team succeed.(做任何必须做的事) It is an intense identification with a group of people. (对一群人的强烈认同)I

11、t is a loss of self Clear and inspiring shared goals (自我明确和鼓舞人心的共同目标)A result-driven structure (结果驱动)petent team members (有能力的团队成员) Unified mitment (统一的承诺)Collaborative climate (协同合作的氛围)Standards of excellence (完美的标准) External support and recognition(外部支持和认可) Principled leadership (有原则的领导)1、peteing(

12、竞争): both aggressive and think from their own perspectives, based on their own interests, Reject to promise or cooperate-Zero Sum Cooperation. Suitble for IMPORTANT AND URGENT AFFAIRS 2、Side Stepping(侧步):Sidestepping is different from promising in that the former does not mean any change in position

13、 and value. Both neither concede nor attack to evade confrontation. Suitble for INSIGINIFICANT AND URGENT AFFAIRS 3、Acodation(暂存): Someone is highly collaborative and another is highly aggressive. Suitble for LESS IMPORTANT AND URGENT AFFAIRS(OR IF YOU ARE WRONG) 4、promising(妥协):Both are Partially c

14、oncessive but still partially aggressive and willing to retain the primary need or interests. Suitble for INSIGINIFICANT BUT URGENT AFFAIRS 5、collaboration(合作): Both have either concede or attack, but both consider the interest with each other and finally e into consensus Suitble for IMPORTANT BUT N

15、OT SO URGENT AFFAIRS5. 关于学徒:成为一个合格的团队领袖和团队成员分别应该具有哪些素质和条件?每一个人被淘汰 的原因是什么?团队中常见的冲突有哪几种?该如何管理冲突。请用视频中的例子说明。 Qualities a team leader should have: (个人)knowledge, shrewdness, patience, adaptability, endurance, sociability, concentration, ability to articulate, sense of humor, organizational qualitiesA te

16、am must (团队)posses a wide variety of technical, social, munication skills and ethics. 关于学徒的一些问题: Who is the apprentice:Bill is the apprentice:Good munication skills(in renting), Good Behavior and credibility( refuse to pretend). Self motivated( even though his opinion is pletely different from other

17、s). Excellent ability in analysis: (in gambling room. )6. 重要图表与模型: tell/sell: tell means informing, you want to audience to understand, sell means persuading , you want the audience to do sth. in these to situation, you have sufficient im, dont need to hear others opinion, to control the message content Consult/join: dont have sufficient information, need to hear others opinion, want to involve your audience in ing up with the message Maslows Hierarchic of Needs:Motivate the through audience benefits both in tangible & intangible ways.Never bury important issues in the middle.

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