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1、Unit6 keep our city clean一、 英汉互译保持干净 我们城市的这些图片 汽车尾气 工厂黑烟 使空气变脏 又乱又脏 在水里 乘公交车 步行去 从.搬走 把垃圾放进垃圾桶 值更多的树 做得好 扫地 擦桌子 把垃圾扔在地板上 步行回家 放学后 住在 许多博物馆 在地上 那样做 捡起来 太迟了 进医院 保持我们的学校干净 许多垃圾 一些鱼 二、 单项选择( )1. Who your school so clean? The cleaners. A.makes B.making C.make( )2. the water dirty? Yes. There a lot of dea

2、d fish. A. Is, are B.is,are C. Is, is( )3. There a lot of air around us. A.is B.are C.am( )4. I can see many around the lake. A.bus and cars B.bus and a car C.buses and cars( )5. There are a lot of in China. A.city B.cities C.citys( )6. We can the bus and the metro to school. A.take B.took C.by( )7.

3、 Rubbish the streets dirty. A.makes B.make C.making( )8. Trees can keep the air . A.messy B.clean C.dirty( )9. There a lot of rubbish in the street. A.are B.is C.arent ( )10. There many shops and cinemas near my home. A.is B.are C.have( )11. Su Hai always home with her friend. A.walk B.walks to C.wa

4、lks( )12. We can put the rubbish in the . A.bin B.street C.river( )13. your city clean? A. Do B. Does C. Is ( )14. Many people like the city. A.live in B.living C.living in ( )15. Dont the rubbish in the classroom. It makes the classroom . A.littering,clean B.throw, dirty C.throws,messy( )16. Billy

5、the banana skin and falls. A.slip on B.slips on C.slip to( )17. Su Hai a banana skin on the ground. A.makes B.throws C.eats( )18. Many fruit skins the streets messy. A.makes B.make C.put( )19. There are many in the lake. A.boat B.duck C.fish( )20. What do they do the room clean? A.keep B.to keep C.k

6、eeping( )21. Look! There much black smoke in the sky. A.is B.are C.have( )22. What you so happy? A.make B.makes C.to make( )23. You put the rubbish in the street. A.should B.can C.shouldnt( )24. Helen hamburgers. A.like eating B.like eat C.likes eating( )25. There is much in our city. A.museums B.fa

7、ctories C.rubbish( )26. A lot of fish in the river dead. A.was B.is C.are( )27. They often walk everyday. A.to school B.school C.for school( )28. How you make the city clean? A.can B.are C.were( )29. Your are great. A.photo B.ideas C.picture( )30. What can we do our rooms clean? A.keeps B.to keep C.

8、keeping三、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Please keep (we) city clean , and we can live happily.2. Look at (this) pictures of our classroom. They are nice.3. Who (make) our streets clean every morning?4. (keep)the air clean, we can (walk) to school.5. The fish in the river (be)dead.6. You can (plant) more trees and f

9、lowers. They are helpful for the city.7. There are a lot of (bin)in our school. 1. What (make) your bedroom messy and dirty?2. What can we do (keep) our house clean?3. We can some houses away (介词)the city.4. We should put rubbish (介词) the bin.5. We can go to school (by/take)bus by metro.6. Smoke can

10、 make the air (dirty/clean.7. I (like/dont like)rubbish. Its very dirty.1. We use water (clean) things every day.2. There is not (many)water in many places.3. Most of the energy (e) from coal and oil.4. A lot of plastic (be)bad for the Earth.5. People should use (paper) bags to protect the Earth.6.

11、Planting many trees can help us (keep)the air clean.7. Many cars use a lot of (energy).四、 按要求改写句子1. Rubbish makes the room dirty.(对划线提问) the room dirty?2. We can move them away.(改为一般疑问句) move them away?3. Black smoke makes the air dirty.(改为否定句) Black smoke the air dirty.4. People can see many old th

12、ings in the museum.(对划线提问) can people in the museum?5. You can put the clothes away to keep your house clean.(对划线部分提问) can I to keep my house clean?6. Yang Ling goes to school on foot every day.(改为同义句) Yang Ling school every day.7. Look at this picture of my family.(改为复数句) Look at of .8. Billy slips

13、 on the banana skin. Billy falls on the ground.(合并为一句) Billy on the banana skin and on the ground.9. You should throw the rubbish on the floor.(改为否定句) You the rubbish on the floor.10. There is some smoke in the sky.(改为一般疑问句) smoke in the sky?11. Did they clean the classroom yesterday?(改为肯定句) They th

14、e classroom yesterday?12. It can keep the room clean.(对划线提问) Do?13. I go to school on foot.(对划线提问) Go to school?五、 连词成句1. at, look, pictures, these, our, of, city(.)2. clean, our, is, city(?)3. our, makes, city, what, clean(?)4. dirty, smoke, from, cars, the, makes, air(.)5. dirty, and, streets, rub

15、bish, makes, the, messy(.)6. is, there, rubbish, the, in, water(.)7. can, we, what, do, keep, to, city, clean, our(?)8. can, we, take, bus, the, the, and, metro, school, to(.)9. can, we, walk, school, to, too(.)10. can, we, from, move, factories, some, away, city, our(.)11. put, in, bin, we, can, ru

16、bbish, the(.)12. more, we, trees, can, plant(.)13. help, they, the, clean, air, keep(.)14. Bobby, and, walking , Tina, are, after, home, school(.)15. living, the ,city, I, like,in(.)16. Bobby, on, the , throws, a, ground, banana(.)17. it, the, makes, messy, streets(.)18.should, you, put, your, rubbi

17、sh , the, in, bin(.)六、 根据中文提示完成下列句子1. 看我们城市的这些图片。 Look at our city.2. 我们的城市干净吗? our city ?3. 什么使我们的城市肮脏? our city ?4. 汽车尾气使空气脏。 cars the air .5. 垃圾使街道又脏又乱。 makes the streets and .6. 水里有垃圾,鱼都死了。 rubbish in the water, the fish .7. 我们可以做什么来保持我们城市的干净? can we do our city clean?8. 我们可以乘公交车和地铁去学校。 We can a

18、nd the metro school.9. 我们可以步行去学校。 We can school.10. 我们可以把一些工厂从我们的城市搬走。 We can some factories our city.11. 我们可以把垃圾放入垃圾桶。 We can rubbish the bin.12. 我们可以值更多的树。 We can .13. 他们帮助净化空气。 They help the air .14. 博比和缇娜放学后步行回家。 Bobby and Tina are after school.15. 我喜欢住在学校。 I like the city.16. 有许多电影院,商场,和电影院。 ma

19、ny museums , shops, and cinemas.17. 博比扔一个香蕉皮在地上。 Bobby a banana skin the ground.18. 你不应该那样做。 You .19. 把它捡起来。 it 。20. Billy踩在香蕉皮上滑到了。 Billy the banana skin and .21. Billy 进医院了。 Billy hospital.22. 为了保持教室的整洁,我们应该扫地。 the classroom clean, we should .七、 句子搭配 A B( )1. I like living in the city? A. Our moth

20、ers.( )2. What does “No littering”mean? B. He slips and falls on the floor.( )3. Whats the matter with Billy? C. We can sweep the floor.( )4. What can wen do to keep our bedroom clean? D. Me too.( )5. Who makes our clothes clean and tidy? E. It means you cant litter. A B( )1. Lets keep the room clea

21、n. A. I live in the city.( )2. Dont throw rubbish here. B. We can put rubbish in the bin.( )3. Where do you live? C. Good idea.( )4. What makes the bedroom messy? D. Im sorry.( )5. How can we keep the park clean? E. The shoes and clothes. A B( )1. Can the boy use too much plastic? A. Yes, he does.(

22、)2. Does he often waste water? B. He can plant some trees.( )3. How can you reuse paper? C. Sorry. ( )4. Dont waste the water. D. No, it isnt.( )5. Can you make a nice bag? E. OK.( )6. Is your classroom clean? F. Tank you.( )7. How can he protect the Earth? G. No, he cant.( )8. Lets keep our home clean. H. We can use it to make buses.( )9. How nice! I. Paper .( )10. What can we reuse? J. Yes, I can.八. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的“T”,不同的“F” ( )1.keep see ( )2.clean bread ( )3.make lake ( )4.hair air ( )5.smoke clock ( )6.messy hello ( )7.throw cow ( )8.bin skin ( )9.can fan ( )10.pick kick

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