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1、 节 目 单1. 娃哈哈+青春舞曲+送你一只玫瑰花 2.Three little pigs3.The city mouse and the country mouse4.The toad5.Let it go6.Three monkeys7.Tom Sawyer8.三等奖 抽奖9.You are not alone10.Long-long ago11.The tiger and the fox12.牧民的一天13. 外教活动14.Big-big world15.Wait for you16.Bounce the ball17.二等奖 抽奖18. The fox and the grapes19

2、.Little tadpoles looking for their Mommy20.Ten little Indians21.The wolf with the lamb 22.一等奖 抽奖23.The lion and the mouse24.The eagle and the arrow25.Apple and star26.Lemon tree27.小苹果(播放颁奖晚会片头)节目1: 娃哈哈+青春舞曲+送你一只玫瑰花 表演:Emily: Dear guests, dear parents.学合:Dear teachers and friends.齐:Good afternoon.Emi

3、ly: Its my great honor to be the host of todays petition. I am Emily,a teacher from.Coco: I am Coco, a student from.Emily: This petition is a good opportunity to show our successful teaching and your learning. So I hope that everyone will begin to fall in love with English. (这是我们英语教学成果的展示和对英语学习兴趣激发的

4、一次机会,所以我希望在座的每一位都会开始爱上英语)。Coco:I have a special feeling today!Emily: Oh? What special feeling do you have?Luck: Wonderful! Cant you feel it?Emily: Yeah! Of course!合:Yeah!Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! We are going to have a wonderful afternoon. An exciting petition is waiting for you!Coco: Th

5、ere are many wonderful stories!Luck: There are many beautiful songs.Zac: Yes, they are wonderful and interesting!合:Are you ready?Emily:At first, lets warmly wele the presence of distinguished guests and our Richard lovely teachers, students and parents. Thank you for you ing! 首先,让我们热烈欢迎到场的所有嘉宾以及我们理查

6、德所有的老师、学生和家长。欢迎你们的到来。接下来是让我介绍一下本场比赛的评委嘉宾: 掌声欢迎他们。Now lets begin our contest. The talent show is now formally beginning.现在英语达人秀大赛正式开始 Three little pigsEmily: Ok, Coco, Do you love the story of the three little pigs.?Coco: Yes .I like the three lovely pigs very much.Emily: Today the three pigs have al

7、ready e to our party.Coco: Really? Where? Where? (做手势)Emily: Ha-ha. Look! They are here, lets weleThree little pigs.下面请欣赏情景剧三只小猪。Emily:What clever pigs!Luck,Do you like living in the city or the country?Luck:(稍作停顿,摇摇头说道)I dont know.Emily: Lets listen to the story first. It can help you to choose!下面请

8、欣赏故事城市老鼠和乡村老鼠。Emily: OK. After listening to the story, tell me your choice.Luck: I like free so I like country and it seems that country is more beautiful.Emily: En. I think so .Country is very interesting and I know in a small- small country. There is a small-small tree .So what will happen in the

9、tree? Lets enjoy tongue twister.下面请欣赏绕口令蟾蜍。Let it goZac唱歌中、。Emily::Wait, wait! Emily! What are you doing ?Zac:Im singing!Emily Your singing is terrible!Zac: So what? Can you?Emily: No, I cant. But 刘智萱can. Lets enjoyLet it go下面请欣赏歌曲Let it go。Three monksLuck: One boy is a boy. Two boys half a boy. Thr

10、ee boys no boy. Heres a traditional Chinese story.The Three Monks 下面请欣赏故事三个和尚。Tom SawyerCoco: The story told us “when we together,we should help each other”. Its a good story. Luck, Are you brave?Luck: Yes, of course! (拍拍胸脯). Im a big boy!Coco:Ok,but I think Tom is braver than you. lets enjoy Tom sa

11、wyer. 下面请欣赏故事汤姆索亚历险记。三等奖 抽奖:(Coco,Zac.Emily)Coco:I lost myself in the music. I really want to listen to more.Emily: Yes, its wonderful. But today we have a big surprise for our guests 是很精彩,但是今天还有大惊喜等着呢!Coco: What is it? Emily: That is lucky draw(那就是幸运抽奖). Today well draw the third prize five,The sec

12、ond prize two, The first prize one. 当然是幸运抽奖啦,今天我们将会抽出五名三等奖,两名二等奖和一名一等奖。Coco: Wow, its great!Emily: OK, its time for lucky draw. Well take the five prize three. Please let our leader to select the five lucky guests of third prize. B1拿着抽奖箱出来,嘉宾上来,Emily一边说If the lucky number in you hand matches the one

13、 that_ picks out, then youll the lucky one. 接下来呢,让我们共同走进幸运大抽奖。请各位观众留意一下你的座位号,具体是第几排,第几座。那么现在有请 上来抽五名三等奖的幸运观众。嘉宾:报号码Emily: Congratulations. Where are you? Please e to the stage .Wow, you are so lucky. Let s give them some claps! 等五个人上来以后问他们拿票Emily: Congratulate to these five lucky persons.You are not

14、 aloneEmily:Oh!How lucky they are!Zac:Yes!Emily:Ok,lets continue our contest. Next one Im not alone.Wele.下面请欣赏歌曲You are not alone。Long-long agoLuck: Emily! I swear Ill bee braver!Emily: Good boy! (竖起大拇指)Now , show your brave. Play a performance.Luck:左三圈,右三圈,脖子扭扭屁股扭扭(边唱边做)Emily:What are you doing?Luc

15、k: I am singing and dancing!Emily:(偷笑!)You should practice more. I know a lovely little girl who can sing and dance better than you.Luck: Really?Emily: Yes, lets enjoy Long-long ago下面请欣赏歌曲Long-long agoThe tiger and the foxCoco:Wow, she have mixed the beautiful tones and graceful dance with English.(

16、沉醉)Zac:Coco,Do you knowThe tiger and the fox?Coco:Yes,its almost known by everyone. But maybe you have never heard it in English. Now lets listen.下面请欣赏故事狐假虎威晓雯音乐Emily:Thank you for the excellent story!Zac, Do you still remember the opening of the show?Zac:Yes,Its so good!Emily:Now,Lets enjoy another

17、 program form晓雯music 下面请欣赏由晓雯音乐的友情演出,电子琴合奏牧民的一天外教活动Emily: Zac,Do you know Anna and Dylan? Zac: Yes, they are two terrific foreign teachers. Emily: They are good at teaching and they are letting all the parents feel confident with our school. Lets wele Anna and Dylan.(在我有这样两位优秀的外教,他们认真教学,他们让每个家长放心,他们

18、是谁呢?掌声有请Big-big worldLuck: Thanks for our foreign teachers performance .Now, lets continue to enjoy our petition .Next oneBig-big world. Wele!下面有请欣赏歌曲Big-big worldWaiting for youEmily:I almost cant believe my ears. Everyone is versatile .How nice sound and what a sweat song.Zac: I am versatile too!(

19、神气的表情,然后拿出手上的纸开始念歌词。).Emily:(晃两下)Wait,wait , I am going to faint, what are you reading?Zac: A story called waiting for you.Emily: Oh,I have a good idea, we can learn English by listening to music. Zac:露出不可置信的表情Emily:Dont believe?Lets enjoywaiting for you. 下面请欣赏歌曲Waiting for youBounce the ballEmily:

20、If you want to be a good host you must be good at saying tongue twister. Zac, can you?Zac:Yes,I can ,but I know 钱雨辰can say better than me .Emily: Really? I am so eager to listen .What are we waiting for?Zac:Lets enjoy Bounce the ball下面请欣赏绕口令拍皮球抽奖 二等奖(Emily,Coco,Zac)Emily: Ok, its time for lucky draw

21、 again. Let our to draw the two lucky guests of second prize. (现在我们有请 来抽二等奖)Zac拿着箱子出来,嘉宾上来抽奖,Emily一边说This round, well see which lucky person will be? Everybody shouts your numbers loudly!让我们看看这一轮的幸运儿到底是谁呢?在座的观众朋友们,大声喊出你们的号码嘉宾:报号码Emily: Congratulations. No._ and No._, Where are you? Please e to the f

22、ront.嘉宾上来后,Emily把号码票拿走Emily: Congratulate to these two lucky persons. The fox and the grapesEmily:Coco,Do you like the second prize?Coco: Yes(点点头),I really want to get one.Emily:Ha-ha, Its a daydream. Ok,Now,Lets continue our matches. It seems that foxes are much popular in todays stories .Coco:En(点

23、点头)Emily:Now next talent show The fox and the grapes.下面请欣赏故事狐狸和葡萄Little tadpoles looking for their MommyCoco: Its wonderful. Although its summer now,but I like spring best. Because there are a lot of stories in spring.Luck:Yes.Little tadpoles looking for their Mommyis one of the stories we are famil

24、iar with.Coco:Yeah!So lets enjoy it .wele.下面请欣赏故事小蝌蚪找妈妈Ten little IndiansZac: (边说边张望四周,却不说话,Emily几次想问,却咽了下去,终于忍不住)Emily:Hey,hey,Are you ok?you forget the line?Zac:No,Im waiting for someone.Emily: Whom are you waiting for?Zac: Ten little Indians!Emily: Ten little Indians?Zac: Oh, look! Here they e!下面

25、请欣赏歌曲十个印第安人The wolf with the lambLuck:We all know wolves are very dangerous animals. But with lamb together, what will happen? Lets enjoyThe wolf with the lamb下面请欣赏故事狼和小羊抽奖 三等奖(Coco,Zac,Emily)Emily:Boys and girls, the most exciting moment is ing!最激动人心的时刻就要来了!Coco:Yes,the last round of lucky draw ton

26、ight. Lets wele our_ to select the lucky number of first prize.有请 为我们抽出今天的一等奖。 Zac拿着抽奖箱出来,嘉宾上来,Emily一大声喊:Everybody,Do you want to be the first prize? Ok, shout out your numbers!想要得奖吗?大声喊出你们的座位号吧!1,2,3,!大点声,让我听到!嘉宾抽奖:Emily:Wow,The most lucky guest where you are? e here please!The lion and the mouseEm

27、ily:突然表现出焦急的神情,然后说 I want someone to help me (环顾四周)Zac:Whats wrong?I can help you !Emily:You?You are so little. How can you help me?Zac: Though Im small, I can help you too!Emily,Zac:Lets enjoyThe lion and the mouse下面请欣赏狮子和老鼠的故事The eagle and the arrowLuck:I think all the students like stories very m

28、uch. Lets enjoyThe eagle and the arrow下面请欣赏老鹰和箭的故事Apple and starZac:Thank you for the performance. Now,lets enjoyApple and star下面请欣赏歌曲串烧小苹果和小星星Lemon treeLuck: Coco, How many programs have already performed?Coco: Eighteen programs!Luck:Oh, So just only one left.Coco: Yes, now es the last one. Her nam

29、e is 姚若彤.Lemon treefor you. Wele.下面请欣赏歌曲柠檬树 晓雯音乐 Emily:感谢学员们的精彩表演。为止,所有的剧目均已展示完毕。现在,评委们 正在紧张的分数统计之中。接下来,请大家欣赏,由晓雯音乐带来的乐器演奏 双排键Zac:Lets wele them!颁奖 Emily:Now its time for the most exciting moment! Emily:相信在场的各位,此时最关心的,就是我手上拿的这份决赛成绩。 No matter what prize you achieved, we believe you are the best.Emil

30、y:小达人大赛 最佳台风奖 的节目是: 最佳主持奖是: 大家掌声欢迎选手们上台。有请颁奖嘉宾: 演 员和颁奖嘉宾上Emily:Congratulations.Emily:接下来,获得 三等奖 的节目是: 获得二等奖的节目是: 获得一等奖的节目是: 大家掌声欢迎选手们上台。Emily: congratulations.Emily: 让我们再次用最热烈的掌声恭喜获奖演员,恭喜他们,恭喜这些优秀的学员们!结束语Emily:How time flies! Its time for our say goodbye .All the contestants excellent performance in

31、 todays petition brings us a spectacular visual feast.非常感谢所有小演员带来的精彩演出Coco: We are enthusiastic. Luck:We have dreams!Zac: We will study harder to be the best in the future.Luck: Richard English Talent Show contest is ending.Emily:Congratulation to all the contestants and all the guests and judges! Thank your for your ing!合:Thank you so much .See you next time.

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