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1、一、船体 hull油漆 print轮机 machinery电气 eletricity二、日期表达法:一月 Jan二月 Feb三月 Mar四月 Apr五月 May六月 Jun七月 Jul八月 Aug九月 Sep十月 Oct十一月 Nov十二月 Dec三、检验地点:跨间 shed车间 workshop平台 assembling area船台 berth码头 wharf船上 on board四、验收阶段:分段完工后after block finished (complete finishing block)分段合拢后after blocks closed (blocks fitted)分段合拢焊接后

2、after blocks closed and welded (after blocks fitted and welded)下水前 before launching水尺(载重标志)划线(安装)后after marking (fitting) the draft marks (loading)机加工后after final machining组装后after assembling镗孔前(后)before (after) boring (prior to boring)压入前(后)before (after) push-up (prior to push-up)动车前before running

3、 (prior to starting up)系泊试验mooring test效用试验 function test气压试验 air pressure test水密试验 water tight test压头试验 tested by water head液压试验 hydraulic test冲水试验 hose test航行试验 sea trial五、船体结构:平板龙骨 plate keel中桁材 center girder舷侧外板 side shell plate舷侧纵桁 side stringer甲板边板 stringer船底板 bottom plate旁桁板 side girder舷顶列板 s

4、heertrake甲板 deck plate甲板纵桁 deck girder 甲板纵骨 deck longitudinal船底纵骨 bottom longitudinal双重底 double bottom内底板 inner bottom plate (tank top plate)内底边板 margin plate实肋板 plate floor组合肋板 bracker floor肋骨 frame强肋骨 strength frame横梁 beam强横梁 strength beam舱壁 bulkhead纵舱壁 longitudinal bulkhead横舱壁 transverse bulkhead

5、槽形舱壁 channeled bulkhead防撞舱壁 collision bulkhead货舱 cargo hold舱口 hatchway舱口盖 hatch cover货舱口围板 hatch coaming围槛 coaming plate舱口端横梁 hatch and beam舭板 bilge strake舭肘板 bilge bracket甲板 deck起居甲板 accommodation deck船长甲板 captain deck罗经甲板 compass deck驾驶甲板 navigating deck甲板室 deck cabin舷垟 bulkwark尾柱 stern post支柱 sta

6、nchion上甲板 upper deck救生艇甲板 boat deck遮阳甲板 shade deck桥楼甲板 bridge deck上层建筑 super structure甲板间 tweendeck桅杆 mast尾轴管 stern tube球鼻首 bull bow六、舱室名称:船首 bow船尾 aft左舷 bow右舷 starboard尾尖仓 after peak tank首尖仓 bow peak tank尾楼 poop首楼 forecastle 桅屋 masthouse舵机房 steering pear room压载水仓 ballast water tank 顶边水仓 topside tan

7、k锚链仓 chain locker燃料油仓 fuel oil tank(F.W.tank)淡水仓 fresh water tank(F.W.tank)滑油舱 lubricating oil tank(L.O.tank)柴油舱 diesel oil tank(D.O.tank)重柴油仓 heavy diesel oil tank(H.D.O.tank)隔离仓 cofferdam污油舱 sludge oil tank污水仓 bilge tank污水井 bilge sump(well)海水柜 sea water tank深燃油舱 deep tank for F.O.滑油循环柜 L.O.circlin

8、g tank柴油日用柜 D.O.daily tank轻柴油储藏柜 light D.O.storage tank测深仪仓 sounder room计程仪仓 log room污水柜 sewage tank机舱 engine room通海阀箱 sea inlet valve chest机舱棚 engine room casing集控室 centralize control room烟囱 funnel平台 flat机修间 workshop工具间 toolsroom备件间 spare parts room冷藏库 refrigerated storage粮食库 provision chamber蔬菜库 v

9、egetable chamber肉库 meat chamber鱼库 fish chamber油漆间 paint locker船长室 masters room大副室 chief officer room二副(三副、四副)室 2nd(3rd,4th)officer room轮机长室 chief engineer room大管(二管、三管、四管)室 2nd(3rd,4th,5th) engineer room电机员室 electrical engineer room 服务主任室 chief radio officer room报务员室 radio officer room事务长室 chief ste

10、ward room医生室 doctor room水手长室 boatswain room水手室 seamen room机工室 motormen room电工室 electronican room大厨室 chief cook room服务员室 steward room卧室 night cabin休息室 day room办公室 office浴室 bathroom厕所 toilet餐室 messroom配膳室 pantry病房 hospital厨房 galleys洗衣室 laundry七、检验业务用英语举例:1、 木工:船长室、轮机长室(电机员室)敷板前检查隔热安装Inspecting insulat

11、ion installation for ma-ster room ,chief engineer room (electrical engineer room)before panel船长室(轮机长室)内卫装饰完整性提交completeness delivery of interior decoration for master room (chief engneer room)2、 油漆:检查淡水仓内表面(外表面)二次除锈inspecting for second the inside (out side)surface of fresh water tank derusting油漆损坏修

12、补检查checking the touching up for the damage on the painting检查NO1货舱内表面第一度底漆 Inspecting primary coat of the surfaces inside the No.1 cargohold检查首尖仓第一度(最后一度)面漆Inspecting the 1st (last)surface painting of bow peak tank下水前船底(外板)油漆检查Inspecting paint of bottom plate (side shell plate)before launching船底板防锈漆干

13、膜厚度测量Measuring film thickness of anti-corrosive paint for bottom plate3、 船体:56分段完工后结构完整性和焊缝检查Inspecting stucture integrity and welding seam on completing No.55 block上层建筑完工后结构完整性检查Inspecting structure integrity after comple-ting the superstructureNO8和NO9分段合拢后大接头装配精确性和结构完整性检查Checking the joint accurac

14、y and structure integrity between No.8 and No.9 blockNO8和NO9分段合拢后焊缝检查Inspecting weld seam between block No8 and No.9 after closed上层建筑合拢后结构完整性检查Inspecting structure integrity of super-structure (deck cabin)after joined货舱口围板船上安装精度检查Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on berth货舱口围板焊接后焊缝检查Inspe

15、cting weld seam of hatch coaming when welded onNO1压载水仓(NO15分段)气压试验(压头试验)检查Inspecting air pressure test (tested with water head)for NO1 ballast water tank (block NO15)上甲板冲水试验检查inspecting hose test for upper deck下水前测量船体主尺度、总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度Measuring hulls main dimensions length overall (LOA.),length

16、between perpendiculars (LPP.),breadth molded(B.mld) depth molded and deflection of baseline before lanching.划线后检查吃水标尺至平板龙骨底之间的距离Inspecting distance between draught marks and plate keep bottom after marking out.吃水标尺(载重线标志)安装后精确性检查Inspecting fitting accuracy of draught mark(loadline).载重线标志划线后检查尺度Inspe

17、cting dimension of loadline after marking out.舵叶完工后检查Inspecting rudder after finished.(rudder completing inspect).货舱舱口盖焊缝和尺度检查Inspecting welding seams and dimensions of cargo hatch cover.4、 轮机内场螺旋浆轴(中间轴)机加工尺寸检查Inspecting machining dimension of propeller shaft(intermediate shaft or counter shaft).检查螺

18、旋浆轴与螺旋浆锥度接触面Checking for surface contact area (metallic contact)between sternshat and propeller hub tapers.舵杆机加工尺寸检查Inspecting machining dimension of rudder stock.上舵承组装后检查Inspecting rudder carrier after assembly.舵销机加工尺寸检查Inspecting machining dimension of rudder pintle.舵杆、舵叶、舵销连接后中心线检查Inspecting alig

19、nment of stock,rudder blade and pintle after connecting.锚投掷试验和拉力试验Lowering test and tension test for anchor.轴系连接螺栓和孔尺寸测量Measuring dimension of coupling bolt and reamer hole.5、 轮机外场安装:防蚀板布置正确性检查Inspecting arrangement correctness of aluminium anodes.船名牌(烟囱标志)安装正确性检查Inspeecting installation correctness

20、 of name plate on ship (funnel mark)水密小舱口盖(水密门、窗)启、闭灵活性检查和冲水密性试验Flexibility and hosing test for small water tight hatch covers(water tight door and window)货舱舱口盖密性试验(启闭试验、应急启闭试验)Tightness test (opening & closing test,emergency opening & closing test)for cargo hatch cover.弃锚装置检查Inspecting anchor throw

21、ing away appliance.轴、舵系镗孔前定位检查Inspecting centreline posotioning of shaft system &rudder systembefore boring.轴系镗孔后光学校中检查Optical aligner check for shaft system after boring.尾轴管的滑油管液压试验Hydraulic test for L.O.pipe for stern tube.尾轴管前、后轴承与衬套直径测量Measuring diameter of fore and aft stern tube bearing and bu

22、shes.尾轴管前、后衬套压入检查Inspecting push-up load for fore and aft stern tube bushes. 螺旋浆轴与轴承间隙测量Measuring clearance between propellershaft and bearing.螺旋浆压入检查Inspecting push-up load(wet fitting)for the propeller.尾轴密封装置的安装及密性试验Fitting and tightness testing stern tube seal.下水前(试航后)螺旋浆轴磨损测量Measuring wear-down

23、of propellershaft befor launching(after sea trial)尾轴管滑油系统的投油清洗Flushing L.O.system of stern tube with oil舵轴承安装间隙测量Measuring installation clearance of rudder bearing.舵叶零位检查Inspecting datum (zero) position of rudder blade.舵装置完整性与轻便性检查Inspecting intergrity and dlexibility of rudder appliance舵止跳块的间隙测量Mea

24、suring clearance of rudder jumping stop-per.操舵装置完整性检查Inspecting integrity of steering gear.舵机管路系统的投油清洗舵机系泊试验舵机航行中操舵试验舵机应急操舵试验锚机管路系统的投油清洗锚机安装与校中检查锚机系泊试验锚机航行中抛起锚试验绞缆机完整性检查绞缆机管路系统的投油清洗绞缆机系泊试验舵机(锚机、绞缆机)液压系统安全装置调整4吨食物吊运转试验和吊重试验救生艇收放试验救生艇航行试验舷梯(引水员梯)压重试验舷梯(引水员梯)压重试验和绞车收放试验货舱舱口盖启闭试验货舱舱口盖应急启闭试验无人机舱航行试验主机垫片检



27、效用试验机舱行车吊重试验机修间设备运转试验燃油管路燃油驳运管路燃油净化管路滑油管路滑油驳运管路滑油净化管路压缩空气管路控制空气管路海水管路淡水管路蒸汽管路加热蒸汽管路锅炉给水管路凝水管路全船供水管路机舱供水管路甲板疏排水管路消防水管路应急消防水管路CO2灭火管路压载管路舱底管路冷藏管路燃油管路内场水压试验滑油管系船上密性试验和畅通试验压载(汽笛)系统效用试验CO2灭火系统警铃工作试验舱底系统应急吸口效用试验冷藏管系气密试验和真空试验空调装置(舱室风机)效用试验和遥控停车试验冷藏系统冷却试验和保温试验航行试验中主机遥控系统操作试验6、 强电:驾驶室敷板前检查主干电缆安装总配电板(应急配电板)绝缘


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