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1、What is your most favourite thing?moneyStructureMoney is important.Is money everything?How to gain money.Is money the root of all evil?My attitude towards money.Important Without money,we can buy nothing.Have you ever dreamed about such a scene that you won the lottery?If you won one hundred million

2、 If you won one hundred million yuan in the lottery,what would yuan in the lottery,what would you buy for youself with ityou buy for youself with it?LamborghiniluxuryvillaLouis Vuitton CHANELbenefit televisionwatchcarphone Money is not everythingIt can buy you a house but not a home.It can buy you a

3、 bed but not sleep.It can buy you a clock but not time.It can buy you books but not knowledge.It can buy you blood but not life.It can buy you sex but not love.It can buy you a position but not respect.It can buy you medicine but not health.A gentleman who loves money should make it by honorable mea

4、ns.Howlegal salary bonusinvestment illegal robberydrugcorruptionDo not take the wrong turning!A single slip may cause lasting sorrow.(一失足而成千古恨)illegal illegal jailfamilyRoot of all evil?Root of all evil?jealousyangerMoney may not be the root of all evil,But it often brings us anguish and regrets.Att

5、itudeDesire has no rest.AttitudeWe must know how to control our greedy emotion AttitudeMoney is not the only goal!We need something more important!AttitudeEnvironment protectionenergy saving AttitudedreamcharityFrom my perspective,money itself is neither good From my perspective,money itself is neit

6、her good nor bad.What really counts is how you earn it and nor bad.What really counts is how you earn it and what you do with it.A job is more than a paycheck:what you do with it.A job is more than a paycheck:it helps establish ones identity and provide one it helps establish ones identity and provi

7、de one with a sense of achievement,which makes a great with a sense of achievement,which makes a great difference between a meaningful life and an aimless difference between a meaningful life and an aimless one.As a proverb goes,one.As a proverb goes,money is a good servant but money is a good servant but a bad mastera bad master.To live a happy life,we must learn.To live a happy life,we must learn to be the master of money instead of the slave of to be the master of money instead of the slave of it.it.AttitudeAttitudeDo not be the slave of money!Thank you!

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