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1、英语中的否定第一部分:重点讲解I. 否定的种类:否定句是英语中的常用基本句型之一,它用来表示对所表达情况的否认.英语的否定结构形式多种多样,无论在思路上,还是在表达方式上,都与汉语有许多差异.如果只按字面意思翻译,有时会造成误解.因此,在做英译汉和汉译英练习时,一定要认真体会其中的含义,不要望文生义,以防陷入这个可怕的迷宫. 按意义分,英语中的否定多种多样.有全部否定、部分否定、多重否定(双重否定). 1)全部否定 no, not, never, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither. nor,结构均表示强烈意味的完全否定, 在汉语中体现为绝对不,没有

2、,远不(非).,一点也不,根本不.,无论如何也没有.等. 2)部分否定 英语中一些含有总括含义的代词、形容词或副词,当用于否定句中时,只否定一部分,而不是完全否定.如all, everybody(everyone), everything, anyone(anybody), anything, anywhere, everywhere, always, quite, both, entirely, altogether等词与not连用时,在汉语中译为.不全是.,不都是.,并非全都是.,不总是.等,而不是按照字面理解为所有.都不是. All that glitters is not gold.

3、闪闪发光的东西不一定都是金子.(误:所有闪闪发光的都不是金子.) All of us dont want to go.照字面看来好像是“我们大家都不想去”,而实际上是“并非大家都不想去”,即有人想去,有人不想去。 “None of us wants to go” 才是“大家都不想去”因此, “Allnot” 应解释为“一切并不都”或“并非一切都”。例如:All knowledge and techniques of modern medicine cannot bring him back to life.即使现代医学的全部知识与技术也不能使他起死回生。(注:在此解作“即使全部的也不”)类似

4、“Allnot” 的结构还有 “Bothnot” , “Everynot” , 如:Every instrument here is not good.这里的仪器并不都很好。二:英语否定形式 1) 英语中否定含义的表达形式多种多样,可以用not,no,never,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere等否定词来表达否定之意.2) 可以用hardly,scarcely,seldom,little,few等半否定词来表达否定之意.3)可以用含否定意义的前缀a,ab,an,de,dis,il,im,in,ir,non,un,under等构成的词表达否定之意;也可以用后缀 -less,

5、free,proof等构成的词表达否定之意。4)除此以外,还可以用含否定意义的词、词组或句子表达否定意义,现将其作如下归纳:一)、运用含否定意义的词及词组表示否定意义1动词:absent(缺席,不到),fail(没有),defy(公然反抗),deny(否认),miss(未击中,未赶上),lack(缺乏),escape(被忘掉),ignore(不顾),refuse(不肯,拒不),negate(否定),decline(拒绝),neglect(忽略),forbid(不许, 不准),resist(抗拒)等。例如:He absented himself from a meeting on some pr

6、etext他借故不去开会。Her name escaped me for a moment我一时记不起她的名字了。2动词短语: differ from(与不同), prefer to(宁愿而不),keep off(不接近,不让接近),keep fromprevent fromstopfromprotect from(阻止,使不), deprive of(使丧失),lose sight of(看不见), make light of(轻视,视不足道)等。例如:Why should you prevent them from moving into the new house?你们为什么不让他们搬进

7、新居呢?Sickness deprived her of the pleasure of meeting her son疾病使她不能同儿子欢聚。3名词:absence(不在), failure(没有,不及格), lack(缺乏),(不愿),refusal(不肯),ignorance(无知),negation(否定),shortage(缺乏,不足),want(缺少),zero(乌有)等。例如:His reluctance to think of a nonsports career caught up with him他不愿考虑运动员以外的职业给他带来的不幸。Bass was also in i

8、gnorance of his whereabouts贝斯也不知他的下落。Shortage of manpower is the chief cause of the delay at the factory人力不足是该工厂生产停滞的主要原因。Their hopes were reduced to zero他们的希望化为乌有。4形容词及形容词短语: reluctant(不愿), absent from(不在,没到场), ignorant of(不知,不懂),different from(与不同),short of(缺少,不足),far from(远非,决不),safe from(免于), fr

9、ee from(不受影响的,没有的),free of(无的)等。例如:We should be free from arrogance and rashness我们应该不骄不躁。5介词:above(超出之外),against(反对), beneath(不值得),beyond(超出,无法), off(离开), past(超过), butexcept(除之外)等。例如:This problem is beneath notice这个问题不值得注意。The young men of the present day are beyond my prehension当代青年我无法理解。His stupi

10、dity is past all belief他的愚蠢简直不可思议。6介词短语:at a loss(不知所措,不知), in the dark(不知道), invain(徒劳,无用), out of the question(不可能), off ones guard(毫无防备,没有警惕),out of the swim(不合时髦,不合潮流), at ones witsend(智穷计尽,不知所措), at the end of ones ropeat the end of ones row(山穷水尽,智穷力竭)等。例如:The police are at a loss for an explan

11、ation of the affair警察不知如何解释这件事情。I am pletely in the dark concerning his plans关于他的计划,我全然不知。I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is out of the question我有这么多工作要做,因此,今年我不可能休假了。7其他词组及固定搭配:anything butby no meansin no caseon no accountunder no circumstances(决不), instead of(而不), rather

12、 than(而不是), other than(不同于,除以外), aside from(除了以外), least ofall(最不),the last(极不可能的,最不适合的), let aloneto say nothingstill less,(更不用说)等。例如:The little bridge is anything but safe那座小桥决不安全。The truth is quite other than what you think事实真相同你想的完全不同。He cant run a hundred yards,still less a mile他一百码都跑不了,更不用说一英里

13、了。二、运用某些结构表达否定意义1too to 太 而不能 Hes too much of a coward to do that他太怯懦了,干不了那件事。enough to + v 足够 能 He is old enough to go to school .He is too young to go to school .too not (双重否定)太 而不可能不 He is too brilliant not to be elected .not enough to + v 不够 而不能 She is not old enough to go to school .。not /never

14、 too to 怎么 也不过分 越 越 You cant be too careful to drive car.but /only too to 非常 He is but too glad to join us 他非常乐意参加我们的活动。2more A than B(与其 B不如 A)或 more than含有 can的从句(不能)He is more brave than wise他有勇无谋。My gratitude for your help is more than I can express对于你给我帮助的感激之情我无法表达。3比较级than不定式(不至于做)You should k

15、now better than to play football in the classroom你应憧得不该在教室里踢足球。He was wiser than to have done such a thing他不至于愚蠢得竟然做出这样的事情。三、运用以连词before,unless等引出的状语从句表达否定意义He slipped out before the meeting started会议还没开始,他就悄悄地溜出去了。Unless you put on your overcoat,youll catch a cold如果你不穿大衣,就会着凉。四、用虚拟语气表达否定意义But for y

16、our ing,I should have been very lonely要不是你来了,我会感到很寂寞的。If only you had worked with greater care你要是工作更仔细一些就好了。补充:当陈述部分有下列否定词时, 反意疑问句附加部分用肯定结构。( few; little ; seldom; hardly; never; not; no; no one; no body ; nothing;none; neither 等)e.g. There is little ink in your pen, is there? He can hardly write hi

17、s name, can he? 然而1)如果陈述部分的否定词是通过加前缀或后缀而构成的, 附加部分依然用否定式。e.g. Its unfair, isnt it?You are hopeless, arent you?She dislike doing housework, didnt she?She had a dislike for housework, didnt she? 2). no one, nobody, none, nothing, neither 在陈述部分作动词的宾语时,反意疑问句附加部分一般用肯定结构间或也可用否定结构。You got nothing from him,

18、did(nt) you?He has nothing to say, does(nt) he?2含有否定意义的副词或连词(如little, hardly, never, rarely, no soonerthan等)放在句首时:Little did I think that he could be back alive. 我没有想到他竟能活着回来。Not until New Years Day shall I give you a gift. 我要到元旦那天才能给你礼物。Hardly had the train arrived at the station when we ran towards the sleeping car looking for our guests. 火车刚一进站,我们就跑到卧车那儿去找我们的客人。 e) 副词so或 neither(nor)在句首:He is interested in pop-songs, and so am I.他对流行歌曲感兴趣,我也如此。He hasnt been to the countryside, neither does he want to go there.他没有去过农村,他也不想去那里。

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