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1、MY Favorite cartoon My name:Yang wen jieFrom:Chong qing Hobby:Draw .cartoonMajor:Decorative artsTokyo GhoulTokyo Ghoul(Japanese Name:Tokyo Can species do not,-fax,group,Hikaru)is a Japanese animation,adapted from the manga of the same name by Japanese cartoonist Shi Tian,and(Shi Tiancui)original,wit

2、h aerial world modern Tokyo as the background,describe to live on a diet of human flesh,called Can kind deeds type monsters(Ghoui).The animation in 2014 July 3,began to play,a total of 12 sets.The animation in January 2015 second broadcast season Tokyo Can for root A,a total of 12 sets.Tokyo Ghoul M

3、ajor character金木研Age:19 years old,22 years old.Birthday:December 20thBlood type:AB typeHeight:169cm-170cmCode:CentipedeIdentity:SS Can/an official search etc.POITPOITIn the streets of Tokyo,a group of mystery eat freak Can is quietly in the human world expansion their forces,ordinary college student

4、s Jin Muyan by Can gameTokyo Ghoul food and dying.The doctor for organ transplantation operation for him,however is a Can organ provider.In the bed woke up with Jupiter soon feel the body wrong,originally memory in the delicious food all stale to under difficult pharynx.At the beginning,even if a fe

5、w days without eating something he will not be hungry,but soon,the fierce stomach feeling began to torture him.When he realized that the object that can cause his appetite is only the man and woman who is left in the street.Among the masses lurked,hunt humans,this devouring dead eccentrics,people ca

6、lled it the ghoul,met in the youth and Frankenstein,full of twists and turns of fate of gear began to roll!My favorite movies Name:LiKaiYueFrom:HeNanHobby:WatchmoviesMajor:DecorationArtAlice in Wonderland Top3The main contentAlice in Wonderland is written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson i

7、n 1865.It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world,which is called the Wonderland.Top2TheShawshankRedemption-“Fear can hold you prisoner.Hope can set you free.”TheShawshankRedemptiontellsthestoryofamannamedAndyintoprisonbecausehewaswrongedbyjudge.Inorde

8、rtoobtainfreedom,heusedhiswisdomandendurancetodigatunneltoescape,eventuallygainedhisfreedominspirationalmovie.The main contentTop1PiratesoftheCaribbeanThe main contentPiratesoftheCaribbeanisaaction-adventurestoryinCaribbeanseas.Theprotagonistisahumorous,slickandadventurouscaptainnamedJackSparrow.ThefilmtellsthestoryofJackCaptainsadventure.Video

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