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1、英语初二下冀教版unit3过关测试一、 单项选择:A) 从各小题所给出的四个选项中选出最佳答案。( ) 1. We have a squirrel _ Tom. A. names B. name C. naming D. named( ) 2. Many boys like _ football games. A. watching B. seeing C. looking D. to look( ) 3. My family _ a cat. We like it very much. A. have B. has C. need D. needs( ) 4. Are zoo good _

2、animals? A. with B. in C. for D. on( ) 5. Stop the students from _ . Its time for class. A. run B. to run C. runs D. running( ) 6. Would you like _ to my birthday party? A. ing B. came C. to e D. e( ) 7. The shopkeeper helped me to _. A. trying on it B. trying it on C. try on it D. try it on( ) 8. T

3、he hospital is _ to the bookshop. A. far B. in front C. next D. beside( ) 9. Shall we _ walk?A. have B. take C. go for D. haved( )10. Donuts always make Danny _ .A. happy B. to be happy C. be happy D. is happy( )11. We found many _ facts.A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interests( )12. Lo

4、ok! There is a monkey _ out of the cage.A. run B. running C. running d. to ran( )13. Some fierce animals dont like people talking photo _ them.A. on B. at C. of D. for( )14. “Danny and I went to the zoo.” “_.”A. So did he B. So he did C. He did so D. He did( )15. “Would you like some coffee?” “_.”A.

5、 Yes, I would B. Yes, I do C. Yes, please D. No, please( )16. Zoos can help _ animals _ going extinct.A. stop, of B. stop, from C. protect, to D. let, from( )17. I want to _ the animals.A. take friends on B. take friends with C. make friends with D. make friend on( )18. Do you know today is _?A. Apr

6、il Fool Day B. April Days FoolC. April Fools Day D. April Days Fool( )19. Its not right to _ the old.A. play a joke on B. have a joke on C. play a joke with D. have a joke with( )20. Do you need _ warm clothes in winter in Sydney?A. wear B. wears C. to wear D. wearingB) 找出所划线相同或相近的选项。( )21. He got t

7、o Shanghai last week.A. went to B. reached in C. arrived in D. got( )22. Zoos try to stop the animals from going extinct.A. running away B. make C. dying D. died( )23. Please stop talking when the teacher is speaking.A. keep quiet B. talking C. begin talking D. begin tot talk( )24. Zoos usually have

8、 a lot of plants.A. much B. a few C. many D. most( )25. My mother always cooks hamburgers for breakfast.A. takes B. makes C. do D. does二、 短文填词:阅读短文,填入适当的词,使其意思完整。Years a 26, many zoo kept a 27 kinds of animals in small c 28. Small cages made it e 29 for people to s 30 the animals, but a small cage i

9、s not a good p 31 for an animal to l 32. Today zoos keep animals in d 33 kinds of cages. The cages are very big and open. They usually have p 34 and a little lake. The cages 35 like the animals habitats.三、 词形变换:选择方框里的词的正确形式填空,每词只用一次。make kind take quick play watch grow skate protect cage36. Children

10、 like _ on the ice in winter.37. He _ animals in the zoo every day.38. There are many _ of animals in the world.39. We were _ TV at eight last night.40. Everything grows _ in spring.41. Please stop the children from _ football in the street.42. You have _ into a tall young man.43. I _ some photos of

11、 Japan last week.44. Li Ming wants _ some friends in Canada.45. I need some _ to put my birds inside.四、 情景交际(15分)A)根据上下文补全对话,每空一词。:A: Hi, Jack! What is 46 47 ?B: Its half past eight.A: What 48 you 49 now?B: Im watching TV.A: What are you going to do tomorrow?B: I am 50 to 51 football.A: Can I e?B: W

12、hy 52 ? See you 53 four out side the school gate.A: 54 55 then.B)从方框中的七个句子中选出五个句子的序号补全对话。A:56 .A. How much is that altogether?B. What about Shanghai?C. How much is a letter by airmail to New York?D. What can I do for you?E. Not at all.F. What kind of letters do you want to send?G. Where are you goin

13、g, please?B:I want to post some letters. One to New York, another to Shanghai, and still another to Beijing.A:57 .B:Id like to send this letter by airmail and the other two by ordinarymail, please. 58 .A:Twenty yuan and forty fen. And to Beijing is eighty fen.B:59 .A:Just the same as the other part

14、of China.B:Very good, 60 .A:Let me see Twenty-two yuan altogether.B:Here you are.A:Thank you.五、完形填空:阅读下列短文,从各小题四个选项中选出最佳答案。Now many people like 61 . They have animals for their 62 . I like animals, too. I have a pet cat. Her 63 is Mimi. She is very beautiful. Her 64 is black and yellow. She has four

15、 children. So I have five cats. She is very happy with her young 65 . The four Children are not all 66 Mimi very much. The biggest one is quite black. 67 , black and yellow. My daughter says, “Arent they beautiful? Can I have the black and white one? Isnt he a tomcat(雄猫)?” I say, “I dont know, but I

16、 know the yellow and black ones are females(雌性).” “Are they? How do you know?” “69 they are yellow and black. Tom cats never have that 70 .”( )61. A. plantsB. friendsC. booksD. animals( )62. A. friendsB. petsC. teachersD. members( )63. A. foodB. nameC. houseD. furniture( )64. A. headB. legC. hairD.

17、feet( )65. A. familyB. boysC. girlsD. babies( )66. A. likeB. byC. loveD. with( )67. A. OtherB. OthersC. ItD. The others( )68. A. brotherB. sisterC. motherD. father( )69. A. SoB. ButC. BecauseD. Then( )70. A. legB. footC. earD. colour六、阅读理解:ACan animals be made to work for us? Some scientists(科学家) th

18、ink that one day animals may be taught to do some easy jobs. They say that in a film or on TV. We may see elephants(大象), monkeys, dogs, bears or other animals doing a lot of thins. If you watch carefully, you may find that those animals are always given a little food to eat after they have done some

19、thing. The scientists say that many different animals may be taught to do lots of jobs if they know they will get something to eat.We all know elephants can carry large logs(木头) and dogs can look after houses. And we can also teach animals to work in factories. Apes(猿猴), for example(例如), have been u

20、sed in America to help make cars, and scientists believe(相信) that these large monkeys may one day get in crops and drive trains. People are training(训练)them to do those things.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。( )71. Elephants can be used to do some hards jobs because they _.A. have legs B. are very strong C. are very

21、 tall D. have large ears( )72. You know dogs can be used to _.A. drive trains B. help make cars C. look after houses D. get in crops( )73. Many different animals may be taught to do some easy jobs_.A. if they have a good rest. B. if they know they will get something to eatC. if they are as clever as

22、 man D. if they are sent to animals schools( )74. Scientists are trying to _.A. make monkeys work in familiesB. make monkeys guard a houseC. make monkeys get in crops and drive trainsD. make monkeys drive cars( )75. Some scientists think that _ can be trained to work for us.A. only apes B. big dogs

23、C. large elephants D. many animalsBLast month we bought our two-year-old daughter a little dog. There were few children near our house, and we thought a dog could keep her occupied(有事干). We were right. They play together happily. Our daughter now laughs a lot more before (79). In a way they look lik

24、e two Children in the house. Both of them are playful, but cry when they do not get what they want. The dog is easier to look after than my daughter he always eats all his food up and we dont have lots of dirty(脏的) clothes to wash. I have given up smoking(放弃吸烟);because of my daughter and the dog. My

25、 wife is also happy.我们都喜欢这只狗(80).根据短文内容,完成下列各题。76. How old is the writers daughter?_77. Who is easier to look after the writers daughter or the dog?_78. Why has the writer given up smoking?_79.把该句译成中文。_80.把该句译成英文。_七、书面表达。根据提示和要求完成一篇日记。(60字左右)1. 上周日我和爸爸妈妈去了动物园;2. 天气情况;3. 看到的动物;4. 我最喜欢的动物及喜欢的原因;5. 我还做

26、了些什么。附答案:一、A) 1-5 DABCD 6-10 CDCCA 11-15 CCCAC 16-20 BCCAC B) 21-25 CCACB二、26. ago 27. all 28. cages 29. easy 30. see 31. place 32. live 33. different 34. plants 35. look三、36. skating 37. protects 38. kinds 39. watching 40. quickly41. playing 42. grown 43. took 44. to make 45. cages四、A) 46. the 47.

27、time 48. are 49. doing 50. going 51. play 52. not 53. at 54. see 55. youB) 56-60 DFCBA五、61-65 DBBCD 66-70 CCCCD六、A) 71-75 BCBCDB)76. She is two years old.77. The dog.78. Because of his daughter and the dog.79.式我们的女儿笑得比以前更多了。80. We all like the dog.七、书面表达Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my parents. The weather was fine and there were a lot of people there. I saw many animals, like tigers, bears, birds, monkey and so on. I like animals but my favourite animal is lion. Because it is the king of animals, and it looks so cool! I took a lot of photos of it.I had a great time that day.

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