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1、Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A 教学目标教学目标:1.学习身体部位的名词:学习身体部位的名词:hair,head,eye,nose,mouth,face,ear,neck.2.学习形容词:学习形容词:big,small,long,short,round,wide.3.学习学习have 和和 has 的用法。的用法。4.用用have 和和 has 描述人物外貌。描述人物外貌。教学重点教学重点:1.学习身体部位的名词:hair,head,eye,nose,mouth,face,ear,neck.2.学习形容词:big,small,long,short,round,wide.教学难

2、点:教学难点:1.学习have 和 has 的用法。2.用have 和 has 描述人物外貌。WhatWhats this in English?s this in English?It s an eraser.It s an eraser.How do you spell it?How do you spell it?E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser.E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser.Thank you.Thank you.YouYoure welcome.re welcome.eyesnosemouthearsface hairneckheadHi!你看我的眼睛像不像字母你看我的眼

3、睛像不像字母e,鼻子是鼻子是nose的首字母,嘴像不像的首字母,嘴像不像mouth的第一个字母的第一个字母m,耳朵里藏着小小的,耳朵里藏着小小的e,还有我的头花可是还有我的头花可是h形的哦!你能记住我的样子吗?形的哦!你能记住我的样子吗?1c 认一认认一认headfacehaireyeearnosemouthneckGame:Touch!Touch!Touch!游戏规则:同桌两人,A同学根据老师的指示大声念出单词,B同学闭上眼睛指向自己的五官。A同学注意B是否正确.bigbig eyessmallsmall eyesa long pencila short pencil hair long h

4、air I have long hair.没有没有 a,an 因为因为hair 是不可是不可数名词数名词 hairshort hair I have short hair.a round head mouthThink:我们能不能:我们能不能用用big mouth?mouthwide mouthI have a wide mouth.have a big mouth 话多的人,夸夸其谈,话多的人,夸夸其谈,大嘴巴(藏不住秘密)大嘴巴(藏不住秘密)e.g.:She has a big mouth.短头发 小鼻子大嘴巴长脖子圆脸大眼睛小耳朵short haira small nose a wide

5、 moutha long necka round facebig eyessmall earsThe boy has two _eyes.He has a _ mouth.His hair is _.你能填出恰当的形容词吗你能填出恰当的形容词吗?bigwideshortThey have round faces.She has long hair.He has a wide mouth.It has big ears.We have small eyes.I have abig nose.Listen and read.2aWork in group:观察6张图片,小组讨论:什么时候用什么时候

6、用have?什么时候用什么时候用has?have/has I WeYou TheyI have long hair.haveThey have three apples.He She It JanehasShe has a small mouth.He has short hair.当主语为第三人称单数第三人称单数时用 hashasJane has a long neck3b Work aloneComplete the following sentences.have hasYou _ a round face.I _ a wide mouth.HeKangkang _ a big head

7、.SheJane _ long hair.We _ big ears.They _ small eyes.It _ a long neck.havehavehashashavehavehas1aLook,listen and sayYes,I do.Do you have big eyes?1a1a 听录音,听录音,完成完成1b.1b.A:Who am I?Can you guess?B:Yes.Are you Michael?A:No,Im not.I have a small nose,but he has a big one.B:Do you have big eyes?A:Yes,I

8、do.B:Oh,I know.You are Kangkang.A:Yes,youre right.Do you have big eyes?Do you have big eyes?Yes,I do.Yes,I do.DiscussDiscuss讨论讨论:这是一个什么句子?跟我们之前这是一个什么句子?跟我们之前所学的哪种问句相似?所学的哪种问句相似?Do you have big eyes?Do you have big eyes?Yes,I do.Yes,I do.这是由助动词这是由助动词do构成的一般疑问句及肯定回构成的一般疑问句及肯定回答。答。you Do have.?they 肯定回

9、答肯定回答:Yes,I/we/they do.否定回答否定回答:No,I/we/they dont.Practice练一练A:Do you have.?B:Yes,I do./No,I dont短头发 小鼻子大嘴巴长脖子圆脸大眼睛小耳朵short haira small nose a wide moutha long necka round facebig eyessmall earsA:Do you have.?B:Yes,I do./No,I dont.Summary1.Have/has1.Have/has 第三人称单数用第三人称单数用hashas I/We/You/They I/We/Y

10、ou/Theyhavehave He/She/It He/She/Ithashas2.2.Do you/theyDo you/theyhavehave?Yes,I/we/they do.Yes,I/we/they do.No,I/we/they donNo,I/we/they dont.t.3.Useful expressions3.Useful expressionsI have a small noseI have a small nose,but he has a big one.,but he has a big one.Oh,I know.YouOh,I know.Youre rig

11、ht.re right.头:头:大眼睛:大眼睛:小鼻子:小鼻子:长脖子:长脖子:短头发:短头发:大嘴:大嘴:圆脸:圆脸:headbig eyesa small nosea long neckshort haira wide moutha round face This boy has a small face,eyes,a nose,a mouth and ears.His hair is short.smallbigwidebigLook at the picture and fill in the blanks.Homework:1.熟读课文。熟读课文。2.会背单词。会背单词。3.用所学的句型,每个造两个句用所学的句型,每个造两个句:has/have,.one,Do you have.

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