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1、Period 1Run!Run!Run!Fight.FightDont fight with others.FightI just like to eat!eat in the dining hall.You mustDont arrive late for class.You must be on time.Listen to music outside.Listen to music in class.Wear a hat?Welcome to Magic School.(魔法学校魔法学校)Arrive late for class.Eat in the classroom.Fight.L

2、isten to music in the classroom.Harry and his friends break(破坏破坏)lots of rules./rulz/Run in the hallways.Bring music players to school.Harry and his friends break(破坏破坏)lots of rules./rulz/Wear a hat.Arrive late for class.Run in the hallways.Eat in the classroom.Fight.Listen to music in the classroom

3、.Wear a hat in class.Read&Spell the magic words!rav hlwe lsn fat we Stand up and say!Bring music players to school.br Can we arrive late for class?No,we cant.Dont arrive late for class.We must be on time.A:B:A:B:Can we run in the hallways?No,we cantDont run in the hallways.A:B:A:Can we eat in the cl

4、assroom?No,we cant.Dont eat in the classroom.We must eat in the dining hall.dan Can we listen to music in class?No,we cant.Dont listen to music in class.But we can listen to music outsideListen to music outside.But we must wear the school uniform.Can we wear a hat in class?No,we cant.Dont wear a hat

5、 in class.junfm We have to wear the school uniform.Can we talk in the library?No,we cant We have to be quiet in the library.kwat Can we fight with others?No,we cant.Dont fight.5.We cant wear a hat in the classroom.5.Dont wear a hat in the classroom.6.We cant fight.4.We cant listen to music in the cl

6、assroom.3.We cant eat in the classroom.2.We cant run in the hallways1.We cant arrive late for class1.Dont arrive late for class.2.Dont run in the hallways.3.Dont eat in the classroom.4.Dont listen to music in the classroom.6.Dont fight.What are the rules?PairworkA:What are the rules in your class?1.

7、Dont arrive late for class.2.Dont run in the hallways.3.Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.4.Dont fight.5.Dont 6.B:Well,we cant A:So dont 1c23451aListen about the magic school rules.1.Dont arrive late for class.2.Dont run in the hallways.3.Dont eat in the classroom.4.Dont listen

8、to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5.Dont fight.1b Listen.What rules are they breaking?NamePeterAmyMikerule2342aListen again.Can Alex and Cindy do these activities?Circle“can”or“cant”above.ActivityActivity1._ listen to music in the classrooms or 1._ listen to music in the classrooms or hallw

9、ayshallwayscancancantcant2._ listen to music in the music room2._ listen to music in the music roomcancancantcant3._ listen to music outside 3._ listen to music outside cancancantcant4._ eat in the classrooms4._ eat in the classroomscancancantcant5._ eat in the dinning hall5._ eat in the dinning hal

10、lcancancantcant6._ eat outside6._ eat outsidecancancantcant7._ wear a hat7._ wear a hatcancancantcant8 _ fight8 _ fightcancancantcant2bListen.Check()the activities Alex and Cindy Listen.Check()the activities Alex and Cindy talk about.talk about.A:What are the school rules,Alan?B:Well,we cant listen

11、to music in the classroom or hallways.But we can listen to it outside or in the music room.A:Uh-huh.B:And we cant eat in the classroom,but we can eat it in the dinning hall.A:Oh.And can we wear a hat in class?B:No,we cant.What else?Oh,you cant fight with your classmates.That makes the teachers reall

12、y unhappy.A:I seeActivityActivity1._ listen to music in the classrooms or 1._ listen to music in the classrooms or hallwayshallwayscancancantcant2._ listen to music in the music room2._ listen to music in the music roomcancancantcant3._ listen to music outside 3._ listen to music outside cancancantc

13、ant4._ eat in the classrooms4._ eat in the classroomscancancantcant5._ eat in the dinning hall5._ eat in the dinning hallcancancantcant6._ eat outside6._ eat outsidecancancantcant7._ wear a hat7._ wear a hatcancancantcant8 _ fight8 _ fightcancancantcant2cA:A:CanCan we we listen to music,listen to mu

14、sic,Alex?Alex?B:We B:We cant listen to music in the hallwayscant listen to music in the hallways,butbut we we can listen to it outside.can listen to it outside.根据句意,用根据句意,用can和和cant填空填空1.Mr Green smoke here,because theres a sign on the wall.It says“No smoking.”2.Its very hot outside.You wear a hat.3

15、.We eat in the classroom,because its impolite to teachers.4.I go to bed after 11:00 on school night.5.The students read books and magazines in the library.cantcancantcancantI have to clean the rooms every day.What do you have to do?I have to.do homework after school practice the guitar every daygo t

16、o the childrens palace to learn to paint Computer Room Rules1.Clean the classroom every day.2.Dont play computer games.3.Dont be late for class.4.Dont talk in class.5.Take off(关闭关闭)the computer when the class is over.Whats Harrys favorite subject?Make up cool rules for your dream school!At least 5 sentences.

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