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1、A birthday cakeA birthday party【学习目标学习目标】1)会读能听下列会读能听下列单词:单词:prepare,prepare for,exam,flu,2)学会运用下列句型:学会运用下列句型:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Sure,Id love to.Im sorry,I cant.I have to prepare for an exam.Im sorry,too.I must go to the doctor.Words and expressionsprepareprepare forexamf

2、lu v.使做好准备;把使做好准备;把准备好准备好 为为做准备做准备 n.考试考试 n.流感流感 A:Can you come to my party?B:Sure,Id love to.Sorry,I cant.I have to 话题导入话题导入A:Can you play basketball with us?study for a test【合作探究【合作探究】B:Sorry,I cant.I have to B:Sorry,I cant.I have to go to the doctorA:Can you?【合作探究【合作探究】visit my friendA:Can you?B:

3、Sorry,I cant.I have to go to the movies【合作探究【合作探究】Match the phrases with the pictures(a-e).1a1.prepare for an exam _2.help my parents _ae【独学【独学】3.go to the doctor _4.meet my friend _5.have the flu _dbc【独学【独学】play basketball have the fluplay the piano go to the doctor help my parents go to the movies

4、prepare for a test meet my friend弹钢琴弹钢琴准备考准备考试试去看病去看病去看电去看电影影打篮球打篮球帮父母帮父母去见去见朋友朋友得了流得了流感感根据箭头指向的汉语说出英根据箭头指向的汉语说出英语短语。语短语。Anna Tim Kay Wilson Listen and write the names(Tim,Kay,Anna and Wilson)next to the correct students in the picture.1bCan you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Sure,Id love to

5、.1cYou are the students in the picture.Student A,invite three students to your party.Student B,C and D,give answers.Sorry,I cant.I have to prepare for an exam.Im sorry,too.I must go to the doctor.选择任意图片完成对话选择任意图片完成对话.A:Can you come to my party?B:Sure,Id love to.C:Sorry,I cant.I have a piano lesson.D

6、:Im sorry,too.I have to1CWho is the lucky dog?这节课,我学到了重点单词和词组:_ _ _重点句型:_【小结提升【小结提升】1.-Can you come to my birthday party?-_.I have to help my parents.A.Yes,I cant B.Sorry,I cant C.No,I can D.Sorry,I can2.-Can you come to my house for dinner this evening?-_.A.That s all right.B.Sure,Id love toC.Yes,p

7、lease.D.Sorry,Im not 3.-Can you come to my party?-Sorry.I have to prepare _an exam.A.to B.in C.for D.aboutBBCI have to go to the doctor.I have to go to the doctor.Can you come to my party?If not,Why?Can you come to my party?If not,Why?Oh,I have toOh,I have to比一比,看谁反应快比一比,看谁反应快比一比,看谁反应快比一比,看谁反应快!这节课,

8、我学到了重点单词和词组:_ _ _重点句型:_【小结提升【小结提升】1.-Can you come to my birthday party?-_.I have to help my parents.A.Yes,I cant B.Sorry,I cant C.No,I can D.Sorry,I can2.-Can you come to my house for dinner this evening?-_.A.That s all right.B.Sure,Id love toC.Yes,please.D.Sorry,Im not 3.-Can you come to my party?-Sorry.I have to prepare _an exam.A.to B.in C.for D.aboutBBC

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