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1、Unit2ColoursPart A1 Colour songRed and yellow and pink and green purple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow,sing a rainbowSing a rainbow now.2This is Miss White.3This is Mike.4This is John.5This is Sarah.6大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点7This is Wuyifan.8This is Mr Jones.9

2、 Mr Jones,this is Miss Green.Good morning,Miss Green.Good morning,10Homework1 Listen to the tape.2 从今天开始,用今天所学英语和父母,同学,老师问好。3 练习册。11Goodbye12Unit 2 ColoursPart A13red14yellow15green16blue171234blueyellowredgreen18 我们的世界色彩缤纷,非常美丽,请你找我们的世界色彩缤纷,非常美丽,请你找一找你的周围都有哪些我们学过的颜色,用英一找你的周围都有哪些我们学过的颜色,用英语和同伴交流一下吧。

3、语和同伴交流一下吧。1920green2122red2324blue25yellow26Lets play a game!(我猜,我猜,我猜猜猜!)271423283334Show me green.Show me red.Show me blue.Show me yellow.35 在家里找找我们学在家里找找我们学过的颜色,用英语说过的颜色,用英语说给爸爸妈妈听。给爸爸妈妈听。36Unit 2 ColoursPart A37What is this?appleant3839What is this?bookbagLets find.40/b /41What is this?crayoncat

4、Lets find.42/k /43What is this?duckdog Lets find.44/d /45ChantAa Aa Aa apple.Bb Bb /b/b/b/Bb /b/bag.Cc Cc /k/k/k/Cc /k/cat.Dd Dd /d/d/d/Dd /d/duck.461.Listen to and repeat“Listen,repeat and chant.”2.Copy the letters from Aa to Dd five times.3.Listen to“Colour song”.47Unit 2 ColoursPart B48Talk about

5、 the pictureWhat time is it?Is it in the morning?49afternoon a-f-t-e-r-n-o-o-n 50morning afternoon evening51Describe the pictureThis is a boy.This is Wu Yifan.This is mum.52mom 美式英语(口语)mum英式英语(口语)mother正式用语Learn the words53dadfather口语正式用语Learn the words54Hi,Mum.This is WuYifan.Good afternoon,WuYifan

6、.Good afternoon.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.551.Listen to and repeat“Let s talk”.2.Make a dialogue using weve learned today.56Unit 2 ColoursPart B57Guess!Can you guess my favourite colour?58blackb-l-a-c-k59What colour is the snow?Its white.60+=?My favourite colour61orangeo-r-a-n-g-e62Colou

7、r it63Whats missing?64Whats missing?65Whats missing?66Lets do67Find and say.What do you see?I see.68Read and tick.69 1.Listen to and repeat“Lets learn”.2.Draw a picture and describe it to your parents.70Unit 2 ColoursPart C71What do you see in the picture?I see.72A flower73Flowers74I like red flowers.How about you?I like.Talk about your favourite flower.7576 We should love the animals,the nature and our colorful life.771.Listen to and repeat“Story time”.2.Listen to and sing“Colour song”.78

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