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1、 Using language Using languageWhoWhatHowWhereWang Kun and his sister Wang Weitaking a great bike trip cycle along(by bike)the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.are dreaming aboutThey have the idea toPart1:DreamAnd PlanHave you ever been to Tibet?TibetThe roof of the worldQomolangmaP

2、otala Palace布达拉宫布达拉宫Traditional clothes of Zang yak 牦牛牦牛sheepJourney Down the Mekong -part 2 A Night in The MountainsRead the text quickly and match the main idea of each paragraph.Para1Para2 Para3 Camping in the open airOur thoughts to see our cousinsWhat we saw in the journey03.50()1.They reached

3、Tibet in winter.()2.Wang Wei always rode in front of me.()3.When we reached a valley,it became warmer.()4.They went to sleep early in their tent.()5.Their cousins will join them in Dali.FTTFTJudge the statements true(T)or false(F).autumnBefore the late afternoonIn the late afternoonIn the early even

4、ingAfter supperAt midnight4.Which order does the text follow,in order of time,in order of importance or in order of place?Read the text carefully,and find out what they see,hear,do,and how they feel.Then fill in the form.SeeOn the mountain:1._dressed in long wood coats 2._shone like glass 3._sky 4._

5、starsIn the valleys:1._ flying around us 2._eating grasshearNo _ but the_ of their fireclearbrightbutterfliesyaks and sheepwindflameschildrenlakesDo1._ in the snow.2.Change _ clothes for _ clothes.3._ the tent to make campFeel1.Legs were _.2.To climb the mountain was _but to go down the hills is gre

6、at _.3.we can hardly wait to _.Ride bikewintersummerPut upheavy and coldhard workfunsee our cousinsLanguage points1.Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice.So that 如此如此.以至于以至于.在此引导结在此引导结果状语从句。果状语从句。so+形容词形容词/副词副词+thatso+形容词形容词+a(n)+单数名词单数名词+thatSo+many/few+复数名词复数名词+thatSo+m

7、uch/little+不可数名词不可数名词+thatEg:He was so happy that he sang songs by himself.such+a/an+形容词形容词+单数名词单数名词+thatSuch+形容词形容词+不可数名词不可数名词+thatSuch+形容词形容词+复数名词复数名词+thatIt was such a lovely day that we decided to go outing.=it was so lovely a day that we decided to go outing.天气这么好,我们决定去郊游。天气这么好,我们决定去郊游。Feel lik

8、e(doing)sth.喜欢(做)某事喜欢(做)某事 2.Along the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us.一路上,穿着羊毛大衣的孩子们停下来看我们。一路上,穿着羊毛大衣的孩子们停下来看我们。dressed in wool long coats为过去分词短语作为过去分词短语作children的后置定语,为动宾关系。等同于一个的后置定语,为动宾关系。等同于一个定语从句:定语从句:who are dressed in long wool coats.E.g Do you know the girl dre

9、ssed in red?Do you know the girl who is dressed in red?3.In front of 在.的前面(外部)In the front of 在.的前面(内部)Eg:A big tree is in front of our classroom.I sit in the front of our classroom.4.To climb the mountains was hard work.爬山是一件辛苦的事爬山是一件辛苦的事 不定式不定式to climb the mountains作主语。作主语。不定式作主语时经常用不定式作主语时经常用it充当

10、形式主语,而将真充当形式主语,而将真正的主语放到谓语动词之后。正的主语放到谓语动词之后。E.g To master a foreign language is necessary nowadays.=It is necessary to master a foreign language.4.To climb the mountain road was hard work but as we looked around us,we were surprised by the view.上山很难,但当上山很难,但当我们环顾四周时,景色美得令人吃惊。我们环顾四周时,景色美得令人吃惊。不定式作主语不

11、定式作主语辨析:辨析:view,scene,sight,sceneryview:指视野范围内的景色指视野范围内的景色.scene:指自然之景指自然之景(包括人及活动包括人及活动),舞台的场景舞台的场景.sight:多指人工制成的景多指人工制成的景,侧重指旅游观光的风光侧重指旅游观光的风光.scenery:一个地区或景区的整体自然风景一个地区或景区的整体自然风景.5.We seemed to be able to see for miles.我们似乎能看好几英里远。我们似乎能看好几英里远。似乎似乎,好像好像Seem的用法:的用法:seem to do sth.It seems that 从句从句

12、There seem/seems(to be)+名词名词 6.At one point we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds.find+宾语(ourselves)+宾语补足语(cycling)在此结构中,宾补可以为:形容词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语等表示find之后的宾语的状态。E.g We came home and found him asleep on the sofa.我们回到家发现他睡在沙发上。Exercise:1.他发现自己被一个贼跟着。他发现自己被一个贼跟着。2.她醒来发现自己躺在医院的床

13、上她醒来发现自己躺在医院的床上。He found himself followed by a thief.She wake up and found herself in a hospital bed.7.We had to change our caps,coats,gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts.我们不得不把帽子、外套、手套和长裤换我们不得不把帽子、外套、手套和长裤换下,床上下,床上T恤和短裤。恤和短裤。change:(n.)变化;零钱变化;零钱 (v.)换衣;更换换衣;更换 Wait,it wont take me long to

14、change.Phrases:Change for 用用换换.change into 把把变成变成get changed 换好衣服换好衣服change A for B 用换用换change ones mind 改变主意改变主意Sara,hurry up.Im afraid you wont have time to_ before the party.A.get changed B.get changeC.get changing D.get to changeExercise8.We put up our tents and then we ate.我们先搭起帐篷然后吃饭。我们先搭起帐篷然后

15、吃饭。Bear them in your mind!put up 举起举起,抬起抬起=raise 挂起挂起,张贴张贴 建造建造,搭起搭起=build 住宿住宿,留宿留宿e.g.1.He put up his hand to catch the teachers attention.2.A new notice has been put up on the board.3.A new theatre will be put up.4.Will you put me up for the night?举起举起,抬起抬起挂起挂起,张贴张贴建造建造,搭起搭起住宿住宿,留宿留宿 pany n.:1.fo

16、r company 作伴;陪伴E.g Hell go with you as far as the station for company.他将陪你到车站。2.in company with 与在一起 She came in company with a group of girls.她同一群女孩一起来。3.keep company with 与在一起 She stayed at home to keep company with her mother.她呆在家里陪伴她妈妈。10.As I lay beneath the stars I thought about how far we had

17、 already travelled.当我躺在星空下当我躺在星空下,我想着我们已经走了多远。我想着我们已经走了多远。做时间状语做时间状语辨析:辨析:beneath&below&underbeneath:指有接触的下方指有接触的下方under:指垂直的下方指垂直的下方below:泛指的下方泛指的下方宾语从句宾语从句 关于关于lie和和lay:lieliedliedlying 撒谎撒谎 lielaylainlying 躺,位于躺,位于 laylaidlaidlaying 下蛋,产卵;放置下蛋,产卵;放置巧计巧计lie与与lay的口诀:的口诀:规则的撒谎,不规则的躺规则的撒谎,不规则的躺 躺过就下蛋

18、,下蛋不规则躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则注:这里的注:这里的“规则规则”与与“不规则不规则”是指动词过去式是指动词过去式与过去分词的变化是否规则。与过去分词的变化是否规则。11.We can hardly wait to see them!我们迫不及待地想见到他们!can hardly wait to do sth.迫不及待想做某事 for sth.迫不及待想得到(=cant wait to do sth./for sth.)1.我迫不及待想要看到他的新小说。2.汤姆迫不及待地想得到一份新工作。I cant wait to see his new novel.Tom can hardly wait

19、for a new job.cant help doing sth.情不自禁干某事情不自禁干某事7.In the early evening we always stop to make camp.一到傍晚一到傍晚,我们通常就停下来扎营我们通常就停下来扎营.辨析:辨析:stop doing sth.&stop to do sth.stop doing sth.停下正在做的事停下正在做的事stop to do sth.停下去做另一件事停下去做另一件事1.so1.sothatthat2.feel like2.feel like3.3.羊毛羊毛,羊毛制品羊毛制品4.in front of4.in f

20、ront of5.in the setting sun5.in the setting sun6.as usual 6.as usual 7.7.可信赖的可信赖的,可靠的可靠的8.look around8.look around9.be surprised by9.be surprised by10.n.10.n.风景风景,观点观点;v.;v.观看观看,考虑考虑同往常一样同往常一样如此如此以至于以至于环顾四周环顾四周使使吃惊,使吃惊,使感意外感意外view感觉像感觉像在在的前面的前面(外部外部)woolreliable在落日的余晖中在落日的余晖中11.seem to11.seem to12.a

21、t one point12.at one point13.find sb.doing sth.13.find sb.doing sth.14.14.牦牛牦牛15.go down the hills15.go down the hills16.change16.changeforfor17.stop to do sth.17.stop to do sth.18.make camp18.make camp19.put up 19.put up 20.20.枕头枕头扎营扎营发现某人正在做某事发现某人正在做某事pillowyak用用交换交换下山下山支起,架起支起,架起停下来去做另一件事停下来去做另一件

22、事在某个时刻在某个时刻似乎,好像似乎,好像21.go to sleep21.go to sleep22.stay awake22.stay awake23.at midnight 23.at midnight 24.for company24.for company25.25.在在下面下面26.26.火焰火焰,热情热情27.can hardly wait to do sth.27.can hardly wait to do sth.beneathflame迫不及待地想做某事迫不及待地想做某事去睡觉去睡觉醒着醒着作为陪伴作为陪伴在午夜在午夜1.Learn the vocabulary by heart2.同步导学同步导学

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