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1、unit 9 Cultivation教养、修养1.What will you do to make your friends smile and feel happy?你会做什么让你的朋友微笑和感到快乐?你会做什么让你的朋友微笑和感到快乐?2.Do you sometimes lose your temper when you are in trouble?当你当你遇到麻烦遇到麻烦的时候,你的时候,你是否也是否也会发脾气?会发脾气?3.How can you get on well with others?你怎么能和别人相处得好?你怎么能和别人相处得好?There was once a lit

2、tle boy with a bad temper.He often had fights with his friends.从前有个小男孩脾气不好,他经常和朋友打架从前有个小男孩脾气不好,他经常和朋友打架Food for Thought Food for Thought Food for Thought Food for Thought 有益的教诲有益的教诲有益的教诲有益的教诲大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点One day,his father gave him a

3、 bag of nails and told him to hammer a nail into the fence every time he lost his temper.The boy listened to his father and did what his father told him to do.有一天,他的父亲给了他一袋钉子,告诉他每次他发脾气有一天,他的父亲给了他一袋钉子,告诉他每次他发脾气的时候都要把钉子钉进栅栏里。男孩听了他父亲的话做了的时候都要把钉子钉进栅栏里。男孩听了他父亲的话做了他父亲叫他做的事他父亲叫他做的事 The first day,the boy dr

4、ove 17 nails into the fence.Then the number of nails became less and less in the following days.The boy found that it was easier to keep his temper than to drive the nails into the fence.第一天,男孩把第一天,男孩把17根钉子插进栅栏。接下来的日子里钉子根钉子插进栅栏。接下来的日子里钉子的数量越来越少。这个男孩发现保持脾气比钉钉子更容易的数量越来越少。这个男孩发现保持脾气比钉钉子更容易Finally,the d

5、ay came when the boy didnt lose his temper at all.He told his father about it and his father asked him to pull out one nail each time he was able to keep his temper.终于有一天,男孩没有发脾气。他告诉父亲这件事,他父终于有一天,男孩没有发脾气。他告诉父亲这件事,他父亲要求他每次发脾气时都要拔出一个钉子。亲要求他每次发脾气时都要拔出一个钉子。The days passed and the young boy was finally a

6、ble to tell his father that all the nails were gone.The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.日子一天天过去,小男孩终于告诉父亲,所有的钉子都日子一天天过去,小男孩终于告诉父亲,所有的钉子都不见了。父亲牵着儿子的手,领着他来到栅栏前不见了。父亲牵着儿子的手,领着他来到栅栏前He said,“You have done well,son,but look at the holes in the fence.The fence will never be the sa

7、me as it was before.When you say some words in anger,your bad temper will leave a scar just like the hole.他说:他说:“你做得很好,孩子,但看看篱笆上的洞。篱你做得很好,孩子,但看看篱笆上的洞。篱笆永远不会和以前一样。当你生气地说几句话时,你笆永远不会和以前一样。当你生气地说几句话时,你的坏脾气就会像洞一样留下疤痕。的坏脾气就会像洞一样留下疤痕。Even if you say youre sorry,the wound is still there.If you hurt a person

8、 with words,the wound is as bad as a physical one.Friends are rare jewels.They make you smile and feel happy.So never hurt your friends.”即使你说对不起,伤痕还在那里。如果你伤害一个人的话,即使你说对不起,伤痕还在那里。如果你伤害一个人的话,造成的伤痕和身体上是一样的。朋友是稀世珍宝。他们让造成的伤痕和身体上是一样的。朋友是稀世珍宝。他们让你笑,感到快乐。所以永远不要伤害你的朋友。你笑,感到快乐。所以永远不要伤害你的朋友。”Since then the boy

9、 had never fought with his friends.He learned how to get on with others and he never lost his temper again.从那以后,男孩就再也没有和朋友打架了。他学会了如从那以后,男孩就再也没有和朋友打架了。他学会了如何与别人相处,而且从不发脾气。何与别人相处,而且从不发脾气。1.What did the father ask the little boy to do each time he lost his temper?The father asked his son .every time .2

10、.How many nails did the boy hammer into the fence the firsrt day?The first day,the boy .to hammer a nail into the fencehe lost his temperdrove 17 nail into the fence3.Why did the boy stop driving the nails into the fence later?Because the boy .4.What did the father ask him to do each time he was abl

11、e to keep his temper?The father asked his son each time .didnt lose his temper at allto pull out one nailhe was able to keep his temper5.Did the boy pull out all the nails?.6.What does the story tell us?.Yes,he didThe story tells us that friends are rare jewels,that they make us smile and feel happy

12、 and that we should never hurt our friends.in anger keep lose not.at all leadthe same as as.as.get on with1.The teacher asked me ,“Why are you late again?”2.Our classroom is large yours.3.My mother asked me my room clean.in anger as asto keep4.The question is difficult .You should answer it by yours

13、elf.5.An old man us to the old house and told us his story.6.The girl has question .yours.not at allledthe same as7.I my key to the door of my bedroom yesterday.8.The boys and the girls in our class are well each other.lost getting on with1.Even if we are angry,we have to .(控制自己不发脾气).2.Why do you so

14、metimes .(发脾气)these days?3.The boys never .(和女生打架)in our class.control yourself and keep your temperlose your temperhave fights with girls4.Their bedroom .(看起来和以前不一样了).5.This book is (一点儿都没趣)6.Do you know .(怎样与同学相处吗?).doesnt look the same as beforenot interesting at allhow to get on with your classm

15、ates?1.What you (do)now?I (play)computer games.2.My father (work)in this company for 5 years now.3.When I saw him,he (learn)new English words.are doingam playinghas workedwas learning4.I was very glad to hear this because I .(look)forward to seeing my grandpa.5.Where you (go)?I (go)to the airport to

16、 meet my boss.6.Sorry,I cant go with you now.I .(not finish)my homework.was looking are goingam goinghavent finishedI sometimes lose and say .in anger.My bad temper hurt .badly.I want to make friends ,but I dont know how to .After I .“Food for Thought”,I think I have a better idea of that now.my tem

17、persome wordsdoLi Leiwith himget on with himread When we are in trouble,we have to .When we are in angry,we have to .If your friend is angry with you,you should .help each otherkeep our temperlose your temperYou should think about why your friend .We have to way to solve the problem.It is important to konw how to well with others and never .Your smile can make .is angryfind aget onhurt othersthem happy

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