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1、Unit 3 You and IcatchdownuppaintdrawjumphopkicktouchcountwalkbounceNew wordsItTheyYou and I,you and I.you can draw and I can write.He and she.He and she.He can dance and she can read.We and you.We and you.We can skate and you can paint.It and they.It and they.It can talkand they can play.Good mornin

2、g!You and I.You and I.You can draw and I can write.He and she.He and she.He can dance and she can read.We and you.We and you.We can skate and you can paint.It and they.It and they.It can talk and they can play.Listen,chant,sing and act.Listen,read and tick1.The children are very happy.A It B They C

3、She D You2.The girl is reading a book.A He B We C She D You3.The box is very big.A She B He C They D It4.Tom and I are very tall.A They B You C We D She5.Mary is sleeping.A He B It C She D They1.The rabbit is quick.A She B He C They D It2.Peter is bouncing a ball.A He B It C She D They3.Lily and you are drawing.A He B We C She D You4.Mary and dog are running.A It B They C She D You5.Pandas are very lovely.A She B He C They D ItI am a boy.You are a girl.He is a teacher.She is Linda.It is a tree.They are students.我(I)用am 你(you)用 are,is连着 他(he)她(she)它(it)单数名词用is复数名词都用are

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