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1、Unit 11 测控技术与仪器专业英语Typical Measurement TechnologyChapter 3 Introduction to Measurement/test Technology and Equipment2Words and Expressionsmonitor 监听器,监视器cruising 巡游,巡航vertical 垂直的,直立的,顶点的onboard 随车携带的barometric 大气压力category 种类,别,范畴surveillance 监视,监督isobaric 表示等压的topography 地形,地势3Words and Expression

2、scorrosion 侵蚀,腐蚀状态galaxy 星河,星系saturn 土星spherical 球的,球形的troposphere 对流层martian 火星人,火星的4Main content Altitude Measurement1 1 Thickness Measurement2 2 Distance Measurement3 3 Level Measurement4 45Altitude Measurement Accurate monitoring of aircraft cruising height is required in order to reduce vertica

3、l separation to a minimum standard.飞机巡航高度的精确监控是为了降低垂直间隔至最低标准。Interest here focuses on the measurement of the distance between aircraft level and the sea surface level.这里令人关注的事集中在飞机航线和海平面水平之间的距离测量。6 This distance can be estimated onboard via barometric altimeters or it can be measuredeither onboard o

4、r in ground stationsvia electronic radio wave systems.onboard 随车携带的 这个距离可以通过气压测高计随机估计或可以通过地面卫星接收站或是飞机上的电子无线电波系统测量。Altitude Measurement The indication of the first equipment is referred to as pressure altitude,or simply altitude,whereas that of the second category is referred to as geometric height o

5、r simply height.第一类设备指示的是压力高度或者叫绝对海拔高度,而第二类是被称为几何高度或绝对水平高度。7 The altitude information at air traffic control(ATC)centers is based on pressure altitude measurement that the aircraft transponder system sends after it receives an appropriate interrogationknown as mode C interrogationtransmitted by a se

6、condary surveillance radar.在空中交通控制中心的高度信息是基于当收到一个适当的询问后,飞机的异频雷达收发机系统发送的压力高度测量,称为C模式询问。由二次监视雷达发射。Altitude Measurement8 Actually,the altitude information is an atmospheric pressure measurement transformed to altitude indication through a formula expressing the pressure/altitude relationship.实际上,高度的信息是

7、大气压力测量通过由压力/高度的关系表达式转化为高度指示。Altitude Measurement When a flight level is cleared for an aircraft,it actually means that the pilot must keep flying on an isobaric surface.为了飞行,一个飞行水平面被清除,实际上就它意味着飞行员必须保持飞行在等压面上。9However,the altimetry system may present systematic errors(biases)that are different for ea

8、ch airplane,and that significantly affect safety.altimetry 测高学,高度测量法 然而,高度测量系统可能呈现出的是每架飞机的系统误差(偏差)是不同的,这明显影响了安全。Altitude Measurement Thus,the altimetry system performance as well as the aircraft height keeping performance must be monitored by an independent radar or satellite system.因此,高度测量系统性能以及飞机高

9、度保持性能均须由一个独立的雷达或卫星系统监控。10Main content Altitude Measurement1 1 Thickness Measurement2 2 Distance Measurement3 3 Level Measurement4 411Thickness MeasurementOne can measure thickness on many scales.The galaxy is spiral disk about 100 Em(1020 m)thick.The solar system is pancake-like,about 1Tm(1012 m)thi

10、ck.The rings of Saturn are about 10 km thick.scale天平,天平盘,标尺 我们可以用许多尺度测量厚度。银河系是一个大约厚为100 Em(1020 m)的螺旋盘。太阳系像个烤薄饼似的,大约厚1Tm(1012 m)。土星光环大约厚10km.12 Closer to home,Earths atmosphere is a spherical shell about 40 km thick;the weather occurs in the troposphere,about 12 km thick.The outermost shell of the s

11、olid Earth is the crust,about 35 km thick.临近地球,地球大气层是一个大约厚为40km的球壳,气象发生在大约厚为12km的对流层,固体地球的最外层是地壳,大约厚35km。Thickness Measurement The ocean has a mean depth of 3.9km.In the Antarctic,the recently discovered objects believed to be microfossils indicative of ancient Martian life are less than 100 nm thic

12、k.海洋的平均深度有3.9km。在南极,最近发现的物品被认为是象征着古代的火星生命的微化石厚小于100nm。13In terms of the man-made environment,industry must contend with thickness varying from meters,for construction projects,to millimeters on assemble lines,to micrometers and nanometers for the solid-state,optical,and coatings industries.contend w

13、ith对付,与竞争 在人为环境方面,工业从建设项目的米,到装配生产线的毫米,到固态的光学涂料工业的微米和纳米变化处理厚度。Thickness Measurement14 Perhaps the most familiar way of measuring thickness is by mechanical means,such as by ruler or caliper.caliper 卡钳,卡尺 弯脚器,测径器 也许最常见的测量厚度的测量装置是尺或测径器。Thickness Measurement15 Other means are sometimes called for,either

14、 because both sides of an object are not accessible,the dimension is either too big or too small for calipers,the object is too fragile,too hot,or too cold for direct contact,or the object is in motion on an assemble lineit may not even be a solid.其他装置有时候也被需要,或者是因为物体的两侧是不能接近的,对于测径器来说尺寸要么太大或太小,或者是因为直

15、接接触的物体太脆弱,太热或太冷或物体在装配线上运动,甚至可能不是一个固体。Thickness Measurement16 Thickness may also be a function of position,as either the object may have originally been made with nonuniform thickness,deliberately or not,or the thickness may have become nonuniform with time due either to corrosion,cracking,or some ot

16、her deterioration.厚度也可以作为位置的函数,物体可能在最初以不均匀的厚度制作或是厚度无论故意与否,由于腐蚀、破裂或是退化,厚度也有可能变成不均匀的。Thickness Measurement17 The thickness may also be changing with time due to deliberate growth or etching,as example for thin films.以薄膜为例,由于有意增长或腐蚀,厚度随时间变化。Thickness MeasurementThus is follows that,in more general term

17、s,measuring thickness might require measuring the topography or height profile of two surfaces and taking the difference.topography 地形,地势,地形学 profile侧面,轮廓,外形,剖面因此,用更概况的话来说厚度测量可能需要测量地势或两面的高度外形以获取差异。18 Alternatively,the measurement technique may produce a reading directly related to the difference.alt

18、ernatively 非此即彼,如其不然;或,要不 relate to涉及,有关 另外,测量技术可能直接读出相关的差额。Thickness Measurement19Main content Altitude Measurement1 1 Thickness Measurement2 2 Distance Measurement3 3 Level Measurement4 420Distance measurement The tools and techniques of distance measurement are possibly one of humankinds longest-

19、running inventive pursuits.测量距离的工具和技术可能是人类最漫长的发明之一。This chapter concerns itself with methods to measure a relatively small segment of this rangefrom centimeters to kilometers.本章关注的是这些方法本身去测量范围中相对小的一部分从厘米到千米。21 Even within this limited segment,it would hardly be possible to list,much less describe,al

20、l of the distance measurement approaches that have been devised.much less更不用说;不及 即使在这有限部分,它几乎不可能列出更不用说描述出所有的距离测量方法的设计。Distance measurement Nevertheless,the small sampling of technologies that are covered here should be of help to a broad range of readers.不过,这里涉及技术的小取样应该可以帮到广泛的读者。22 Distance measurem

21、ent,at its most basic,is concerned with determining the length of a unidimensional line joining two points in three-dimensional space.在三维空间中最基本的距离测量涉及到确定连线在三维空间中最基本的距离测量涉及到确定连线两点的两点的单向单向线长度。线长度。Distance measurement Oftentimes,a collection of distance measurements is called for,so that the shape,the

22、orientation,or the changes in position of an object can be resolved.经常,要求许多距离测量可以解决形状、方向、或物体位置的改变。23 Therefore,one must consider not only the measurement of distances,but also their spatial and temporal distributions.因此,我们必须考虑的不仅是距离测量,而且还有他们的时空分布。Distance measurement24 The terminology”ranging”will b

23、e used in reference to systems that perform single sensor-to-target measurement,“range-imaging”for systems that collect a dense map or grid of spatially distributed range measurement,and“position tracking”for systems that record the time history of distance measurement to one or several targets.in r

24、eference to提及,参考;关于;提到 time history时间推移;随时间的变化;时间关系曲线图 术语“测距”将被用于指进行单传感器到目标测量系统,“测距呈像”是指收集稠密的地图或是空间网格分布范围的测量系统,“位置跟踪”是指通过距离测量的时间关系曲线图记录去测量一个或多个目标的系统。Distance measurement25Main content Altitude Measurement1 1 Thickness Measurement2 2 Distance Measurement3 3 Level Measurement4 426 Level Measurement Le

25、vel is defined as the filling height of a liquid or bulk material,for example,in a tank or reservoir.水平面的定义是液体或散装材料的填充高度水平面的定义是液体或散装材料的填充高度,例如例如,在一个在一个水塘水塘或是或是水库水库。Generally,the position of the surface is measured relative to a reference plane,usually the tank bottom.reference plane 参考面,基准面 tank bot

26、tom 槽底 一般来说,表面位置是相对于参考平面的测量,通常是槽底。27 If the products surface is not flat(e.g.,with foam,waves,turbulences,or with coarse-grained bulk material)level usually is defined as the average height of a bounded area.如果产品的表面不是平的(例如,带有泡沫,波浪,湍流,或用粗散装材料)水平面通常被定义为有界区域的平均高度。Level Measurement28Various classic and

27、modern methods exist to measure product level in process and storage tanks in the chemical,petrochemical,pharmaceutical,water and food industries,in mobile tanks on vehicles and ships,but also in natural reservoirs like seas,dams,lakes and oceans.Typical tank heights are approximately between 0.5m a

28、nd 40m.在化工、石化、医药、水、食品等行业中存在各种经典与现代的方式来测量在加工和储藏罐中和车辆和轮船的移动罐中的产品水平面,而且还测量一些天然的蓄水池,如内海,水坝,湖泊,海洋。典型的蓄水池大约在0.5m到40m之间。Level Measurement29 Two different tasks can be distinguished:(1)continuous level measurements(level indication,LI),and(2)level switches(LS)(e.g.,to detect an alarm limit to prevent overfi

29、lling).两种不同的任务,可以分为:(1)持续的水平面测量(水平面指示,LI),(2)液位开关(LS)(例如:用于检测报警限以防止过量)。Level Measurement Fig.11.1 shows the principal operational mode of level measurement.Every continuous system can also be used as a programmable switch.图.11.1显示的是水平面测量的主要操作模式。每个连续系统也可以用作一个可编程的开关。30Many level devices are mounted on

30、 top of the tank and measure primarily the distance d between their mounting position and the products surface.许多水平设备安装在水槽的顶部并主要测量从安装位置到产品表面之间的距离d。Level Measurement The level L is then calculated,defining the tank height h as constant,as shown in Fig.11.1and expressed as:计算水平高度L,然后定义水槽的高度h为常数,如图11.1

31、所示:L=h-d(11.1)3132 Fig.11.1 Representation of a tank with a liquid or solid material(hatched area),the product to be measured.The level sensor can be mounted(a)contacting product at the bottom,(b)as a contactless instrument on top,(c)as an intrusive sensor,or(d)at the sides as a level switch.图11.1表示带有液体或固体物质的水槽(阴影区域),这个部分产品被测量。(a)在底部水位传感器被安装得能够接触到产品(b)在顶部作为不接触仪器,(c)作为嵌入式传感器,(d)作为一个在侧面的液面开关。Level Measurement

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