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1、人教版初一英语上册期中测试题(六) 时间:90 分数:100.单项选择(15分)( ) 1. Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. Hi, Jim. _.A. Fine, thank you B. Nice to meet you too .C. Good morning D. How do you do( ) 2. Do you know how to _this word? Yes, B-A-L-L.A. spell B. read C. see D. meet( ) 3. Where _ the socks? -_ on the bed.A. is; Its B. ar

2、e; They C. are; Theyre D. is; It ( ) 4. This is my little sister. _ name is Jenny, we all like_.A. She; she B. Her; her C. She; her D. Her; she( ) 5. Is this_ English car ? No, its_ Japanese car. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; an D. an; a( ) 6. There is a computer _ the desk.A. on B. in C. under D. for ( )

3、 7. This is _ bike . _ is black . A . her , My B. hers , mine C . her , Mine D .hers ,My( ) 8. Your English is very good. A. Thank you. B. No, it isnt. C. Its not good. D. No, no. ( ) 9. I like apples _ bananas, but I dont like pears.A. or B. and C. so D. because ( )10. This is _room.A. Lucy and Lil

4、y B. Lucy and Lilys C. Lucys and Lilys D. Lucys and Lily( )11. Whats Jim Smith family name? -_ A. Jim B. Smith C. Jim Smith D. Green( ) 12. Whats that English . Its an egg.A. with B. at C. in D. /( ) 13._ these apples yours ? Yes , _ .A. Are , theyre B .Is , it is C . Are , they are D . Are , they a

5、rent ( ) 14. This is a picture _ our family. A. of B. on C. in D. at( ) 15. . Where _ the shirt? -_ _ on the sofa.A. is; Its B. are; They C. are; Theyre D. is; It .完形填空(10)Here is a picture. You can see a _1_ in it. And a_2_ ,20 desks and 20 chairs are in the classroom. _3_ are those on the table ?

6、_4_ are some books and a box. And two pens ,an eraser and two pencils are in the _5_ . On the books is a jacket. Whose is it? I dont_6_ .Whats that _7_ the floor ? Its a hat. Oh, no. Its a_8_ .Its a white and black bag. You can see _9_ people in the classroom, too. They are Miss White, an English te

7、acher, Lucy and Frank? Miss White is on her chair, What_10_ Lucy and Frank ? They are in front of Miss Whites desk.( )1.A. room. B. library C. classroom D. school( )2.A. bookcase B. desk C. table D. bed( )3.A. Who B. What C. Where D. How( )4.A. It B. He C. Their D. They( )5.A. box B. desk C. book D.

8、 chair( )6.A. think B. call C. know D. say( )7.A. to B. in C. under D. on( )8.A. bag B. schoolbag C. baseball D. box( )9.A. one B. two C. three D. four( )10.A. for B. about C. at D. of. 阅读理解(20) A(后替换内容) . Gina和她的朋友要去野餐,请阅读下面的对话后为他们列一个购物单。(共10分)Gina : Lets have a picnic tomorrow .Tom : That sounds g

9、reat .Franciscon : I like hamburgers , bananas and broccoli , What about you , Mary ?Mary : I like strawberries and chicken . Do you like chicken ?Gina : Yes , I do . I like eggs and tomatoes , too . What about you , Tom ?Tom : I like carrots and oranges . And my favorite drink is coke . Do you all

10、like coke ?G, F, and M : Yes , we do .Tom : OK . Lets go shopping .Shopping list(购物单)VegetablesFruitsDrinkOther food B.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) Im a Chinese boy .My name is Zhang Tian. Im thirteen. Im in Class(班) Seven, Grade (年级)One. I have a good friend at school. He is from the United States. His name i

11、s Dick. He is in Class Seven, Grade One, too. He is twelve. Our English teacher is Miss Liang. She is a good English teacher.( ) 6. Im twelve, and my friend is thirteen.( )7. Im in Class One, Grade Two.( )8 My friend isnt a Chinese boy.( )9. My friend is in Class Seven, Grade One.( )10. Our English

12、teacher is a man. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。(5)1.Im Jim Green. Jim is my f_ name and Green is my last name.2. My pen is yellow. What a_ yours ?3.My mothers brother is my u_.4. You can see many books in our school l_.5. Whats your t_ number? Its 620-3569.用所给词的适当形式填空,补全句子。(5)1.Here _ (be) a set of keys.

13、2._ Are _ (this) your grandparents, Eric?_ Yes, they are.3._Excuse _ (I). Is that your book?_ Yes, it is. Thank you.4. Is that pen _(you)? _ Yes, it is.5. Thats my _ (parent) room.句型转换(10)1 .Her name is Linda (划线部分提问)_ ?2. My schoolbag is green . (划线部分提问)_ ?3. These are his books .(变为一般疑问句并作出否定回答)_

14、? _ .4. Is that his photo ?.(变为复数句子)_ ?5 . Her picture is on the wall . (划线部分提问)_?。根据所给提示完成英语句子(10)1. 你的书包是什么颜色的?(color)_ ?2. 他的电话号码是什么?(number)_?3. 请拨打我的号码468-9863。(call)_.4. 这些是他的铅笔吗?不,是我的。(these)_ ? _ .5. 你的棒球在哪儿?(where)_?. 从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。其中有两项多余。(每空2分,共10分)A. Its on the sofa.B. And where are M

15、oms keys?C. They arent there.D. Is my computer game on the desk?E. Yes, it is.F. And your baseball is under the desk.G. What about my books?Mike: Hi, Alice.Alice: Yes?Mike: _1_Alice: No, it isnt. Its in the bookcase.Mike: _2_ Are they in the bookcase, too ?Alice: No, they arent. They are on the chai

16、r.Mike: Oh. Wheres my pencil box?Alice: _3_Mike: And wheres my schoolbag?Alice: Its on the desk. _4_Mike: Well._5_Alice: The keys? Oh, theyre on the table.Mike: I see. Thanks.1_ .2_ 3._ 4._5._. 书面表达(15分)(后替换内容)假设你是Tom或Kate,根据表格及照片内容,介绍你的一家人。MembernameageJobHobbiesYouTom / Kate12Studentwatching TVFat

17、herBen40doctorReadingMotherNancy38teachercookingUncleJohn25running starlistening to music _ 答案.单项选择1-5.BACBD 610ACABB 11-15BCCAA疑难解析:4.B. her 既为物主代词修饰名词,又是人称代词宾格,用在动词和介词后。7.C修饰名词用形容词性物主代词。名词性物主代词单独使用。不可再修饰名词。10.Broom 为单数,可以得知是两人共有一物。只在后面的名词使用所有格形式。.完形填空1-5.CABDA 6-10CDADB. 阅读理解A .Shopping list(购物单)V

18、egetablesFruitsDrinkOther foodbroccolicarrotstomatoesbananasstrawberriesorangescokehamburgerschickeneggsB.6-10.FFTTT. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。1. family 2.about 3.uncle 4. library 5.telephone .用所给词的适当形式填空,补全句子。1. is 2.these 3.me 4.yours 5.parents.句型转换1. What is her name ?2. What color is your schoolb

19、ag ?3. Are these his books ? No, they arent 4. Are those his photos ?5. Where is her picture ?。根据所给提示完成英语句子1. What color is your school bag?2. What is his telephone number ?3. Please call me at 468-9863.4. Are these his pencils ? No. they are mine .5. Where is your baseball ?. 从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。其中有两项

20、多余1-5.DGAFB.Im Kate . This is a photo of my family . This is my mother . Her names Nancy . Shes 38 . Shes a teacher . She likes cooking . This is my father . His names Ben . Hes 40 . He is a doctor . He likes reading . This is my Uncle . His names John . Hes 25 . He is a running star . He likes listening to music . This is me . Im 12 . Im a student . I like watching TV .

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