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1、Period 1Unit 5 If youre happy and you know it clap your hands(拍手)(拍手)If youre happy and you know it stomp your feet(跺脚)(跺脚)If youre happy and you know it shut hurray(吼(吼“hurray)A:If Im free,I will_.B:If you do,you will have a good time/be happy.sing a song Stay at homeplay sportsgo to travelwatch ca

2、rtoon party!Do you want to join the party?Music!Woo!HappyMiao!If he joins the party,he willLets guessplay the guitarIf she joins the party,she will.eat some foodIf he joins the party,he willsing a songIf they join the party,they will danceTom often gets up at 7 oclock.What will happen if he gets up

3、at 9:00 on Monday?If he gets up at 9:00,he will be late.What will happen if he is late?If he is late,his teacher will be angry with him.What will happen if his teacher is angry with him?If his teacher is angry with him,he will be sad.What will happen if he is sad?If he is sad,he will chat with his f

4、riends.(和朋友闲聊和朋友闲聊)Play a guessing game What will happen if I touch(触摸触摸)it?If you touch(触,碰触,碰)it,it will _get angryWill it?crybe happybe excited1a Look at the pictures.Then match the statements with responses.A1.I think Im going to go to the party with Karen and Ann.2.I think Im going to wear jean

5、s to the party.3.I think Im going to take the bus to the party.4.I think Im going to stay at home.Ba.If you do,the teachers wont let you in.b.If you do,youll be late.c.If you do,youll be sorry.d.If you do,youll have a great time.1b Listen.Were your answers to activity 1a correct?牛仔裤牛仔裤Thanks for lis

6、tening!See you!If it rains this weekend,But,if it rains this weekendI will stay at home.If it is sunny this weekendIf it is sunny this weekend,I will go to the party.party!If you go to the party,youll have a great time.A:I think Im going to stay at home.B:If you do,youll be sorry.if will she,call me

7、,I,tell her about itIf she calls me,I will tell her about it.eat too much ice cream (fat)B:If,willA:I think watch too much TV (tired)B:If,willA:I think not finish homework (angry)B:If,willA:I think not get up early (miss the bus)B:If,willA:I think A:I think Im going to stay at home.B:If you do,youll

8、 be sorry.he,come,next weekend,I,tell you If he comes next weekend,I will tell you.not rain,go hiking,this afternoon If it doesnt rain,I will go hiking this afternoon.no war,the world,more beautiful,If there is no war,the world will be more beautiful.she,not exercise enough,heavierIf she doesnt exer

9、cise enough,she will be heavier.he,have free time,go to Shanghai,If he has free time,he will go to Shanghai.you,eat too much,have a stomachacheIf you eat too much,you will have a stomachache.she,study hard,she,get good gradesIf she studies hard,she will get good grades.I,happy,I,go shoppingIf I am happy,I will go shopping.gogo it,be sunny,she,fly a kiteIf it is sunny,she will fly a kite.you,eat too much,have a stomachacheIf you eat too much,you will have a stomachache.gogo

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