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1、高三英语熟词新义归纳1.The police have absolute proof of his guilt.(确实的) 2.In 1601, Parliament passed an act, which aimed to provide the poor with more jobs.(法案) The first act of the play is not bad. (戏剧的)一幕 3.The president should be addressed as“Mr. President” (被称作) The chairman will address (at) at the meeti

2、ng. (发言;演讲) 4.The picture looks good against the white wall (在相称下;以为背景) Save money against old age. (防备) 5.Lay down your arms(武器)or well fire!(开枪,开火) 6.You should air the clothes to get the damp out. (晾干) The doctor remended him to air the room.(使通风)When asked about the news, she has an air of myste

3、ry. (神态,样子)in the air 在空中;(计划等)未定的 7.The theatre only admits l,000 persons. (容纳) 8.Long plane trips dont agree with me.(适应) 9.You cant live on bread alone. (仅仅) 10.A warm sunshine announces the ing of spring. (预示,显示) 11.I suddenly appreciated that l was wrong. (意识到) 12.The driver could not arrest th

4、e horses speed. (阻止) arrest ones attention/eye(吸引,吸住) 13.Youre going out? But who will attend to the baby? (照料) attend to ones work(专心,注意) 14.The doctors are available now.(有空的) 15.Many of his friends backed his plan.(支持) 16.The boy badly wants a new bike. (非常地,迫切地) 17.All the ground floor windows w

5、ere fitted with bars.(栏杆) Have a chocolate bar.(条;块) 18.You should bear the responsibility of protecting your young sister. (承担) bear in mind that.(把.牢记在心) 19.My heart beat wildly at my first public performance.(跳动) Join us in dancing to the beat of the music.(节奏) 20.He carried a block of stone in h

6、is hand.(块,大块) The road was blocked with snow.(阻塞,阻挡) 21.His expression remained blank after he heard my reason. (茫然的) The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow. (被覆盖) 22.The board are unhappy about the falling sales. (董事会) Passengers are waiting to board the plane.(上船、上火车、上飞机) 23.The behavior

7、 of this puter is very good. (性能) 24.We have booked a table near the window.【预订(房间、车票)】 25.We all like his music, for he is a born artist. (天生的) 26.Lets take a coffee break. (休息,中断) 27.He broke off in the middle of a sentence (突然中断,停止) 28.His songs always make me feel blue. (忧伤的)29. My brother is a

8、man of strong build(体格,体型)30. We chanced to be out when she called. (碰巧) .、31. Dont kick the can on your way home.(罐头;金属罐)32. The doctor is uncertain about this case.(病例)33. I dont catch what he said just now.(听懂,理解) He caught the boys stealing apples from his garden. (偶然撞见,突然发觉) What he said caught

9、 our attention. (吸引) Her shoe heel(鞋跟)was caught in the hole. (卡在,被困在) 34.动词If a newspaper or poster carries a picture or a piece of writing, it contains it or displays it.(报纸、海报)登载,刊登,印有 If a sound carries, it can be heard a long way away. (声音)传得很远 an article that carries conviction( 具有,带有;包含 35. D

10、o you think long dresses will ever e back?再流行 This style is certain to e in this year.流行 How did you e by the money? (得到,获得) 36. On the whole she counted herself a fortunate person. (认为,视为) What counts is his advice in the meeting. (重要)37. Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?(索赔)

11、This matter claimed our attention. (值得,需要) claim ones life (夺取某人的生命)38. The UN has done a lot for the cause of the world peace.(事业)39. The corporation has enough capital to build another factory.(资金,资本) In this essay, some capitals have been left out.(大写字母)40. I have no small change with me.(零钱)41.

12、Harry Potter is my favorite character in this novel. (人物)I wish this book was written in bigger character.(文字,符号)42. 1 will buy a set of china.(瓷器)43. He was born into family from upper class.(阶层,阶级)Please help me class these books. (分类)44. We might be able to cloud the issue by talking about someth

13、ing else. (掩盖,遮住,笼罩)45. In the current critical climate her work is not popular. (风气)46. The college runs specialist language courses.(课程,讲座) What do you like for the main course?(一道菜) The plane is on course.(船或飞机的)航向、航行:河道47. I11 keep your pany for the night.(陪伴,伴随)48. The police emptied her bag an

14、d examined the contents.(所含之物,内容) Before reading a magazine, I usually have a careful look at the contents.(目录)49. How many miles have we covered so far?行走(一段路程) The CCTV will cover all the major games. (报道) -Will $200 cover the expenses for the journey? (够付的费用) 50. He was very cross because his roo

15、mmate took his umbrella without his permission.(生气的)51. The current is the strongest in the middle of the river. (水流,电流)52. She has a date with Robert tonight.(约会)53. Mr. Smith has gone to the post office to draw his pension. (提取、领取)54. Do you deal with Smith, the butcher?(有生意、贸易往来)55. Can you devel

16、op this film for us?(冲洗)56. He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. (抛弃,遗弃) We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut. (荒芜的,空无一人的)57. It took me some time to digest what I had heard. (理解)58. Hunger drives her to work hard. (驱使、迫使)59. If you dont have a pen, a pencil will do (能行,适用)60.

17、 Customs duties are paid on imported goods. (税、关税)61. He directed the building of the new bridge. (指挥)62. Now we are leading an easy life. (舒适的)63. She considered economy as the best means of solving the crisis. (节约/节省)64. An ant starts as an egg. (卵)65. He elected to be a lawyer.(选择)66. His name es

18、caped me for the moment. (遗忘) slip ones mind (被遗忘) 67. Let this be an example to you. (警告)68. The rumors(谣言) excite her curiosity. (激起)69. Anyone who enters for the petition has to pay $400. (报名参加) Please enter your name and occupation in the boxes.(输入)70. Good health encourages clear thinking. (促进,

19、刺激) The Council mentions websites which contain offensive information or encourage hatred and violence. (鼓动,煽动) 71. You must exploit every chance to learn new things. (利用)72. Please send this parcel by express delivery. (快速的、快递的)I will take the 8:27 express (train) to Beijing. (特快列车)73. Living in th

20、e country can excuse you from the worry of the polluted environment.(免除)74. How do you employ your spare time? (利用)75. Tom is a man of great enterprise (进取心)76. He has an even chance of success. (相等的)77. Words fail me right at the sight of this beautiful scenery. (使失望,舍弃)He failed to lend him a hand

21、. (未能)78. We all will go to universities during the fall. (秋天)79. Does he have any family? (子女)80. It is so hot today that we must use an electrical fan. (风扇) fan the flame 煽动情绪(煽动,激起)81. Work hard or you will be fired. (解雇)82. He met a girl with fair hair hand skin today.(浅色的、白皙的)A book fair is to

22、be held next month.(集市;商品交易会;展销会)83. Shes a very good woman; unkindness is foreign to her nature. (不相符的) What you say is foreign to our discussion. (无关的)84. Please give him some help, for he is only a fresh man here. (无经验的)85. The show was far from being a failure; it was a great success. (远非,远不是)86

23、. He is fast asleep, so dont disturb him. (酣畅地)87. 111 buy a roll of film to take pictures.(胶卷)88. His answer didnt fill our need. (满足)89. The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding. (罚金)Ive bought a fine mapping pen. (纤细的)90. She has a flat tire and no spare, so she has to stop her car. (扁平的;

24、平坦的)91. Japanese cars have flooded the American market. (充满)The river had burst its banks and flooded the valley. (淹没)92. Many great discoveries have been made in the field of science. (领域)93. People with certain diseases have to eat salt-free.(不含有害物质的,不受影响) an interest-free loan 无息贷款 a nuclear-weap

25、on free zone无核武器 an ice-free harbour 不冻港94. The police officer shouted Freeze! and the man dropped the gun.(别动,停住;惊呆)95. Shell soon leave London for good. (永远)The book is as good as a new one (几乎和一样)We study for the good of the people. (为了的利益)96. Lets have a go at it!(尝试)97. He got through300 in a w

26、eek. (用完)98. Please dont give my secret away. (泄密=let out)99 He gave out that he was going to America. (宣布)100. Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from. (考虑到=considering/in view of )102. These apples are still green, you cant pick them. (生的,未熟的)103. The cars ar

27、e made for the home market. (国内)104 He is heading for school. (朝方向)105. The record was a big hit and sold a million copies.(成功而风行一时的人或物)106. He often speaks ill of me behind my back.(坏的)107. Immediately/Directly/Instantly I got the news,1 will tell you. (一,就)108. Dont look after your own interests.

28、(利益)He has an interest in the pany. (股份)Pay 5 percent interest on a loan (利息)109. His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother. (赋予灵感,启发)110. The pany is introducing a new car this year. (推出)We must introduce new ideas into a business. (引进)111. I invent the story about the man on my way h

29、ome. (捏造,虚构=make up)112. The calm water in the lake invited us to swim. (引诱,怂恿)His policies invited widespread criticism. (招致)The food here is always inviting. (诱人的)113. Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron. (熨,烫)114. They advised the government not to issue him a passport to travel abro

30、ad. (颁发,发给)I bought the book the day after its issue.(发行,出版)115. Many Americans no longer viewed it as a just war. (公平的)116. The jump in food prices gave rise to a lot of plaint. (大幅上涨)117. The noise killed the music. (终止)My back is killing me. (使痛苦)118. My father gave me a lecture for smoking. (训斥)

31、119. He said he would be here by 12 0clock, but he let us down. (使某人失望)120. He wrote to the pany hoping to land a job. (获得)121. The late rade Li set us a good example. (已故的)122. Jams depression seemed to be lifting at last. (提升)It was pouring rain and he just needed a lift. (搭便车)The building is too

32、high, please take the lift.(电梯)Her heart lifted at the sight of him.她一看见他心里就高兴。The mist began to lift.(消散)Winning the scholarship gave her a tremendous lift. (鼓舞)123. We are longing for him to e back as soon as possible. (盼望)124. My watch loses a minute a day. (慢)125. To be frank, this mission is be

33、yond my might. (权力,力量)126. Small coal mines have been closed down in Shanxi Province. (矿山)Coal is mined from underground. (开采)127. He mixes little with his wifes friends. (交往)128. What is the message of the book? (主题,要旨思想,寓意)129. To learn English well is a must. (一件必要的事)130. He is so mean and selfis

34、h that it is very difficult to make friends with him. (吝啬)131. This instrument monitors the patients heartbeats. (监视,监听)132. This will multiply our chances of success. (增加)133. He narrowly escaped drowning. (差点儿,险些)134. He stood there, learning his notes by heart. (台词) I noted that her hands were di

35、rty. (注意至)There was a note of warning in what he said (口气,调子,成分)135. Miss Watkins was a nobody. She was a drifter. No family, no close friends. (无名之辈) He thinks himself to be (a) somebody.(重要人物,要人) His latest play is nothing. (一文不值)136. Reporters have a good nose for news. (嗅觉,找出或分辨事物的能力)137. The na

36、ture of iron differs greatly from that of wood. (性质)138. His one object in life is to earn as much money as possible. (目标)Various objects were on the table. (物体)139. Some people observe Christmas here.(庆祝) Everyone should observe rules and regulations.(遵守)140. Now he holds the office of Foreign Mini

37、ster. (职务)141. He says its true, but we think otherwise.(用别的方法,不同地) 142. He refused to subscribe his name to the paper. (文件) 143. If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. (职责,责任) 144. Its sad that we have to part with them. (分离,分手,分开) 145. Is this solution acceptable to all p

38、arties concerned? (律当事人) 146. How could they begin to picture modern life? (描绘) Picture to yourself the brilliant future ahead of us.(想象) 147.I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes. (订购) 148. After that we went on a tour of the car plant. (工厂) 149. It is advisable to read every word care

39、fully on your policy. (保险单) 150. She was possessed by the desire to be rich.(情绪、感情)支配,控制 151.I am pretty sure that hell say yes. (相当地) 152. It promises to be fine tomorrow. (预示,有的希望) She was voted most promising young actress, 2009” (有前途的)153. The speaker spent several days polishing her lecture. (润

40、色,修饰) 154. He had to present a smiling face though heavy-hearted. (露出) 155. He denied that he had leaked the news to the press.(新闻界,媒体;出版社) 156. When the fire alarm sounds, each man rushes to his post. (岗位) 157.I think I have put the case clearly. (叙述,表达=phrase) As sb. put/puts it ,正如某人所述 158. Im af

41、raid he cant put you up, so you have to stay in the hotel. (提供食宿) 159. The British are a seagoing race. (民族) 160. The upper reaches of Minjiang River serve as ecological barriers of Sichuan Province(河段) 161How can I reach him, by letter or telephone? (联系,接触=contact) 162. There is a note on the table

42、 which reads/says “Finish your homework in time!” (内容显示) 163.I didnt read mothers thoughts at that time.(理解,领会) 164.I need time to reflect on your offer. (思考,考虑) 165. He rested his head on the pillow. (使搁在) 166. My argument is. different from yours in this respect/aspect. (方面) 167. He runs a famous

43、school (经营,开办) 168. There was a rush for the concert tickets. (抢购) rush sb. to sp.火速将某人送往某处 169. We have established trade ties with these regions. (关系,联系) 170. Why dont you make it another time, say Friday? (比如说) We had no say in the decision to sell the pany. (发言权) 171. Our hall can seat/ hold/adm

44、it l,000 people. (容纳) 172. Im puzzled; I just cant see how he did it. (明白) 173. The manager was ready to shoulder the blame. (承担) 174. It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of Western man. (塑造) 175. You saw hardly a soul in the village. (人) 176. She is sound in body and mind. (健康的) Id like to gi

45、ve you some sound advice (正确的,合理的) After a sound sleep, I felt better. (彻底的,充分的) If there is a fire, please sound the fire alarm. (使发出声音) 177. She spotted her friend in the crowd. (认出,发现) 178. They took his money but spared his life. (饶恕,赦免) 179. He sprang to his feet and rushed out of the room. (sp

46、ring跳起) The spring in the valley is not fit to drink. (泉水)There is something wrong with the spring in the lock. (弹簧) 180. Hundreds of people were squeezed up against each other in one er of the stand. (看台)He set up a stand on the market. (摊位) 181. She has starred in this new film.(主演) 182. He likes to meet his friends in his study. (书房)

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