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1、选修7Unit 1 Living well 梁善清 单元教学目标技能目标Goals Learn about Disability and Life of disabled people Talk about Disability and Life of disabled people Practise Introduction and Wishes &congratulations Revise the Infinitive Write a letter of suggestionII 目标语言功能句式1. IntroductionId like to introduce you toId l

2、ike you to meetMay I introduce?Pleased to meet you.Its nice to meet you.2.Wishes &congratulationsCongratulations.All the best.Im proud of you.I wish you success. Good luck.Well done.Im very impressed by your performances.You have my best wishes.Im very pleased for you.I Hope it goes well for you.Tha

3、ts wonderful/amazing.词汇1. 四会词汇disability, disabled, eyesight, drum, movie, ambition, beneficial, clumsy, adapt, motto, microscope, breath, absence, stupid, fellow, annoy, annoyed, industry, tank, independent, encouragement, conduct, politics, literature, resign, handkerchief, assistance, panion, lat

4、ter, congratulate, graduation, certificate, architect, basement, elder, elderly, dignity, accessible, bare2. 认读词汇Rada, Barry, Sally, Marty, overhear, Killmanjaro, Qomolangma, admiration, remarkable, Sanders, earphone, impair, italic, munity3. 词组in other words, out of breath, all in all, make fun of

5、, all the best, in particular 4重点词汇disability, disabled, adapt, annoy, conduct, congratulate, accessible结构Revise the InfinitiveThe infinitive can be used 1. as the subject2. as the predicative,3. as the object 4. as the object plement5. as the adverbial6. as the attribute重点句子I have learned to adapt

6、to my disability.Every time after a long absence from school, I feel really stupid because I am a bit behind the others.All in all, I have a good life.Just accept them for whom they are and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.The First Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标

7、1. Target language目标语言:a. 重点词汇和短语eyesight, drum, ambition, disabled, beneficial, in other words, clumsy, adapt , out of breath, absence, stupid, fellow, annoyed, all in all, independent, make fun of, encouragementb. 重点句型1. I have to adapt to my disability.2. All in all, I have a good life.3. Every t

8、ime after a long absence from school, I feel really stupid because I am a bit behind the others.4. Just accept them for whom they are and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.2. Ability goals能力目标Help students to learn about disabilities and life of the disabled. Enable s

9、tudents to realize people with disabilities can also live well 3. Learning ability goals学能目标By talking about disabilities and life of the disabled, students will learn some positive stories of the disabled. This will help students understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled.Te

10、aching important points教学重点How positive stories about the people with disabilities inspire others.Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to help student understand the difficulties the disable have to overe.Teaching methods教学方法Discussing, explaining, reading and practisingTeaching aids教具准备Multimedia pute

11、r Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Leading inDeal with Warming up. Play some videos of people with disabilities for students to watch. Then ask them to discuss what the disabilities are and what difficulties they have to overe in daily life.T: Good morning /afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning/

12、afternoon, Mr. /MsT: In this class we are going to learn about disabilities and the life of the disabled. First lets watch some short videos. Then discuss in groups what the disabilities are and what difficulties they have to overe in daily life.After the discussion, Teacher will present the four pi

13、ctures on Page 1 to students.T: Quite right. Disabilities can be visible or invisible. People with invisible disabilities dont look disabled. Depression, sleep disorders and learning difficulty are invisible disabilities. No matter what disability one has, life is not easy. They have many difficulti

14、es to overe, but please keep in mind they can also live well, even achieve great success. Now look at the pictures, how do they look? Ss: They look happy and satisfied. They are smiling. T: Yes, they are. But all of them are disabled. Can you guess what their disability might be?S1: S2: T: OK, pleas

15、e remember there are many disabled people in the world. They are part of the world. They also have rights to enjoy life. Would you like to learn more about them and try to do something for them? Here is a website “Family village”. From here we can learn some positive stories about the disabled.Step

16、II Pre-readingAsk students to read the pre-reading carefully and find out the purpose of the website. Then show the suggested answer on the PowerPoint.Suggest answer:1. To give ordinary young people with a disability the chance to share their stories with others.2. To inspire other disabled people.3

17、. To get non-disabled people to understand more about how challenging life can be for people with disabilities.Step III ReadingDeal with the reading part.ScanningAsk the students to scan the text and find problems Marty have in his life and what he does in spite of his disability.T: First Id like yo

18、u to do the scanning and then fill in the chart with the information you get from the text. After you have finished, please pare with your partner.Several minutes later, students pare their information with each other in groups. Then check the answer with the whole class.T: From this chart we can ha

19、ve a clear image of Marty. What kind of person is Marty? You may discuss in groups. You may refer to the adjectives on the PowerPoint.Show some suggested adjectives on the PowerPoint.brave, unlucky, weak, clumsy, strong-minded, optimistic, happy, independent, stupidT: Ok. You are right. Though Marty

20、 has a muscle disease, which causes many difficulties to his life, he still lives well. He is living a busy and satisfying life. He is very optimistic. Then continue to discuss the next two questions on Page3.Deal with the next two questions in the same way.Suggested answers:1. I think Marty is very

21、 optimistic. He is strong and independent. He has learned to enjoy life.2. I think when others make fun of him or feel sorry for him, he may feel hurt and get annoyed.3. Maybe at the beginning I will feel very low and disappointed, but Martys story will encourage me to overe the difficulties. I will

22、 learn to adapt to the disability and try to live a positive and satisfying life.Careful readingAsk students to read the text carefully and then finish Ex3 on Page 4.T: Now lets read the text again and try to sum up the main idea of each paragraph. Several minutes later check the answers with the wh

23、ole class.Suggested answers:Paragraph 1: I have a muscle disease, which is very unusual.Paragraph 2: No one knows how the disease develops.Paragraph 3: The difficulties I have in daily life.Paragraph 4: My fellow students have begun to accept me for who I am.Paragraph 5 All in all, I have a good lif

24、e.Paragraph 6: People with disabilities can also live well.T: Now lets read Paragraph 4-6 again. Then we will deal with Ex4 on Page 4. Please think actively. Then we will check the answers together.Suggested answers:1. He has a busy life and has many hobbies. When he is well, he goes to the movies a

25、nd football matches with his friends. He keeps pets. He spends a lot of time to look after his pets and he also gets a lot of enjoyment out of his pets. He also has a lot of study to do.2. Dont feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and dont ignore them either. Just accept them for who the

26、y are and give them encouragement to live a good life as non-disabled people.3. Because Marty is strong-minded and independent. His efforts have gained his fellow students respect and understanding. So they have learned to accept him for who he is.SummaryAsk students to work together to write a mini

27、 biography for Marty according to the text.T: Now weve finished Martys story. Now its time for you to work in groups and write a mini biography for him.My Mini bioName: Status: Health: Interests and Hobbies: Ambition: Motto: A few minutes later show the sample on the PowerPoint. My Mini bioName: Mar

28、ty FieldingStatus: High school studentHealth: developed a muscle disease at the age about 10, very weak, cannot do things like normal peopleInterests and Hobbies: Enjoys writing and puter programming Going to the movies and football matches- when I am well enough Spending a lot of time with my petst

29、wo rabbits, five mice, a tank full of fish and a snake To studyAmbition: to work in the puter industryMotto: live one day at a timeExplanationDuring this procedure Teacher will play the tape for students. Students will underline the difficult sentences. After listening to the tape, Teacher will expl

30、ain the text and deal with language problems. T: Now we will deal with some difficult language focuses. Now I will play the recording of the text for you. Please make a mark where you have difficulties.After listening to the tape, explain the difficult sentences to students. Before explaining the di

31、fficult points, students are asked to refer to the notes to the text on Page86-87. T: Do you have any difficulties with the text?S1:Could you please explain the sentence to us:I have learned to adapt to my disability.T: Before he developed the disease, he could run or climb the stairs as quickly as

32、other people. But after he had the disease, he bees very weak, so he cannot run very fast. It takes time for him to get used to slow pace. Besides this the disease has brought many other difficulties to him, he has to get used to living with the disease. So we can understand it like this: I have got

33、 used to living with the disease. Do you have any other questions?Ss: No.T: This is a very inspiring story. From Martys story, what have you learned from?S1: We should be patient with people with disabilities. We shouldnt get annoyed just because they are slow.S2: We shouldnt feel sorry for them. Th

34、at might hurt them.S3: We should help them in a clever way.S4: We should encourage them when they feel down.S8: Just having a disability doesnt mean your life is not satisfying.T: Im very glad all of you have learned something from the story. Please remember everyone can live well even if he has a disability. If youd like to learn more about the life of disabled people, please surf the internet.Step IV Homework: Retell Martys story according to the mini bio.Surf the internet to learn more about the life of disabled people.

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