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1、高一英语词组大全词组as a result/as the result of因此/由于的结果/结果at the beginning of在开始时at the end of在结束时at this time此刻,此时be good at擅长于be interested in对感兴趣by the way顺便说一下e on来吧,快来;跟我来find out找出,发现,查出(真相)for the first time第一次form dawn until dark从早到晚general idea大意give ones regards/best wishes/love to sb.向某人问好/致意send

2、ones best wishes/love to you某人向你问好/致意go away走开,离开go on doing sth.继续不停地干某事go on to do sth.接着去干某事have a good holiday假日过得愉快have sh. doing sth.(=let/make sb.do sth.)请/让/派某人干某事I must go/be off/be leaving now.现在我该走了。in ones opinion(=in the opinion of)据看来,依照某人的看法in pairs成对地introduce sb.to sb.把某人介绍给某人Nice t

3、o meet/Nice meeting you.见到你很高兴pen friends笔友prefer A to B喜欢A甚过喜欢Bright now(=at the moment)此刻take care of(=look after)照料,照顾the States美国time area时区holiday与holidaysholiday作假日讲。假日有时是一天,有时是好几天,后者就成了假期了。所以holiday可以说a holiday,也可以说holidays,如the summer holidays(=the summer vacation)。holiday也可作为“节日”解。如:Christm

4、as is a holiday for everybody.圣诞节对于每个人来说都是一个节日。Did you go to New York for the Christmas holidays?你去纽约度圣诞假期了吗?注意:holidays加了s.go on doing sth.与go on to do sth.go on doing sth.继续做某(同一)件事。如:After we stopped for a rest,we went on listening to the radio.我们停下休息了一会儿,又继续听广播。go on to do sth.接着做(另一件事)。如:She sa

5、ng a song.Then she went on to dance.她唱了一首歌,然后又去跳舞。sometime,sometimes,some timesometime(过去或将来)某个时候,如:Well go there sometime next summer.下一个夏天某个时候我们将到那里去。some time一段时间,如:We are going to stay here for some time.我们打算在这儿待一段时间。sometimes有时,如:Sometimes he es by train.他有时乘火车来。vacation与holidayholiday是英国的普通用语,

6、指一个正式的假期,人们可在家中度过或到外地旅游。而美国人则常用vacation一词。如:In this job you get four weeks holiday(vacation).做这个工作你有四个星期的假期。在英国英语中,vacation用来指大学的假期。have to与mustmust指说话人的主观看法,表示主观需要或责任感的驱使有必要或有义务去做某事,该词只有一般现在和一般过去时,其他时态用have to 代替。如:We must be there on time.我们一定准时到达。 have to表示客观存环境所限,即客观要求(无奈)而为之,有时态变化,在否定句中,意为“不必”。

7、如:I have to leave school because my family is poor now.因为家里穷了,我不得不退学。at the beginning与in the beginningat the beginning 有两种搭配:与表示位置的词搭配(在前头)。如:The captain stood at the beginning of the line.队长站在队伍的最前面。与表示时间的词语搭配(在开头、起初)。如:Mao Zedong began to search for the truth at the beginning of this century.在本世纪初

8、,毛泽东就开始探索真理。in the beginning:当初,起初,相当于at first。如:They didnt believe me in the beginning.当初,他们并不相信我。-词组allow sb.to do sth.允许某人干某事at the back of在的背后in the front of在前面by the side of在旁边/附近do some shopping买东西fill A with B用B装满Afill in填写,填上,填充first of all首先follow ones instructions遵循某人的指示give instructions作指

9、示hold up举起instead of代替lend sb.sth/lend sth.to sb.把某物借给某人borrow sth.from sb.向某人借某物make a face/make faces作鬼脸make/be sure(that)务必,务请none of(三者以上)都没有(be) on holiday度假,休假backput把放回原处show sb.sth./show sth.to sb.给某人看某物show sb.how to do sth.向某人说明该如何做某事take out取出turn off(the electricity/water)关(灯/水) turn on(

10、the electricity/water)开(灯/水) close/shut(the door/window)关(门/窗)open(the door/window)开(门/窗)-borrow与lendborrow:借入,表示从对方借到自己手中,往往与from搭配使用。如:Were going to borrow bats from Tom.我们要向汤姆借球拍。lend借出,将自己的物品借给别人使用,往往与to搭配使用。如:Please lend me two yuan(=Please lend two yuan to me)请借给我两元钱。但“借”这一含义与一段时间状语连用时,应用keep一

11、词来表达。如:Can I keep this book for two weeks?这本书我能借两星期吗?-as与like表达人和事物或动作状态之间的相似,用作介词时,两者意义有细微差别。如:He works like a teacher.他像老师那样工作。(不是老师)He works as a teacher.他作为一个老师而工作。(当老师)可作连词,连接方式状语从句或比较状语从句,在比较状语从句中,其中谓语动词往往可省略,引导定语从句时,常和the same,such连用,构成习惯搭配。(除在口语中)like一词不能连接从句。如:You must work as he does.(从句 a

12、s he does)你必须像他那样工作。This book is as difficult as that one.这本书和那本书一样难。You are the same age as he is.你和他岁数一样大。-turn off与shut,closeturn off:(stop a flow of water,gas or electricity,etc.)关(水、煤气、电等),反义词是turn on(打开)。如:Please turn off the television.请关掉电视机。shut:关(牢),闭(门,嘴),shut off与turn off同义。如:He shut his

13、 eyes and tried to sleep.他闭上眼睛想睡觉。close:关、闭、合,常指把开着的门窗、盒、箱等关闭起来,与shut同义,但比shut更常用。如:We have decided to close the factory.我们决定关闭这个工厂。close 还有“结束”的含义,如:We closed the meeting ahead of time.我们提前结束了会议。比较:Close the door.把门关上。Shut the door.用门闩、插销等东西把门关上,使之不能通过。-allow,let与permit的区别三个词都有“允许”含义,但有细微的差异。permit

14、:允许(比allow正式),指规章制度、法令、法规所给予的权利,或者指条件均可,多少有一点赞同之意。如:The rules of our factory dont permit smoking.我们厂规定不准抽烟。allow:让,听任(比let正式),含义消极,听任或默认某人去做某事,仅表达不想妨碍的意思。如:I will allow him to spend money as he pleases.我会让他按自己的意愿花钱。(听之任之,默许)let:让(较口语化),但更多地指不予以反对和阻止,后面跟不带to的不定式。如:Let me have a last look at my mother

15、land.让我最后看一眼我的祖国。-none与no one的区别A:Did anyone e to see me?有人来看我吗?B:No one.没有人来。(这时anyone并无限定范围,因此答语用no one而不是none。)A:Did any one of my family e to see me?我家里有人来看我吗?B:None.没人来。(any one所指的范围限定在我的家庭成员之中,因此答语用none。)-in the corner与on/at the cornerin the corner:表示内向角,如:in the corner of the room这房间的角落。at/on

16、 the corner:表示外向角,像街头道、书桌等。如:at/on the corner of the street在街道的拐角。-词组a great/good many(=a large number of)非常多的and so on等等ask for/askfor询问,请求,向要某物be doing well/fine in(在工作学习等方面)做得好bring in引进,带进,吸收change from to从变到change into变成e about(=happen,take place)产生,发生e into进入(the)difference betweenand和之间的差异dif

17、ferent from不同于have some/no difficulty in doing sth.在方面有/无困难have difficulty with sth.方面有困难(seven people)in/out of ten十分之(七的人)just as正如,正像more or less或多或少no more/notany more不再,再也不right away(=at once)立刻take/have an exam参加考试fail(in)the exam考试不及格pass the exam通过考试the same as像一样way of life生活方式written Engli

18、sh书面英语spoken English口头英语-道歉的说法I beg your pardon.请原谅。这是正式的表示歉意的说法,侧重于没听懂或没听清别人的话时,要求对方再说一遍的场合。I am sory.对自己的过失或过错行为表示较有诚意的道歉,如:I am sorry for being late again.抱歉,我又迟到了。Excuse me.是一句客套话,可译为“对不起”、“借光”、“劳驾”等,可指原谅轻微的冒犯或过失,也可指宽恕较严重、但不常犯的过失,该词也常用于因引起别人不便而表示歉意。如:Excuse me,I must be off for a moment.对不起,我得离开

19、一会儿。-between与among的区别between一般指两者或两方之间。如:The difference between Tom and Jack came into being a long time ago.汤姆与杰克的之间的分歧由来已久。among用于三者或三者以上的场合。如:I lived among the workers and learned a lot from them.我生活在工人之中学到了很多东西。-for example与such as for example:举一个例子,比方说。该短语用来指上文提到过的一些人或事物中的一个,作为插入语不构成句子成分。如:The

20、government has cut spending in several fields,for example,education.政府已经削减了几个方面的开支,例如,教育。such as:(namely)例如。该词用来进行一连串列举,注意不要将所说内容全部列举,也不能与and so on (等等)进行搭配。-词组all night long整个夜晚all day long整个白天at a high price高价be about to即将be made of是由制成的be made from是由制成的by road走大路every two or three years每隔两、三年for

21、miles and miles一连好几英里get back回来,返回give sb.my regards代我向某人问好go on holiday去度假be on holiday在度假go swimming/shopping去游泳/去买东西/Good luck!交好运!Bad luck!真倒霉!have a good/nice time过得愉快have a good/nice trip旅途愉快move on继续移动newspaper reporter新闻记者nothing except(=nothing but)只有play the guitar/the piano弹奏吉他/钢琴Say hi/h

22、ello to sb.(from me)(代我)向某人问好see sb. off给某人送行see you再见take a taxi乘出租车take off(飞机)起飞,脱衣帽-but,except与besides的区别but与except:一般来说but与except可以换用。如:We saw nothing but/except a broken bike.除了一辆破自行车我们什么也没有看见。but主要用在不定代词(no,all,everything等)之后或特殊问句中疑问代词(who,what)之后,表示排除的意思。如:Who but you was late for class?除了你之

23、外,还有谁上课迟到呢?另外,在当前的谓语动词是do时,but后面跟不带to的不定式作宾语;当前面的谓语动词不是do时,but后面跟带to的不定式作宾语。但except后不能带to的不定式。如:He can do nothing but run away.他无能为力,只有逃走。except与besides:except表示减去(排除)其后面的内容,即从总体中除去一部分,这时与but在用法上无多大区别,只是except的语气更强烈一些。besides表示加上其后面的内容“除外,还有”。如:The other students went to the park except Li Lin.除了李林(

24、没去),其余的学生都上公园去了。-across与through的区别across侧重于穿过,或横穿平面(与on的含义有关联),如:We ran across the street when the traffic light was red.当交通灯是红色时,我们跑步穿过街道。through侧重于向纵深展开,有时表示首尾贯通(与in含义有关联),如:We traveled through the long valley to the seaside.我们旅行穿过一条长长的峡谷,一直来到海边。-love to与love+v.-ing 的区别love+v.-ing有惯常的意思,如:She love

25、s having a lot of cats.她总是爱养猫。(这说明一种惯常情况)love to表示爱好。如:She loves to swim in the river.她喜欢在河里游泳。(仅仅说明一种爱好)-词组break the rules违反规则,违反规定carry away带走grow up成长,长大成人,成年,生长in fact事实上in or around在内外in order to为了in the past在过去in the shade在阴凉处in this way这样keepaway from使远离knock down撞倒obey the rule遵守规则since then

26、(=since that time)从那以后so that以便stop sb.(from) doing sth.阻止某人做某事the rest其余的thousands of成千上万的twice a year每年两次wash away冲走,冲垮-bring,take,fetch的区别bring:拿来(把东西带到说话人所在地或将要去的地方),如:He brought me a present.他给我带来了一份礼物。take:拿(到另一地方)去,如:I went to his house and took him a present.我去他家,给他带去一份礼物。fetch:拿来(到另一边去拿到手并带

27、回来)。如:I have to fetch my children at 5:00.5点钟时,我得去把孩子接回来。-soil,earth,ground的区别生长植物的土地可称为soil,earth,ground,如:Crops grow well in rich soil(earth).肥沃的土壤里长出好庄稼。ground又指可以行走的地面(室内称floor);soil侧重指生长植物的浅表层,还可指国土;earth指土地的浅表层或深层,还可指地球。-in the past和in the past+带数字的时间in the past,时态一律用过去式。很明显,这是特指过去某段时期。如:In th

28、e past they cut down many trees.过去,他们砍伐了许多树木。in the past+带有数字的时间(或few years,months等),如:in the past two years,不解释为“在过去的两年中”,而解释为“两年以来”,但不能说since two years。时态跟完成时态。如:In the past two years they have cut many trees.两年以来他们砍伐了不少树木。-词组agree on商定,决定,达成共识as follows如下at least(=no less than)至少at the crossing在十

29、字路口beginwith以开始by sea通过海路,乘船do (a lot of) walking步行(很多路)far away(=a long way from)远离How far?多远?How long?多久?in bold用黑体none of(三者以上)全部都不not all并非全部都不plenty of充足的,相当多的put up挂起,贴school-leaver(中小学)毕业生set up建立,创立sound lab语言实验室spend (money) on sth.花钱买,在花费(钱)spend (money/time)(in)doing sth.花钱/时间干某事supply st

30、h.to sb./supply sb.with sth.供给某人某物take a look at(=look at)看一眼take/have a picnic野餐training centre培训中心-mean的用法mean+名词,意思为“意味着”。 mean后面不用to不定式。若要跟动作就必须使用动名词(v.-ing)形式。如:This will mean a great many jobs for school-leavers in the province.(=This will mean offering school-leavers in the province a great m

31、any jobs.)这将意味着给这个省的中学毕业生带来大量的就业机会。mean to意思为“有意要”,而不解释为“意味着”。如:I didnt mean to start new businesses in this city.我无意在这个城市开设新的商行。-notice与take notice of区别notice:(无意)注意 ;take notice of:(有意)注意-job与work的区别job和work都可指为了谋生而做的事,如:He went to find a job.他去找工作。He has much work to do.他有很多工作要做。但job是可数名词有单复数形式,指

32、各种有收益的工作,长期的或短期的或指固定的工作;work是不可数名词,泛指各种工作,无复数形式。如:What interesting work!What an interesting job!多么有趣的工作!work虽不能与冠词“a”直接搭配使用,但可以与量词组成短语。如:a piece of work一件工作-词组a great part of一大部分a (large)number of许多,大量的(当其作主语时,谓语动词用复数)the number of的数量(当其作主语时,谓语动词用单数)as many as(数字)多达at high/low speed以高速/低速at the spee

33、d of以的速度at the time of在时候be afraid of害怕be afraid that担心cut off(电路)切断fall down倒塌fall off掉下,倒下,下降for (quite) a while暂时,一时,一会儿for ever永远in all ones life在某人的一生中more than(=over)比多,以上sound like听起来像stay up挺住,不倒塌,站立-表示倍数的表达法times+比较级+than times as+原级+astimes the+n.+of 如:地球是月球的49倍。The earth is 49 times as bi

34、g as the moon.The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.The earth is 49 times bigger than the moon.-room“空间”there is room for(对于有空位,有余地)是一个基本句型,由此变化出多种表达。有肯定句也有否定句,有固定搭配,不可擅自变动。there is room不可写成therere rooms,这里room为不可数名词。如:There is room for three more.还有三个人的空位。room之前可以加enough,much,否定句加not(enough,mu

35、ch)。如:There is enough room in the corner to put the desk there.拐角有足够的空间可以在那儿放写字台。-a number of和the number ofa number of=some;a large(great)number of=a lot of,many,后面谓语动词常用复数。如:A number of other plants were found in America.若干别的作物在美洲被人发现。the number of后面谓语动词常用单数。因为the number是指“数”。如:The number of high-s

36、chool students is increasing(growing).中学生的人数在增长。(谓语动词用单数)-center,middle的区别center可指确切的中心点(如球场中心),middle除指地点外,还可指时间。如:He lives in the center of the town.他住在城市中心地带。A policeman came up to them because they stood talking in the middle of the street.一个警察向他们走过来,因为他们站在街中间谈话。I often wake up in the middle of

37、night.我经常半夜醒来。-one与it两个词都可指代前面提到或出现的名词,one代替泛指含义的名词,it指代特指含义的名词。如:Are those your picture-books?I want to borrow one.Is the book on the desk yours?I want to borrow it.-词组a bowl of一碗all kinds of各种各样的(the) answer to the question问题的答案A be made into B A(原材料)被制成B(制成品)do ones best尽力,尽某人最大的努力Help yourself t

38、o请吃/喝点I am full/Ive had enough.我吃饱了。in many different ways以许多不同的方式in the beginning(=at the beginning)在开始时in the 17th century在十七世纪just a little只要一点点just now刚才mix A with B 把A和B混合A is mixed with B (被动态)把A和B混合起来some more再多一点than ever before比以往任何时候更think sb./sth.to be认为某人/某物是tooto太以致不-fire的用法fire作为“火灾”解,

39、可以说a fire(一场火灾),fires(大火),a lot of fires(特大火灾,火势很猛)。普通的“火”就不用a或复数形式。如:They are afraid of fire.他们怕火。火灾(fire)是可数名词,如:There were a lot of fires all over the city.全市到处都是熊熊大火。-discover与inventdiscover:发现(一个原来就有但尚未被人发现的东西),如:They discovered an oil field.他们发现了一个油田。invent:发明(一个过去没有的东西),如:The foreigner invent

40、ed a puter.那个外国人发明了计算机。-boat与shipboat多指“游艇”、“帆船”、“小木船”和“小汽船”;ship多指海上航行的“大轮船”、“飞船”。-get ready,prepare与prepare for“prepare”强调“准备”的动作或过程。如:He is preparing lessons.他在备课。“get ready”强调“准备就绪”的状态或“使做好准备”,并预示将来的动作。如:The peasants have got everything ready for the spring ploughing.农民们为春耕作好了一切准备。“prepare for”意

41、为“为做准备”,指做好准备应付某事,喑含所需要时间较长的意思。如:The farmers are preparing for the spring ploughing.农民们正准备春耕。-in the way与on the wayin the way:(人或物)挡路;on the way:在路上如:On the way home,he found a big stone in the way.在回家的路上,他发现一块大石头挡在路上。-词组a waste of time/money浪费时间/钱at one time曾经有个时候,以前both at home and abroad在国内外bring

42、 down the price降低价格CAAC中国民航free seats空座位(price) go up(价格)上涨,上升in a few years time几年以后keep a record (of)把记录下来,作记录make a decision(=decide)决定,作出决定make a plan for制定计划,为作计划make a mistake犯错误make a noise出声make a promise允诺make fun of (sb.)取笑(某人)make progress取得进步notuntil在之前不,直到之后才prefer to do sth.喜欢干某事take u

43、p占据,占领,占去thanks to由于,多亏,幸亏the number of people人数a number of people许多人-接不定式作宾语的动词归纳主要有:want to do,wish to do,try to do,hope to do,have to do,used to do,stop to do,prefer to do,be used to do,mean to do,start/begin to do,forget to do,remember to do,like to do,be afraid to do,be about to do,be glad to d

44、o,be sorry to do,be able to do,would like to do,in order to do,ask sb.to do,tell sb.to do,order sb.to do,allow sb.to do,request sb.to do,be made to do -until与till用法until与till同义,都可用作介词和连词,在否定句中与瞬间动词连用,也可与持续性动词连用,意为“直到才”。在肯定句中只与持续性动词连用,意为“到为止”,但前者较正式一些,因而until引导的短语置于句首或句中,当置于句首时不能与till换用,till不能置于句首,也不

45、能与not一起连用,但可构成“fromtill”词组。如:Until 1978 he lived in Shanghai.他在上海一直住到1978年。-information与news的区别“information”使用范围很广,可指通过学习、读书、谈话、观察等方式获得的“情报、资料、消息、知识、信息”等,该词是不可数名词,无复数形式,也不能与an直接连用。如:I have collected some information on puters.我已经收集了有关计算机的一些资料。“news”指事件发生后不久的消息,主要指新闻媒介所报道的重大消息或公众感兴趣的新闻,该词是不可数名词。如:No news is good news.无消息就是好消息。-plete与finish的区别plete指(圆满地、进一步地)去完成一件未完成的东西,完成预定的任务、工程、建设等。如:I havent pleted the toy made of mud yet.我尚未制作完泥玩具。finish 指(日常活动)完成某件事或某个动作,尤指完成工作的最后一步。如:He has finished posing a piece of music.他已经谱写完了一首曲子。-

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