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1、研究生科技英研究生科技英语课语课程程科技英科技英语语写作写作邵宗平邵宗平南京工业大学化学化工学院材料化学工程国家重点实验室1.科技科技论论文的文的标题标题 How to prepare the title?2nFirst impressions are strong impressions;a title ought therefore to be well studied,and to give,so far as its limits permit,a definite and concise indication of what is to come.T.Clifford Allbutt

2、先先入入为为主主。因因此此,论论文文的的标标题题应应最最大大限限度度地地对对文文章章内容内容给给出明确而出明确而简洁简洁的指示。的指示。科技科技论论文的文的标题标题3Importance of the TitlenPerhaps few people,if any,will read the entire paper,but many people will read the title,either in the original journal or in one of the secondary(abstracting and indexing)publications.nThe ind

3、exing and abstracting services depend heavily on the accuracy of the title.An improperly titled paper may be virtually lost and never reach its intended audience.科技科技论论文的文的标题标题4科技科技论论文的文的标题标题5Length of the Titlenlong titles are often less meaningful than short ones.ExamplenMost excessively long titl

4、es contain waste words.Often,these waste words appear right at the start of the title,words such as A study of,Studies on,Investigations on,and Observations on.科技科技论论文的文的标题标题67nAn opening A,An,or The is also a waste word.nExample 1 标题标题可改可改为为:Selectivity in direct synthesis of H2O2 from H2 and O2:ro

5、le of catalyst on reaction kineticsnExample 2 标题标题可改可改为为:Novel preparation of thin dense Pd membrane on macroporous stainless steel tubular filternExample 3 标题标题可改可改为为:Dehydrogenation of ethanol in a palladium membrane reactor科技科技论论文的文的标题标题8科技科技论论文的文的标题标题9Need for specific titlesExample:Properties o

6、f ZSM-5 molecular sieve Catalytic properties of ZSM-5 molecular sieve Catalytic properties of ZSM-5 molecular sieve on cracking of cumene Deactivation of ZSM-5 molecular sieve on catalytic cracking of cumeneBad title:A study of the deactivation of the ZSM-5 molecular sieve on the catalytic cracking

7、of the cumene科技科技论论文的文的标题标题10Exercise:pH值对沉淀法制备的碳酸钙比表面的影响Effect of pH on specific surface area of calcium carbonate prepared by precipitation以多孔陶瓷为载体的钯银合金膜的制备和表征Preparation and characterization of Pd-Ag alloy membranes supported on porous ceramics汽油成分的气相色谱分析Gas-chromatography analysis on gasoline co

8、mponents科技科技论论文的文的标题标题11nTitle should not be a sentenceExample:“Oct-3 is a maternal factor required for the first mouse embryonic division”OCT-3是首次鼠胚胎分裂的母体因素(Cell 64:1103,1991).1.The verb(is)is a waste word,in that it can be readily deleted without affecting comprehension.2.Inclusion of the is resul

9、ts in a title that now seems to be a loud assertion.But,it happens科技科技论论文的文的标题标题1213Running titles页头标题页头标题nAs an aid to readers,running titles or running heads are printed at the top of each page.nOften,the title of the journal or book is given at the top of left-facing pages and the article or chap

10、ter title is given at the top of right-facing pages.nUsually,a short version of the title is needed because of space limitations.n一般,一般,页头标题页头标题由期刊自定。由期刊自定。科技科技论论文的文的标题标题14Abbreviations in title nTitles should not contain abbreviations,proprietary专有的 names,jargon,and the like.Example:The hydrogen-fu

11、eled internal combustion engine:a technical review不能写成:“H2ICE:a technical review”.But,this kind of problem often happens科技科技论论文的文的标题标题1516How about chemical formula?n简单简单的化学式最好用英文表示,而稍复的化学式最好用英文表示,而稍复杂杂的化学的化学式最好不式最好不译译。如如palladium,sodium,PdCl2,Na2MoO4,H3PW12O40.nH2O,Y-Ba-Cu-B-O等等。等等。n化学式往往更精确。化学式往往更

12、精确。如如“iron oxide”是是FeO,Fe2O3还还是是Fe3O4?“nitrogen oxide”是是N2O,NO,N2O3,N2O4,NO2,N2O5中的哪一个?中的哪一个?Example科技科技论论文的文的标题标题1718科技科技论论文的署名文的署名 How to list the authors?19科技科技论论文的署名文的署名nThe listing of authors should include those,and only those,who actively contributed to the overall design and execution完成 of t

13、he experiments.但是,存在剥削现象。nThe authors should normally be listed in order of importance to the experiments.nThe first author is often the senior author,in case that two authors contributes equally,a footnote may be addressed.鼓励学生做第一作者,关键是要名实相符。nVery often,the last author is the group leader.20nCorres

14、ponding author Usually the supervisor or lab leader.nIf,before publication,the author has moved to a different address,the new address should be indicated in a Present Address footnote.n尊师。对学生来讲,通常在准备稿件时应该将作者栏空白,由导师在定稿时将作者加上,以显示对导师的尊重。n爱生。反过来,导师也应该根据贡献的大小决定文章的署名,如学生是主要作者,应让学生作第一作者。科技科技论论文的署名文的署名21科技

15、科技论论文的摘要文的摘要 How to prepare the abstract?22科技科技论论文的摘要文的摘要nAn Abstract should be viewed as a mini-version of the paper.nThe Abstract should provide a brief summary of each of the main sections of the paper:Introduction,Experimental,Results and Discussion.nThe Abstract is often typed as a single parag

16、raph,but there are exceptions:Example 1;Example 2.nThe Abstract should:(1)state the principal objectives and scope of the investigation,(2)describe the methods employed,(3)summarize the results,and(4)state the principal conclusions.23科技科技论论文的摘要文的摘要nThe activities described in Abstract should be writ

17、ten in the past tense.But description of the facts should be written in present tense.nThe Abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper.nReferences to the literature must not be cited in the Abstract(except in rare instances,such as modification of a previ

18、ously published method).nAbstract containing reference:Example 1;Example 2.24科技科技论论文的摘要文的摘要nUnless a long term is used several times within an Abstract,do not abbreviate the term.nWrite the paper before you write the abstract,if at all possible.nChemical formulas and abbreviations of well-known char

19、acterization techniques can be written in abstract.nThe Abstract is almost universally the first part of the manuscript read during the review process.Therefore,it must be written clearly and simply.25科技科技论论文的摘要文的摘要nUsually,a good Abstract is followed by a good paper;a poor Abstract is a harbinger预兆

20、 of woes to come.nWhen writing the Abstract,examine every word carefully.The use of abstruse难懂的,verbose 罗嗦的constructions is very likely to provoke a check in the reject box on the review form.nMany experienced writers prepare their title and Abstract after the paper is written.26nHow to list the key

21、words?Initial letter capitalized;Spacing out with semicolon.n Number of keywords.科技科技论论文的摘要文的摘要27科技科技论论文的前言文的前言 How to write the Introduction?28科技科技论论文的前言文的前言nAim:to supply sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without needi

22、ng to refer to previous publications on the topic.nThe Introduction should also provide the rationale基本原理 for the present study.nyou should state briefly and clearly your purpose in writing the paper.nChoose references carefully to provide the most important background information.29科技科技论论文的前言文的前言http:/

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