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1、第十六章第十六章 直接引直接引语语和和间间接引接引语语1.陈陈述句的述句的间间接引接引语语2.疑疑问问句的句的间间接引接引语语3.祈使句的祈使句的间间接引接引语语4.感感叹叹句的句的间间接引接引语语5.混合句型的混合句型的间间接引接引语语1-1 陈陈述句的述句的间间接引接引语语o 直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,要用从属连词that来引导(that在口语中可省去),并且要注意下列变化:2-1.1 时态时态的的变变化化o(1)如果引述动词为现在时,则间接引语中的动词保持原来时态不变。例如:She says,“Tom works hard.”She says Tom works hard.她

2、说汤姆工作努力。Mr.Li says,“I have been a TV presenter for years.”Mr.Wang says that he has been a teacher for ten years.李先生说他当节目主持人已经多年了。3-o(2)引述动词若为过去时,间接引语中的时态除过去完成(进行)时不需要改变以外,其他都要作相应的变化,规则如下:4-o例如:Kathy said,“Ill pick you up at nine.”Kathy said she would pick me up at nine.凯西说她九点钟开车来接我。He said,“I finish

3、ed writing my essay yesterday.”He said he had finished writing his essay the day before.他说他前一天把文章写完了。Robert said,“I was joking with Mary.”Robert said he had been joking/was joking with Mary.罗伯特说他在和玛丽开玩笑。5-o(3)如果引语为客观事实、科学真理、现在习惯动作以及格言时,尽管引述动词为过去时,间接引语中动词时态却不需改变。例如“The earth moves around the sun,”the

4、ir teacher told them.Their teacher told them that the earth moves around the sun.老师告诉他们地球绕着太阳转动。o(4)虚拟过去时如位于wish,would rather/sooner和it is time等之后,在间接引语中保持不变。例如:oShe said,“It is time we went home.”She said it was time they went home.她说他们该回家了。o(5)直接引语中如果有具体表示过去的时间状语,变为间接引语时,时态可以不变。例如:o“I joined the a

5、rmy in 1998,”he said.He said that he joined the army in 1998.他说他是1998年参军的。6-o(6)直接引语中动词所表示的情况仍然存在和进行,其时态在间接引语中可以不变。例如:“Im six,”the girl said.The girl said that she is six.那女孩说她6岁。(现在还是6岁)o(7)过去完成(进行)式仍为过去完成(进行)式,不需改变。例如:He said,“We hadnt returned to the school when she came.”He said they hadnt retur

6、ned to the school when she came.他说当她来的时候,他们还没回学校。”7-1.2 人称代人称代词词、指示代、指示代词词、时间时间状状语语、地点状、地点状语语的的变变化化o(1)人称代词,除引述本人的原话外,通常第一、第二人称变为第三人称。例如:“Ive broken our window.”she said.She says she has broken their window.她说她把窗户打破了。o(2)指示代词this和these分别变为it和they/them或that和those/the。例如:He said,“We will discuss this

7、question tomorrow.”He said that they would discuss it the next day.他说他们第二天将讨论这个问题。”o(3)时间状语和地点状语的变化He said,“It was completed a year ago.”He said it had been completed a year before.他说那在一年前就完成了。8-时间、地点状语的变化可以参看下表:9-2 疑疑问问句的句的间间接引接引语语疑问句变为间接引语时,要注意将疑问语序变为陈述语序。引述动词通常为ask,wonder,want to know等。o(1)由一般疑问句

8、、选择疑问句或附加疑问句转换的间接引语通常由whether或if引导。例如:Mother asked,“Do you really want to go abroad?”Mother asked whether/if I wanted to go abroad.母亲问我是否真的想去国外。Jim asked me,“Do you like Chinese food or western food?”Jim asked me whether I liked Chinese food or western food.吉姆问我喜欢中餐还是西餐。10-o(2)如果引述特殊疑问句时,必须将疑问词保留,疑问

9、语序改为陈述语序。例如:“What do you think of it?”he asked.He wanted to know what I thought of it.他想知道我对此事的想法。o(3)有些句子虽然是疑问句形式,但并非真正提出询问,而是表示请求、劝告、建议等意义。引述此类句子时要根据其本身意义采取不同的形式。例如:“Can you get up a bit earlier?”the doctor asked.The doctor asked/advised him to get up a bit earlier.医生劝他早点起床。11-3 祈使句的祈使句的间间接引接引语语o(

10、1)引述祈使句通常用“动词+宾语(+not)+不定式”结构。常见的引述动词有ask,beg,tell,urge,warn,remind,advise,invite,order等。例如:“Please give me some books.”he begged.He begged me to give him some books.他请求我给他一些书。o(2)引述表示建议、劝告的祈使句时,可以用“suggest+动名词”或“suggest/say+that分句”结构。例如:She said,“Lets leave the luggage at the station.”She suggested

11、 leaving the luggage at the station.她建议把行李放在车站。She suggested that they/we(should)leave the luggage at the station.她建议他们(我们)应该把行李放在车站。12-4 感感叹叹句的句的间间接引接引语语在引述感叹句的间接引语时,一般有下列两种形式:o(1)保留引导词how或what,或者改为陈述句(以that为引导词)。例如:“What a beautiful sight!”He remarked what a beautiful sight it was.He remarked that

12、 it was a beautiful sight.他说这风景好美。o(2)可以根据句子的原意进行以改写,使之变为具有相当含义的陈述句。例如:“Hello!”He greeted me.他向我打招呼。“Happy journey!”He wished me a happy journey.他祝我旅途愉快。13-5 混合句型的混合句型的间间接引接引语语o如果各类句子混杂使用,在引述时,除了需要遵守上述有关变化规则外,还要在保留原句意思的前提下,适当调整句子的结构,或增减一些词语,甚至改变说法,以保持句子的连贯。例如:“He told me,“Do you want my horse?Oh,wha

13、t a horse I have,the finest in Red China!I have very good photos and they are all yours.”He asked whether I wanted his horse and remarked with admiration that he had the finest horse in Red China.He also told me he had very good photos and they were all mine.他问我要他的马吗,并赞叹地说他的马是红色中国最好的马匹。他还告诉我他有些很好的照片

14、,全都可以归我所有。14-练习练习答案与解析答案与解析o1.C “失败是成功之母”是一条真理,因此在任何情况下都要用一般现在时。o2.A suggest引导宾语从句,从句动词要用虚拟式。此处go之前省略了should。o3.B 完成作业发生在Jane告诉我之前,所以用完成时。前面用了told,后面必须用had finished。o4.A 间接引语前后时态一致且语序为正常语序。o5.D A和B错误,用ask,应为asked why I didnt quit that job;C选项应为suggested that I(should)quit that jobo6.A Shall I do是一种委婉的请求,与A选项对应。o7.D tell sb.to do sth.的否定式为tell sb.not to do sth.o8.C 直接引语中如果有具体表示过去的时间状语,变为间接引语时,时态可以不变。in 1985是一个过去的时间,入党应用join the Party。o9.B 本题考查感叹句的间接引语 o10.C call sb.sth叫/称某人是15-

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