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1、英语错题汇总一、选择题( ) 1、Our teacher told us that light travels faster than .A. sound B. voice C.noiseD. noisy( )2. Look, there are so many presents for us A. to choose B.to choose from C.choose D. choose from ( )3. Heat home. Its Sunday today.A.may be B.may C.maybe D.be( )4. Patrick jumped in the long jump

2、.He won the game.A.longest B.furthest C.farthest D.highest( )5、You shouldnt forget the stove before the kitchen.A.to turn off; leaving B.turning off;leavingC. turning off;leaving from D.to turn off;leaving from( )6、I bought a new sweater yesterday.It me 120 yuan.A.cost B.paid C. spent D.took( )7、Gir

3、ls,be careful with the knife,or it may hurt_.A.yourselvesB.yourselfC.you D.your( )8、What do the instructions_ about how to make a paper building? A.writeB.tell C.sayD.ask( )9、Excuse me,_do you know about DIY?A.but how manyB.but how muchC.and how muchD.and what( )10. The shopkeeper told him that he c

4、ould change his camera_9 a.m._11 a.m.the next day.A.sometime from;to B.some time between;and C.some time from;to D.sometime between;and( )11.Youd better _books_bed.Its bad for your eyes.A.dont read;in B.not read;inC.not to read;on the D.not read;on( )12. There are books and magazines all over the ro

5、om.Its necessary to _some shelves on the wall for him to put things on.A.put up B.put in C.put away D.put on ( )13. Look!The clock in our classroom has stopped._theres_wrong with it.A.Maybe;somethingB.Maybe;nothing C.May be;something D.May be;nothing( )14. The baby is crying.Would you please do some

6、thing to make him_?A.to stop to cry B.to stop crying C.stop to cry D. stop crying( )15.It takes less time _to the centre of the city than_the bus.A.driving;taking B.to drive;taking C.driving;to take D.to drive;to take( )16.The volunteer spoke as_as she could do make the visitors understand her.A. cl

7、early B.more clearly C.clear D.clearer( )17.The beaches in Hainan are different from_A.those in Dalian B.that in Dalian C.Dalian D.in Dalian( )18.It was_the end of the letter that she_me about her own plan.A.near;talked B.near;told C.in;talked D.in;told( )19.Why not _the singing? May I ?A.join in B.

8、join C. to join in D.to join( )20._fun the children had_with sand on the beach!A.How;to play B.How;playing C.What;to play D.What;playing( )21.Mum,could I have some cake?Sorry,theres_left.A.nothing B.no one C.no D.none( )22.Well be away for two weeks because well have a _A.two-week holiday B.two week

9、sholidaysC.two-weeks holiday D.two-weeks holiday( )23.When the train stopped,some people_the bus and some others_A.got off;got on it B.got off;got it on C.got it off;got on it D.got it off;got it on( )24.The Class8 students_a day out with their teacher at this time yesterday.A.planned B.plan C.were

10、planning D.are planning( )25.You look quite pretty in blue._A.Dont play a joke on me B.Its very kind of you to say soC.You look pretty ,too D.Not so good( )26.Would you like to paint the wall _blue?A.with B .in C. of D./( )27._the old man walks along the river for _A.Sometimes;some time B. Sometimes

11、;sometimeC.Some times;some time D.Some times;sometime( )28.He knows four languages,_Chinese and English.A.after all B.at once C.such as D.for example( )29.I really hope you _a famous singer in the future.A.to bee B.being C.became D.will bee( )30.Nobody knew_at that time.A.how to do B.what to do C.wh

12、at todo it D.how would they do it( )31.Cindys bright,smiling,eyes,make her_really pretty and kind.A.to look B.look C.looks D.looking( )32.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen_we speak.A.as twice much as B.twice as much asC.as much as twice D.as much twice as( )33.Daniel doesnt look_.

13、Is he ill?A.good B.well C.generous D.worried( )34.Mary does her homework as_as Jim does.A.carefully B.careful C.more careful D.most carefully( )35.The food in the fridge_bad.Youd better throw it away.A. is smelt terrible B.smells terrible C.smells terribly D.is smelt terribly( )36.Which foreign coun

14、try would you like_this summer?The USA.I think.A.to travel to B.visit C.to go D.to visit to( )37.The birthday card_some flowers on it were made_ _some glue and a knife by Charles.A.have,of B.with,with C.have,with D.with,of( )38.He speaks French well,but of course not _a person born in France.A.as cl

15、ear as B.clearer than C.as clearly as D.the more clearly( )39.How much is the ticket to the Central park?A one-way ticket_$40,and you can _another $20 for a round-trip.A.costs;spend B. spends;pay C.pay;spend D.cost;pay( )40.Sorry.I_ my homework at homePlease dont forget to _it when you e to school t

16、omorrow.A.forgot,bring B.left,take C.forgot,take D.left,bring( )41.She is unhappy with his weight_. She wants to lose weight all the time.A.Yes,she is B.No,she isnt C.Yes,isnt D.No,she is二、词汇运用1. I became to everyone in our class.2.He didnt pass the driving test and he looks (happy)3.Do you think th

17、is story book is (fun)than that one.4.He feels even (thirst),after drinking a bottle of cola.5.What you have done (make)your teacher very angry.6.I want to wash some clothes if it (not rain)tomorrow.7.Amy with her family (travel)in Europe these days.8. The more you do your work,the mistakes you will

18、 make.9、You can easily guess the meaning of the word”staycation”because it is a blend of “stay”and (假期).10、He picks up some French (在期间)his stay in France.11、He (主动提出)to take me out for a ride in his new car and I said OK.12、You can never imagine how much trouble we had (finish)the job.13、He thinks

19、(take) part in the game is more important than to win the game.14、It is said that the temperature (drop)to -5tomorrow,isnt it?15、One way (lose)weight is that you should exercise more and eat less.16、She really has a wonderful time (chat) with he friend in the caf.17、Look!The children each (have)some

20、 toys of their own.18、The train (arrive)at Wuxi Railway Station in five minutes.19.You can stay for lunch.Dinner is _(几乎)ready.20.He always_(信任)his parentswords when he was a child.21.How lucky he was_(pass)the exam finally!22.There_(be)a football match between China and South Korea this evening,isn

21、t there?23.Where is Jim?Im afraid he _(forget)the visit to the museum.24.To get_(health),you must take more exercise.25.Jack spent he _(little)time finishing the work of all.26.Armstrong and aldrin collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for_(进一步的)research.27.He showed no _(interesting)in mus

22、ic when he was five.28.Trump has been chosen to be the _(总统)of the USA.29.Its_(use)for you to keep the books.You can donate them to others.30.Your e-friend_(e)to visit you,isnt she?31.They _(plan)a show for the old people in our neighborhood,arent they?32.They left the playground happily after they_

23、(set)out all the fireworks.33、The children arent old enough to sit_(自始至终)a fashion show.34.Last summer was the_(hot) than going out in the hot sun.35. Who _you _(choose)as monitor of our class? I cant wait for the result!36. I will go climbing with you if it _(to rain)tomorrow morning.37. Is it nece

24、ssary(必要)that everybody_(learn)a foreign language?38.Its time for breakfast.Please get up as soon as _(可能的)39.Dont use the new puter until you read the _(指示)on the screen carefully.40.I want somesone to help me _(修理) my bike.41.The students_(hold) a show to collect things for Project Hope at the mom

25、ent.42.The boy likes_(say)bad words about others.We dont like him at all.43.Last week my neighbour fell over when_(shop)in the town centre.44.My parents_(be not)at work today.Shall we go to Wuxi Zoo?45.The man kept_(write)in French about his everyday life.46.The terrible earthquake made a large numb

26、er of people_(lose)their lives.47、Im sorry Im late. It donesnt matter.Try_(not e)in school late again.48.This pair of trousers_(适合)me well.Ill take them.49、He es the bus.Lets quickly.50、Japanese schoolbags are good but they dont _(装进)our Chinese desks.51、The magazine Teenagers_(hold) a writing petit

27、ion these days.52、_(be)a doctor when I grow up is my dream.53、The light blue jeans_(make)her_(look)pretty.54、My legs always_(fit) well under my desk as I was small.55、You will find it _(确实)that a dictionary is really helpful in our study.56、I feel even_(ill)than yesterday.I have to go to hospital.57

28、、Which city is _to the sea,Beijing or Tianjin?58、What do you think is _(danger)animal in the world?59、I think hiking is _(excite)than jogging.60、Lily is _(hard-working)of the twins.61、I think July is usually_(hot)month in this area.62.He felt even_(thirsty) after eating an cream.63.All of my classma

29、tes are quite_(friend)to others.64.Who do you think is _(popular)female singer in China at present?65.Is Jim _(handsome)boy in your class?66.We waited for a long time at the bus stop before_(get)on the bus.67.I hope your dream _(e)true some day.68. Sam was so _(care)that he made a lot of mistakes in

30、 the English test.69.The pretty girl with_(smile)eyes is my cousin.70.No one did_(bad)in the Maths test than Mark.71.Why is Bob so _(happy)today?Did anything sad happen to him?72.You must be very careful when_(cross) the busy street.73Idont know when_(start)tomorrow morning,either.Ill check it for y

31、ou.74.He felt bright and _and full of energy.(cheer)75.The man is so _(bore)that no one likes to talk to him.76.The hair clips_(发光)brightly in the sun.So she bought it.77.They have set good_to us.(榜样)78.The scientist is hard-working.He always work out the answers_(精确地)79.When will he e and join us f

32、or a coffee?Not until he _(finish)the work in half an hour.80.It is better to teach a man fishing than_(give)some fish.to give81.Stop talking loudly.Not only Lucy but her twin sister_(do)homework next door.三、同义句转化1、She is the shortest of the girls in her class.(1)She is than any in her class.(2)She

33、tall the other the girls in her class.2、Which book do you like best?Which is ?3、They never told others about their ideas.They always 4、The classes at Johns school are different from those at Nancys.The classes at Johns school those at Nancys.5、Toby is the most hard-working student in his class. Toby

34、 in his class.6、Jack joins the fewest clubs of the three boys.Jack joins than two boys.7、At Woodland school,we can choose what subjects we want to study. At Woodland school,we can choose .8.It took my father three hours to get to the airport in his car yesterday.My father_three hours_ _the airport y

35、esterday.9.Well have an 8-day holiday for the ing National Day holiday.Well have 8days_for the ing National Day holiday.10.Susans hair is the longest in her class.Susans hair is _than_ _in her class.11.Jim is 9 years old,and Daniel is 12 years old.Jim is _ _ _ _than Daniel.12.Does your teacher belie

36、ve his words?Does your teacher believe_13.Susan is the shortest of the girls in he claass.Susan is _than _in her class.14.The boy left the cinema when the film was almost over.The boy left the cinema_the film.15.They took a boat trip along the Grand Canal.They_along the Grand Canal.16.It is warm in

37、Hainan the whole winter.It is warm in Hainan_through_17.In the beginning ,Daniel wasnt interested in working on the wed page.In the beginning ,Daniel_no _in working on the wed page.18.Nothing is wrong with my new watch.Dont worry.My watch doesnt_.Dont worry.19.Sandy works harder than Tom.Tom isnt_Sa

38、ndy.四、根据汉语完成句子1、我们班级没有人比他更擅长讲故事。No one in our class than him.2、你要不要买些什么吃的?Would you like eat.3、莉莉,决不能说别人的坏话。Lily, never others.4、我认为今年的歌舞表演不像去年那样有意义。I dont think this years 5、因为交通太拥挤,我们开会迟到了。We were late for the meeting because 6、我们都迫不及待地拍下那些模型飞机We all couldnt wait 7、孩子们,你们要照顾好自己。Children,you need 8

39、、我的自行车坏了。幸运的是,他主动把车借给我。My bike went wrong.Luckily,he his bike.9、我们认为看录像不如去旅行令人兴奋。We is as exciting as going on a trip.10、我们都认为学习一门外语很有趣。We all think that is fun.11.我姐在课外活动上用的时间比我少得多。My sister has_than I.12.浏览了一则广告之后,西蒙选择了去西藏旅游。After_an advertistment,Simon _to Tibet.13.在练习打垒球上,Simon花的时间比我少得多。Simon_th

40、an I .14.你相信他在几年后将学会说三种不同的语言吗?Do you believe he _in a few years?15.我每天最多只有半个小时用于业余爱好上。I have _every day.16.我想选一个有幽默感的人作为我的搭档。I want_my partner.17.你们没有在那场事故中伤到自己真是幸运。You_ in that accident.18.英语在许多国家是最有用的一门外语。English is one_in many countries.19.幸运的是,我得到了三张音乐会的免费票。_the concert.20.尽可能写仔细点,尽量别出错。Write_and try_ 21. Tom每天花多长练习练钢琴?How long does it _22.你打算和谁讨论这些问题?Who are you _

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