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1、pierce 刺穿;刺破词根:pierceadj. piercing 刺穿的;敏锐的;尖刻的;打动人心的 pierced 穿通的vt.1. 刺穿;刺破;穿过:He pierced the rubber ball with a needle.他用针刺穿橡皮球。2. 打动,感动:to pierce someone to the core深深地打动某人3. (寒冷、忧伤等)影响,侵彻:The cold wind pierced him to the bone.他觉得寒风刺骨。4. 穿孔;挖洞;穿洞;钻孔:The worker tried to pierce a hole in a piece of

2、leather.工人设法在一块皮革上打一个洞。在(鼻、耳等身体部位)上穿孔:get ones ears pierced 在某人的耳朵上打洞Im having my ears pierced on Saturday.我星期六要去扎耳洞。5. 突破,冲破;突入:The army pierced the enemys line.部队突破了敌人的防线。6. 尖叫声穿过;被突然听见;(亮光)照进:The sound of the telephone pierced his sleep.xx铃声把他从睡梦中惊醒。7. 看穿,洞察,识破: Old Mother Adams next door couldnt

3、 pierce her daughters thoughts.隔壁的亚当斯老大妈看不透女儿的心思。vi.穿入;刺入;突破(有时与 to, into 或 through 连用):The rocket pierced through the space.火箭穿过太空。The knife did not pierce very deeply.刀扎得不很深。license 执照;许可证 美lasnsn. 执照,许可证;特许vt. 许可;特许;发许可证给 过去式licensed 过去分词licensed 现在分词licensing licence 许可证,执照;特许licensee 持牌人;执照持有者;

4、获许可的人;领到执照的人licenser 认可者;发许可证者silly 愚蠢的;傻的adj. 愚蠢的 sillier silliestn. 傻瓜 复数sillies 比较级sillier 最高级silliest n. silliness 愚蠢;糊涂adj.愚蠢的 foolish, stupid, mad, doltish, insipientn.傻瓜 stupid, fool, donkey, gump, aleckBut I feel silly when he wants me to do it in public, like at the supermarket.可是在公共场合比如在超级

5、市场里,他还要我这样,我就觉得太冒傻气了。I try to be green, but find out that in my ignorance, Ive made silly choices instead.我很努力地想要环保,但是却发现由于我的无知,反而作出了愚蠢的决定。Theyre quite silly on this subject.在这个问题上他们相当愚蠢。You might think that it is a silly question. 你可能会认为这是一个愚蠢的问题。I can make a silly joke to my friend.我可以跟我的朋友开个愚蠢的玩笑

6、。We think about it too much and convince ourselves that its silly or not worth it.我们左思右想得太多,以至于自认为这些点子太愚蠢或不值得去思考。And if I go back to Libya, it would be silly, a crazy thing.如果我回到利比亚,那将是一个愚蠢而疯狂的举动。earring 耳环instead of 代替;而不是His success plays his luck instead of his skill.他取得的成功靠的是运气而不是技术。Why dont you

7、 play football instead of just looking on?你为什么不参加踢足球而只是看热闹?She frittered away her time in going to the cinema instead of studying.她不把时间花在学习上,而是浪费在看电影上了。Have I not often made you water my garden instead of studying?我不也是经常让你们到我的花园浇水以此代替学习吗?Instead of trying to change him, change how you view him.你不该试图

8、改变他,而是应该改变你看待他的方式。Instead of this, he wanted to adopt the boy!取而代之的是,他愿意领养这个男孩!Instead of, he treated them as friends. He taught the students how to integrate theory with practice.代替而之的,他待他们如朋友一般。他教学生如何理论结合实际。Instead of eating out, why not call some friends and have a picnic?为什么不叫一大群朋友去野餐来代替一个人外出聚餐呢

9、?Work you want to do, instead of just have to do.选择你想做的工作,不要只是为了工作而工作。Learn to converse with your child instead of talk at him.请学会与你的孩子交谈,而不是只要他听话。stay up 不睡觉;熬夜I seldom stay up so late.我很少熬夜到那么晚。Can we stay up as long as we like? they ask.“如果我们愿意我们能熬夜吗?” 他们问。I will make this puter work even if I ha

10、ve to stay up all night .我即使整晚不睡觉也一定要让这台计算机工作起来。I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies.我过去常和妈妈熬夜看电影。We stayed up late to see the film on television.我们迟迟不去睡觉,以便看电视上播放的影片。Shall we stay up till he es? 我们熬夜等他回来吗?I seldom stay up so late.我很少熬夜到那么晚。I like to stay up until midnight or even lat

11、er on ,its my natural clock.我很喜欢熬夜,一直到午夜或者更晚,这是我的生物钟。Im going to wait for Mary to e home even if I have to stay up all night! And when she es in that door, I am going to give her a piece of my mind shell never forget!这位爸爸说:“哪怕我一夜不睡觉,我今天也非要等到玛丽回来不可。当她走进门的时候,我要好好地教训她一顿,让她永远也忘不了。”The first night youll

12、stay up late, but youll fall asleep right away.第一天晚上你可能要待到很晚,但是你会在上床之后立刻入睡。I can stay up late, never drink water, eat whatever I want and slack off on exercise and still be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend you ever saw.我能熬夜,不喝酒,吃任何我想吃的,甚至在健身的时候偷懒,但是我仍能够做好每个角色:例如,妻子,母亲,女儿,姐妹,朋友,以及其他。Do

13、ctors suggest that people should not stay up late even on holidays.医生建议,即使在节假日人们也不应该熬夜。Her husband likes to stay up late.她的丈夫喜欢晚上熬夜。Back home, we could stay up into the small hours chatting about nothing and, when we were apart, we would text, email and ring each other dozens of times a day.回到家,我们会熬

14、夜聊着有的没的直到凌晨,当我们分开的时候,我们会发短信,发电子邮件,一天给对方打十好几次xx。Im surprised that some of these ancient buildings stay up so long as they do.我很惊讶,这些古老的建筑竟然还能矗立在那里。Put on your lifejacket, which would help you to stay up if you fall out of the boat.穿上救生衣。这样在你万一从船上跌到水里时,它会帮助你不沉到水下去。保持留在原位:The playbill has stayed up for

15、 a week, but no man notices it.那张海报挂在那里已有一个星期了,可是没有人去看它一眼。concentrate 集中;聚集 英kns()ntret 美knsntret 过去式concentrated 过去分词concentrated 现在分词concentrating vi. 集中;浓缩;全神贯注;聚集vt. 集中;浓缩n. 浓缩,精选;浓缩液concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于 concentrate upon 专心于;集中在 If you dont concentrate more on your work youll be dismissed.假如你

16、不更加专心地工作, 你将被解雇。When working, one should concentrate and not allow oneself to be distracted.工作时要集中精力, 不要分心。In doing so, businesses will be able to concentrate on what they know how to do best: their business.这样,事情将能够集中在他们知道如何做得最好的事情上:他们的业务。It was up to him to concentrate on his studies and make some

17、thing of himself.他能否专心学习并有所成就取决于他自己。At work you need to be able to concentrate. 工作时你要能专心。You must concentrate all your energies on the study of English.你必须集中全力学习英语。We could not concentrate on/upon the lesson because the room was noisy.屋里太吵,我们无法全神贯注地听课study 学习;研究n. 学习,研究;课题;书房;学问vt. 学习;考虑;攻读;细察vi. 研究

18、;用功study hard 努力学习 study for 为而学习 study English 学英语 make a study of 研究;探索 English study 英语学习 study abroad 出国留学;海外学习 object of study 研究对象 good good study 好好学习 study group 学习集团,学习小组;学习研讨会 in a brown study 沉思;幻想;呆想 field of study 研究领域 design 设计;构思vt. 设计;计划;构思n. 设计;图案vi. 设计词组短语 同近义词 同根词design method 设计方

19、法,设计法 design for 设计来作 system design 系统设计;制度设计 product design 产品设计 engineering design 工程设计 structure design 结构设计 software design 软件设计,软件开发 design process 设计过程,设计程序;设计加工 design principle 设计原理 structural design 结构设计 new design 新式样,新设计 design scheme 设计方案 optimal design 优化设计;最佳设计 design idea 设计理念 optimiz

20、ation design 优化设计 optimum design 最佳设计,最优设计 landscape design 景观设计;园林设计;环境景观设计 architectural design 建筑设计;结构设计 professional design 专业设计;设计合理 interior design 室内设计;室内装饰;内部装饰业They designed us a beautiful building. 他们为我们设计了一幢漂亮的大楼。He designed a new plan for the project. 他为该工程设计了一套新的施工方案。She designed to be

21、a doctor.她立志当一名医生。Her mother designed her for a lawyer.她母亲打算要她当律师。I like his design for the new houses.我喜欢他的这些新房子的设计。They design and build it themselves.他们自己来设计和制造。How do you design your life?你是如何设计你的生活的?We are yet to test this design with users.我已经用此设计对用户进行了测试。present 目前;现在at present 目前;现在The idea

22、is just that at presentan idea.这种构想在目前也只是一种构想。Do you know what you should do at present?你知道你目前应该干什么吗?At present I do not have information on the meeting you asked about.至于是否有你提到的会见,我现在还没有这方面的消息。We cannot explain this at present.目前我们对此无法解释。What I should do at present is learn English well.我目前应该做的事情是学

23、好英语。What pany are you with at present?你目前在哪家公司就职?This is the information I can provide at present.这是我目前能向你提供的信息。The most popular languages after English in US schools at present are Spanish and French.目前在美国学校中,除英语之外,最流行的语言是西班牙语和法语。At present, I know him so well, that I think him really handsome; or

24、at least, almost so.现在我很了解他,觉得他确实漂亮,至少可以说几乎是漂亮的。opportunity 机会;时机 复数opportunities 词组短语 同近义词 同根词seize the opportunity 抓住机遇,抓住机会 rare opportunity 稀有机会,难得机会 equal opportunity 机会均等 opportunity cost 机会成本 business opportunity 商业机会 take the opportunity 利用机会,抓住机会 golden opportunity 绝好的机会 unique opportunity

25、唯一机会;极难得的机会 employment opportunity 就业机会 investment opportunity 投资机会 job opportunity 工作机会,就业机会 opportunity to see 广告能见机率;看见机会 economic opportunity 经济机会 land of opportunity 机会之地;机遇之地 at the first opportunity 一有机会;尽快 opportunity to perform 实践的机会;表现机会 photo opportunity 拍照机会;(名人政要等)接受媒体拍照的时间 opportunity

26、loss 机会损失 equal employment opportunity 同等就业机会,均等就业机会 at the earliest opportunity 一有机会;尽快 adj. opportune 适当的;恰好的;合时宜的 opportunistic 机会主义的;投机取巧的adv. opportunely 及时地;恰好地;适当地n. opportunist 机会主义者;投机取巧者 opportunism 机会主义;投机主义They catch at every opportunity to make money.他们抓住一切机会来赚钱。I wish to take this oppo

27、rtunity to thank you all.我愿借此机会向大家表示感谢。John watched every opportunity because he wanted to get on.约翰盯住每一个机会,因为他想获得成功。He takes every opportunity of practicing his oral English.他利用一切机会练习英语口语。See this as an opportunity for both of you.把这看作你们两个人的一次机会吧。I like the country, but I have little opportunity to

28、 go there.朋友问你喜不喜欢加拿大。你说,喜欢这个国家,但很少有机会去Some see an opportunity in this.一些人在这里看到了一个机会。On the one hand, this gives us an unprecedented opportunity.一方面,这给了我们一次前所未有的机会。And we must do so in a world in which we must pete for every opportunity.而且,我们必须在一个需要为每个机会而竞争的世界上做到这一切。But if people want to use it and

29、improve it, they have the opportunity to do both.但如果人们想用它和改进它,那么他们应该有机会这样去做。You have only opportunity.你只有机会。This is your opportunity.这就是你的机会。The opportunity is there. Why not seize it?机会正在那儿呢,为什么不抓住它?Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.谢谢您提供给我们这样服务的机会。In that he sees an opportunity.在这一点上他

30、看到了一个机会。I trained well for this golden opportunity.为这次黄金机会,我锻炼的多好.Is it better to give when someone asks, to give without them knowing, or to give them an opportunity?在某人要求时就给与是不是更好,给与时不要让他们知道,或者给他们一次机会?I want to win that next battle - for justice and opportunity.我希望赢得下一场战斗为了公正与机会。It is about how yo

31、u operationalize and subsequently capitalize on market opportunity.它是关于您如何实施并且随后利用市场机会的。What they do with this opportunity is now up to them.他们如何把握这个机会现在就取决于他们自己了。Movement and information provide each of us with the opportunity to do something, but thats all!波动和信息提供给每个人做点什么的机会,但仅仅如此!Not only do you

32、have someone who loves you, today you also have the opportunity to love them - and other people - back.现在的你不仅仅有人来爱你,而且你也有机会来爱他们,是对他们爱的一种回报。Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.抓住每一次机会告诉你所爱的人,你爱他们.Opportunity is all around us, but we have beliefs and habits that block it.

33、机会遍布我们周围,但我们的习惯和信念阻挡了它。My special thanks go to them for the opportunity of addressing you this evening.特别的,我想感谢你们为我提供了今天晚上讲话的机会。This is an opportunity for people to express themselves and connect with one other.这是给人们提供一个表达自我同时同他们联系的机会。But immigration should not be the only pathway for those seeking

34、opportunity.但移民对寻求机会的人来说不应该是唯一途径。And no one should be denied the opportunity my parents and I have to be a part of America.我的父辈和我努力成为美国的一部分,这种机会任何人都不应失去。It would be a tremendous loss if we do not act on this opportunity.如果我们不抓住这个机会采取行动,就会造成巨大的损失。volunteer 自愿(做某事);自愿者n. 志愿者;志愿兵adj. 志愿的vi. 自愿vt. 自愿Out

35、standing Volunteer优秀志愿者;优异自愿者;优良意愿者Volunteer Song志愿者之歌;自愿者之歌Volunteer Work志愿工作;志愿者工作;志愿者活动;义工Volunteer Slogan志愿者口号;自愿者标语volunteer doctor志愿者医生Volunteer information主动提供信息volunteer spirit志愿者精神;志愿精神volunteer organisations志愿团体Volunteer Recruitment志愿者招募;招募义工;志愿者招聘And for this I need one volunteer.为此,我需要一个

36、志愿者。I volunteer because I have the time.我参加志愿者是因为我有时间。But if you like, I can arrange a visit from a canine volunteer.但是如果你愿意的话,我可以安排一位“狗义工”来看你。Volunteer work should not be entirely selfless.志愿者工作不是完全无私的。Do you volunteer or serve in an organization or are you a member of some group?你是否在某个组织服务或者担任志愿者,

37、又或者你是某个团队的成员?I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month.每个月的第一个星期六我经常都去参加志愿者工作。It benefits from the volunteer efforts of many thousands of outside contributors and editors.它受益于成千上万外界的投稿者和编辑者的自愿的努力。As a volunteer, I want to show our folk customs to the people from all over the wo

38、rld.作为一个志愿者,我想向来自世界各地的人们展示我们的民族文化 。I create love with someone who loves music, adventure and joins me in volunteer work.我和某个热爱音乐、冒险、和我一起参加志愿者工作的人共创爱。She notes that many of the early results are intangible: for example, a new optimism bubbling up in churches and volunteer groups.她注意到,大多数的早期效果是无形的:例如,

39、在宗教和志愿者组织中出现了一种新的乐观主义。I volunteer because I love my city and I need to give back something else to it other than tax dollars.我去做志愿者是因为我热爱我的城市,除了交税我还需要偿还它一些其他的东西。Moreover, he is a draftee, not a volunteer.并且,他是被提名,不是自愿当选的。While he did this, his apparatus measured the level of sweat on the volunteers

40、skin.当他这样做的同时,他用设备检测到了志愿者皮肤上出现汗液的程度。I volunteer because it takes me out of my daily life.我去做志愿者是因为它能让我从日常生活中抽身而出。Once you have an idea of the kind of work you want to do, how do you find the right volunteer opportunity?一旦你打定主意选择了一种适合自己的义工工作,你怎样能找到一个正规的志愿者服务机会呢?I guess Im saying that even though Im n

41、ot making a significant direct financial input into our family, the volunteer work that I do is significant enough that some people get paid to do it.我想我要说的是,即使我对我的家庭没有直接的经济支持,但是志愿者的工作比那些为钱而去做事的人更有意义。 我们非常高兴能够献出我们的时间。Alternatively if you are out of work and have some spare time, why not volunteer?或者

42、,如果你不在工作或者有空闲,为什么不当志愿者呢?We are looking for an English and a Portuguese translator for these if anyone would like to volunteer?我们正在找寻一位英语、一位葡语的译者来翻译这些,假如有人志愿的话?Why do we say yes to parties and volunteer mitments that suck the life right out of our tired veins?我们为什么要对晚会说“是”,为什么要为了志愿者承诺而在我们疲倦的日子里再浪费生命。

43、And she dreams to be a volunteer in 2008.她现在做梦都想当2008年的志愿者。 哈哈。It is extremely motivating for a local volunteer team to see the way their munity pulls together to make this event a success.让本地的志愿者团队看到他们的社区团结在一起,从而把活动做成功,是令人非常激动的事情。The most obvious reason, of course, is that we all have obligations t

44、owards our society, and volunteer work is one way of repaying this obligation.当然,最显而易见的原因是,我们大家对社会都负有义务,志愿工作是我们履行义务的一种方式。Volunteer safety and liability in case of an on-site accident.工作现场发生事故时,志愿者的安全和责任。You may already have some work experience through volunteer work.你可能通过做志愿者工作已经得到一些经验。You may also

45、 find that youre eligible for discounts at a gym by being active in other munity organizations, such as food co-ops or volunteer groups, or through your insurance plan.你可能还会发现,如果你在其他的社会团体(比如粮食合作社、志愿者团体)很活跃或是通过你的保险计划,你会很符合健身房的折扣条件。We lacked a volunteer coach one year, and I stepped up and asked our E

46、nglish teacher - whose only experience was connecting with students in the classroom - to lead us.那年我们缺少一名志愿者做教练,于是我赶紧去求助于我们的英语老师,不过他的经验当时只限于在教室里与学生们沟通。Or they volunteer to help serve meals to people who have no homes. Or they give money to organizations that help poor people in the United States an

47、d around the world.例如,他们自己制作圣诞礼物而不是去购买,或者他们自愿帮助那些无家可归的人,给他们送去饭菜,或者向那些帮助美国和世界各地穷人的组织捐款。Check Websites of organizations youre interested in, or call and ask if they have volunteer programs.去看看你感兴趣的组织的网站,或是打xx问问是否有志愿者计划。In one interview, a lucky volunteer arrived with his leg in a plaster cast and described how he had fallen down a flight of stairs.在一次访问中,一位幸运的志愿者拖着打着石膏的腿来了。 他讲述了自己如何从楼梯上上摔下来的经过。local 地方的;当地的 局部的;地方性的;乡土的l

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