1、-范文最新推荐- 北京后海英文导游词 Old Beijing flavor Grand Canal Terminals -Shi Sha hai Shi Shahai Deshengmen from the North Bridge, the North Sea south to the back door, the same kind of water from the sea before and after the sea, the West Sea (Jishui Tan). Also known as 10-productive because this area had 10 Ba
2、osha, therefore the name. Humanities rich history here. Guan Hanqing the Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Mengfu, Ming Li Dongyang, Yuan Hongdao, the Qing Dynasty Nalanxingde, Cao Yin, Liu Yong, Zhang Zhidong, the modern summer sticks nest, Guo Moruo, Zhang Boju, often to this event or long Living in this. Shi Sh
3、ahai to radiation as the center of the surrounding area is also available in the Mei Lanfang Hu Guosi Street house, to Tiananmen Square Hu Shih former places of residence within metres of grain, to Tiananmen Square, Johnston (Puyis English teacher) former places of residence, to Tiananmen Square Mai
4、n Street East Wellington Koo former places of residence, east Maor backdoor alley-yu, is the University of disabilities, the home can park, the adjacent Queens Wanrong is the last of the family house. Shisha Hai Haidong from the former northward along the way. Barbecue quarter, Restaurant advertisin
5、g under the bridge is Yinding Qiao, where Lotus had been planted in the late Qing Guangxu years some Daguan elite, Wenrenmoke here Shanghe, Lake Tea Tour, so set-Habitat, Qingyinchashe, blasting belly Wang, barbecue season, will be appear from time to time-of Health. Then sit here and push window wi
6、ll be tabled in a Lotus. Shi Shahai now is not only the public park, and attract many tourists. Barbecue quarter in front of rickshaws, bicycles, cars come and go, the river grinder of the boat came in from time to time, pipa, erhu the Golden Voice, two small guys from barbecue quarter in carrying d
7、elivery Mu Xia barrels of embarkation, a girl with Danfen Qipao sit on the bow gracefully on the vine Quanyi embrace pipa, Chuanpengs Cup in a note to listen or watch the boat, Zhuantou. Along the river bar sat a group blonde foreigner. Shi Shahai retained the edge of many ancient streets. Like Yand
8、aixiejie, Yin Dingqiao Xiecha it from the north into the axis of the bell Gulou the west side of Main Street, shape like a Yandai. This street, there are antique shops, a fish shop, jewellery shops, bath, Xiuju Pu, bookstores, Yan Mei Fong, and other shops, a cloud Shuige Liao Qi, the owner had his
9、home is used to suit the garment shops, Beijings first suit is produced in this shop. Yandaixiejie from entering after the Haibei along the Arthur children alley, gradually noisy sound strip, the You-alley in an open cement board on the roads Sazhaoguhuai Posuo mottled the Shuying. Shi Shahai preser
10、ved in the alley near a dozen blocks Baosha the only preserved the most complete, the Yuan Dynasty, founded in Beijing famous ancient temples in one of the eight-Huasi. Serve in the Forbidden City, Wan Rong Zhang eunuchs had also live here. In Shi Shahai Xianbu, especially people Huaixiang Last Empe
11、ror Puyi. And here he has a special fate. He grew up in Wales after the House of alcohol; living Liu Yin Street Prince Gong Yi Xin Pu Yi is the grandfather of six, while Baylor old Tao Tao House are masters of Pu Yi is the Qi Shu; Shi Shahai former East Sea Maor alley Is the Queens Palace is the hom
12、e Wanrong; Shufei Wenxiu and Puyi in the Puppet贵人Tan Yuling during the two were in the home of the North Prince Gong House Xiangfeng alley. Apart from the forest of construction Palace, where the alley is definitely going to see the. South official alley, the alley Xiangfeng, the wire alley, three b
13、ridges alley, the former along the Haibei, Hainan after along with the various courtyard, because of the different grades, in the form of doors, the doors of the hall, the openings into the deep, Zan door, the threshold, Shek Mun pillow, Mendun, the Ying, Yingbi walls and Zhuandiao patterns, accesso
14、ries of choice, both have different stresses. 游客们好,我是这次游兰亭的导游。游兰亭前请允许我提几个要求:一,不能乱扔垃圾。二,不能乱吐痰。 兰亭是个风景秀丽的地方,是著名书法家王曦之曲水流觞的地方,是闻名遐迩的圣地。 我们正穿越竹林小径,穿过竹林小径,迎面就是一座三角形的鹅池。池上的石桥叫做三折石桥,池中白鹅戏水,就像诗中说的那样:曲项向天歌,红掌拨清波。假若游客们临池观赏,一定使你们情趣盎然。像这样的美景,游客们可以多拍几张照片。 我们现在已经站在了三折桥上,过了三折石桥,沿卵石小路来到曲水流觞,这里竹林郁郁葱葱,小溪弯弯曲曲,清流萦流,溪边石
15、凳、石桌,星星点点。游客们,你们可以坐在石凳,我相信一定让你诗情满怀。 游客们,你们向曲水流觞的对面看,那就是流觞亭。亭子古色古香,廊柱上面雕刻着许多飞鸟走兽。游客们,你们向亭内的上面望,亭内有曲水邀欢处一匾,匾下挂着一幅扇形人物山水画,画中王羲之等人临流觞咏,栩栩如生。我们从亭内出来,沿石板小路向前走去,两旁是荷花池。每当盛夏,满池的荷花含苞待放,像害羞的小姑娘。 游客们,现在我们来到了右军祠,祠中摆放着各种名贵兰花。春天,祠中兰花盛开。如果游客们那时侯来,一踏进祠中,一股幽香扑鼻而来,顿感心旷神怡。祠中有池,池中建亭,称墨华亭,据说是因王羲之临池学书而名。看,左边的祠中有密室回廊,四壁嵌有
16、历代兰亭序等摹刻碑石。 从祠中后门出来就来到御碑,御碑四周有石狮、石栏围着。 游客们,只要出了御碑过了小门,一条蜿蜒的溪流展现在你面前。你们看,那小溪弯弯曲曲,有的地方窄的可跨脚而过,有的地方宽得要撑船而过。溪水随着溪面,时而急流涌进,时而缓缓流淌。游客们,溪边有宽阔的沙滩,卵石清洁如洗,如果在那儿去活动活动是再好不过的了。 兰亭是祖国书法史上的一处圣地。现在大家可以自由欣赏兰亭。 亲爱的游客朋友们,现在我们乘坐的是巴士四号汽车前往北京,观赏世界历史文化遗产之一长城。很荣幸成为大家的导游。如果有什么问题,可以请教我。大家下车后一定要记住我们的车牌号,按规定时间返回。祝大家旅行愉快。 现在我先给
17、大家介绍一下长城吧!长城是修筑在陡峭的山岭之间,它从东头的山海关一直修筑到西头的嘉峪关,全长共有一万三千多公里。它是中华人民力量和智慧的结晶,它是中华民族即将腾飞的巨龙的象征。游客们,我们的车已经停到八达岭上了。请看正前面有一块(儿)石碑,上面有八达岭几个红字,大家可以把它拍下来,做为一个到八达岭的留念。 游客们,我们来到了长城的脚下。请大家低头看看脚下,它是由一块块灰色的巨砖砌成的,十分平整,五六匹马也可以并行。让我们抬起头来,长城就像蜿蜒的巨龙卧在连绵起伏的崇山峻岭之间雄伟壮观。八达岭长城共有六个烽火台。烽火台共有三个门,其中中间一个最大,它的上面有许多小方块围成的一个正方形。古代时,在那里点火,表示那里有危险。这些烽火台可以在两至三个小时之间将情报传到数千里以外的地方。烽火台分两层,上层是眺望台,下层是士兵吃饭和睡觉的地方,可见烽火台在当时的军事中着多么重要的作用啊! 游客们,再往下走我们就到好汉坡了,好汉坡是指只有好汉才能登上的险坡,是八达岭的必经之路,让我们GO! 经过好汉坡,就到峰顶了。游客们,当我们站在峰顶看看这前不见头,后不见尾的巨龙的时候,真为我国古代劳动人民的无比智慧感到自豪和骄傲吧! 我们的长城之旅到此为止,希望大家有时间还来长城,也希望我的讲解能给大家留下深刻的印象!ByeBye! 5 / 6