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1、网络游戏发行合同范本中文:网络游戏发行合同甲方:(公司名称)地址:联系人:电话:乙方:(公司名称)地址:联系人:电话:鉴于甲方是一家拥有独立法人资格的网络游戏开发企业,拥有网络游戏开发许可证以及相关的知识产权;乙方是一家拥有独立法人资格的网络游戏发行企业,拥有网络游戏发行许可证。双方经协商一致,就甲方开发的游戏作品游戏名称的发行事宜达成如下协议:一、游戏授权1.1 甲方同意将游戏作品游戏名称的发行权授权给乙方,以便乙方对该游戏进行发行、推广和运营。1.2 乙方有权根据游戏的具体情况进行修改、推广、发行和运营,但未经甲方书面同意,不得进行过多的改动或者将游戏用于其他用途。一、Game Licen

2、sing1.1 Party A agrees to authorize Party B the distribution rights of the game Game name for distribution, promotion, and operation.1.2 Party B has the right to modify, promote, distribute, and operate the game based on the specific situation of the game, but without the written consent of Party A,

3、 it shall not make excessive changes or use the game for other purposes.二、发行期限2.1 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为_年,届满时可由双方协商延期或终止。2.2 本合同有效期内,乙方有义务按照双方约定的时间节点及方式,对游戏进行发行、推广和运营。2.3 若乙方无法按照约定的时间节点和方式对游戏进行发行、推广和运营,应向甲方支付违约金,并在双方协商的情况下补正错误。2.4 如本合同届满时,乙方希望继续发行游戏,需提前90天书面通知甲方,双方可协商签订新的合同。二、Term of Distribution2.1 Th

4、is contract shall come into effect from the date of signature by both parties and shall be valid for _ years, and may be extended or terminated by mutual agreement upon expiration.2.2 During the validity period of this contract, Party B is obliged to distribute, promote and operate the game accordin

5、g to the agreed time points and methods.2.3 If Party B fails to distribute, promote, and operate the game according to the agreed time points and methods, it shall pay a penalty to Party A, and correct the errors in consultation with both parties.2.4 If Party B wishes to continue distributing the ga

6、me when this contract expires, it must notify Party A in writing 90 days in advance, and the two parties may negotiate to sign a new contract.三、费用结算3.1 乙方应按照每月(季度/年度)结算模式向甲方支付游戏发行费用,并出具详细的财务报表,并由双方共同确认。3.2 若游戏的销售额较大,双方可另行商议结算方式,并签订相关合同。3.3 乙方承诺按时足额支付游戏发行费用,若逾期支付应按照每日1%的标准支付逾期滞纳金。3.4 若乙方发现结算中有任何疑问或争议

7、,应及时向甲方提出,双方协商解决。三、Fee Settlement3.1 Party B shall pay the game distribution fees to Party A according to the monthly (quarterly/annually) settlement mode, and provide detailed financial statements, which shall be jointly confirmed by both parties.3.2 If the sales volume of the game is large, the tw

8、o parties may negotiate a separate settlement method and sign a related contract.3.3 Party B undertakes to pay the game distribution fees in full and on time. In case of overdue payment, a late payment penalty of 1% per day shall be paid.3.4 If Party B finds any doubts or disputes in the settlement,

9、 it shall promptly raise them to Party A for discussion.四、知识产权保护4.1 甲方保证在授予乙方游戏发行权时,拥有完整的知识产权并愿意承担可能涉及的法律风险。4.2 乙方不得以任何方式侵犯游戏的知识产权,并应当尽最大努力保护甲方的知识产权。4.3 若乙方发现他人侵犯游戏的知识产权,应立即通知甲方,并全力配合甲方维护知识产权。4.4 若因乙方的过错导致游戏的知识产权受到侵犯,乙方应承担相应的法律责任。四、Intellectual Property Protection4.1 Party A guarantees that it has c

10、omplete intellectual property rights when granting Party B the game distribution rights and is willing to bear any legal risks involved.4.2 Party B shall not infringe the intellectual property rights of the game in any way and shall make every effort to protect Party As intellectual property rights.

11、4.3 If Party B discovers any infringement of the games intellectual property rights by others, it shall immediately notify Party A and fully cooperate with Party A in protecting the intellectual property rights.4.4 If Party Bs fault leads to the infringement of the games intellectual property rights

12、, Party B shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.五、保密义务5.1 双方应对本合同及涉及的业务、技术和财务信息保密,不得向第三方透露。5.2 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得将本合同中的任何条款和内容向任何第三方透露。5.3 即使本合同终止,保密义务仍然有效,未来仍应继续履行保密义务。5.4 如一方违反保密义务,应承担相应的法律责任。五、Confidentiality Obligation5.1 Both parties shall keep confidential this contract and the business

13、, technical, and financial information involved, and shall not disclose it to any third party.5.2 Without the written consent of the other party, neither party shall disclose any terms and contents of this contract to any third party.5.3 Even if this contract is terminated, the confidentiality oblig

14、ation shall remain effective, and the parties shall continue to fulfill the confidentiality obligation in the future.5.4 If a party breaches the confidentiality obligation, it shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.六、争议解决6.1 本合同的履行受中华人民共和国法律管辖,并双方同意就本合同的履行发生的任何争议进行友好协商解决。协商不成的,任何一方可将争议提交中华人

15、民共和国(广东省深圳市)仲裁委员会,按照其仲裁规则进行仲裁。6.2 在争议解决期间,本合同的其他条款仍然有效并继续履行。六、Dispute Resolution6.1 The performance of this contract is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, and both parties agree to resolve any disputes arising from the performance of this contract through friendly negotiation. If

16、 negotiation fails, either party may submit the dispute to the China (Shenzhen, Guangdong) Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules.6.2 During the dispute resolution process, the other terms of this contract shall remain valid and continue to be performed.七、其他条

17、款7.1 本合同自双方签字之日生效,本合同为双方的最终协议,代替双方以往就本合同相关事宜所达成的一切口头或书面协议。7.2 未尽事宜,双方可另行协商并签订补充协议,此类补充协议与本合同具有同等的法律效力。7.3 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等的法律效力。7.4 本合同若需修改,须经双方书面协商一致,并签署书面补充协议。7.5 本合同自_年_月_日起生效。七、Other Clauses7.1 This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature by both parties, and this contrac

18、t is the final agreement between the two parties, replacing all oral or written agreements reached by the parties in the past regarding the matters related to this contract.7.2 Matters not covered in this contract may be negotiated separately by both parties and a supplementary agreement may be sign

19、ed. Such supplementary agreements shall have the same legal effect as this contract.7.3 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and both have equal legal effect.7.4 Any modification to this contract shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties and signed in a written

20、 supplementary agreement.7.5 This contract shall come into effect on _ year _ month _ day.以上是关于网络游戏发行合同的范本,让游戏开发方和发行方在签署合同时,明确双方的权责,有助于双方合作的顺利进行。愿合同能促成双方合作愉快、业务取得成功!English:Network Game Distribution ContractParty A: (Company Name)Address:Contact Person:Phone:Party B: (Company Name)Address:Contact Pe

21、rson:Phone:Whereas Party A is an independent legal entity engaged in the development of network games, possessing the Network Game Development License and related intellectual property rights; Party B is an independent legal entity engaged in the distribution of network games, possessing the Network

22、 Game Distribution License. After negotiation, the parties have reached the following agreement on the distribution of the game Game Name developed by Party A:. Game Authorization1.1 Party A agrees to authorize Party B the distribution rights of the game Game Name for distribution, promotion, and op

23、eration.1.2 Party B has the right to modify, promote, distribute, and operate the game based on the specific situation of the game, but without the written consent of Party A, it shall not make excessive changes or use the game for other purposes. Term of Distribution2.1 This contract shall come int

24、o effect from the date of signature by both parties and shall be valid for _ years, and may be extended or terminated by mutual agreement upon expiration.2.2 During the validity period of this contract, Party B is obliged to distribute, promote and operate the game according to the agreed time point

25、s and methods.2.3 If Party B fails to distribute, promote, and operate the game according to the agreed time points and methods, it shall pay a penalty to Party A, and correct the errors in consultation with both parties.2.4 If Party B wishes to continue distributing the game when this contract expi

26、res, it must notify Party A in writing 90 days in advance, and the two parties may negotiate to sign a new contract. Fee Settlement3.1 Party B shall pay the game distribution fees to Party A according to the monthly (quarterly/annually) settlement mode, and provide detailed financial statements, whi

27、ch shall be jointly confirmed by both parties.3.2 If the sales volume of the game is large, the two parties may negotiate a separate settlement method and sign a related contract.3.3 Party B undertakes to pay the game distribution fees in full and on time. In case of overdue payment, a late payment

28、penalty of 1% per day shall be paid.3.4 If Party B finds any doubts or disputes in the settlement, it shall promptly raise them to Party A for discussion. Intellectual Property Protection4.1 Party A guarantees that it has complete intellectual property rights when granting Party B the game distribut

29、ion rights and is willing to bear any legal risks involved.4.2 Party B shall not infringe the intellectual property rights of the game in any way and shall make every effort to protect Party As intellectual property rights.4.3 If Party B discovers any infringement of the games intellectual property

30、rights by others, it shall immediately notify Party A and fully cooperate with Party A in protecting the intellectual property rights.4.4 If Party Bs fault leads to the infringement of the games intellectual property rights, Party B shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities. Confidentiality Ob

31、ligation5.1 Both parties shall keep confidential this contract and the business, technical, and financial information involved, and shall not disclose it to any third party.5.2 Without the written consent of the other party, neither party shall disclose any terms and contents of this contract to any

32、 third party.5.3 Even if this contract is terminated, the confidentiality obligation shall remain effective, and the parties shall continue to fulfill the confidentiality obligation in the future.5.4 If a party breaches the confidentiality obligation, it shall bear corresponding legal responsibiliti

33、es. Dispute Resolution6.1 The performance of this contract is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, and both parties agree to resolve any disputes arising from the performance of this contract through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party may submit the dispute to

34、 the China (Shenzhen, Guangdong) Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules.6.2 During the dispute resolution process, the other terms of this contract shall remain valid and continue to be performed. Other Clauses7.1 This contract shall come into effect from the

35、 date of signature by both parties, and this contract is the final agreement between the two parties, replacing all oral or written agreements reached by the parties in the past regarding the matters related to this contract.7.2 Matters not covered in this contract may be negotiated separately by bo

36、th parties and a supplementary agreement may be signed. Such supplementary agreements shall have the same legal effect as this contract.7.3 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and both have equal legal effect.7.4 Any modification to this contract shall be agreed upo

37、n in writing by both parties and signed in a written supplementary agreement.7.5 This contract shall come into effect on _ year _ month _ day.The above is a sample of a network game distribution contract, allowing the game developer and distributor to clarify their rights and obligations when signing the contract, which will facilitate smooth cooperation and successful business in the future!

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