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1、汽车销售代理协议书范本代理方(甲方):_(以下简称“甲方”)地址:_联系方式:_销售方(乙方):_(以下简称“乙方”)地址:_联系方式:_鉴于甲方拥有_(品牌)汽车的销售代理权,乙方具有销售能力和销售渠道,双方经友好协商,特签订本销售代理协议书:第一条 代理范围 1.1 甲方授权乙方为其_(品牌)汽车在_(地区/市场)的独家销售代理,并享有该区域内的独家经销权。1.2 乙方应积极开展销售推广工作,提升销售业绩,并且遵循甲方的销售政策、价格政策及服务政策。1.3 甲乙双方可根据销售情况商讨调整代理区域范围,但需经双方书面确认。第二条 代理义务2.1 乙方应设立专门营销团队,提供优质的销售服务,保

2、证销售活动的正常顺利开展。2.2 乙方应按照甲方规定的价格政策进行销售,不得私自变更或调整价格,并按时向甲方支付销售提成。2.3 乙方应妥善保管和使用所销售的汽车,保证产品质量,维护甲方品牌形象。第三条 价格及提成3.1 乙方销售所得汽车,按照甲方规定的价格进行销售,享有相应的销售提成。3.2 销售提成的支付方式为_(一次性支付/分期支付),具体比例为_。3.3 销售提成应在每个月_(具体日期)前支付给甲方,逾期支付的将按日计算违约金。第四条 质量保证4.1 甲方需保证所供应的汽车具有合格的质量,保修期为_。4.2 乙方在销售过程中如有发现产品质量问题,应立即通知甲方协商处理,保障客户权益。第

3、五条 合同期限5.1 本协议自签订之日起生效,有效期为_年。5.2 协议届满前60天,甲乙双方可商讨续签事宜,若协商不成,则协议自动失效。第六条 保密条款6.1 甲乙双方应对协议中涉及的商业秘密和其他保密信息予以保密,未经对方书面允许,不得向第三方透露。6.2 协议终止后,双方仍应继续履行保密义务。第七条 协议终止7.1 本协议有效期届满、协商解除或一方违约等情况下,本协议自动终止。7.2 协议终止后,双方应完成未完成的订单,并对已售汽车继续履行售后服务。第八条 争议解决8.1 若甲乙双方在履行协议过程中发生争议,应通过友好协商解决;若协商不成,可向所在地法院提起诉讼。第九条 其他9.1 本协

4、议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。9.2 本协议自签订之日起有效。代理方(甲方):_ 代理方(乙方):_签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_Car Sales Agency Agreement SampleAgent (Party A): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Address: _Contact: _Seller (Party B): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Address: _Contact: _Whereas Party A has the sales agency ri

5、ghts of _ (brand) cars, and Party B has sales capacity and sales channels. After friendly negotiation, both parties agree to sign this sales agency agreement:Article 1 Scope of Agency1.1 Party A authorizes Party B as the exclusive sales agent for _ (brand) cars in _ (region/market), and enjoys the e

6、xclusive distribution rights in the area.1.2 Party B shall actively promote sales, improve sales performance, and adhere to Party As sales policies, pricing policies, and service policies.1.3 Party A and Party B may discuss adjusting the agency area based on sales conditions, but it requires written

7、 confirmation from both parties.Article 2 Agency Obligations2.1 Party B shall establish a dedicated marketing team, provide high-quality sales services, ensure the smooth operation of sales activities.2.2 Party B shall sell according to Party As pricing policy, not change or adjust prices privately,

8、 and pay sales commissions to Party A on time.2.3 Party B shall properly store and use the cars sold, ensure product quality, and maintain Party As brand image.Article 3 Price and Commission3.1 Party B sells cars at the prices specified by Party A and is entitled to corresponding sales commissions.3

9、.2 The payment method of sales commission is _ (one-time payment/instalment payment), with a specific ratio of _.3.3 Sales commission shall be paid to Party A before the _ (specific date) of each month. A late payment will incur a penalty calculated on a daily basis.Article 4 Quality Assurance4.1 Pa

10、rty A shall ensure that the cars supplied have qualified quality, with a warranty period of _.4.2 If Party B discovers product quality problems during the sales process, Party B shall immediately notify Party A to negotiate resolutions to protect customer rights.Article 5 Contract Term5.1 This agree

11、ment shall take effect upon signing and have a term of _ years.5.2 60 days before the expiration of the agreement, Party A and Party B may discuss the renewal. If no agreement is reached, the agreement will automatically terminate.Article 6 Confidentiality6.1 Both Party A and Party B shall keep conf

12、idential any commercial secrets and other confidential information disclosed in the agreement, without permission shall not be disclosed to third parties.6.2 Even after the agreement terminates, both parties shall continue to fulfill the confidentiality obligations.Article 7 Termination of Agreement

13、7.1 This agreement terminates upon expiration, mutual agreement, or breach of either party.7.2 After the termination of the agreement, both parties shall complete unfinished orders and continue to fulfill after-sales service for cars already sold.Article 8 Dispute Resolution8.1 In case of disputes b

14、etween Party A and Party B in the performance of the agreement, they shall resolve it through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, they may bring the dispute to the local court for litigation.Article 9 Miscellaneous9.1 This agreement is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one

15、each, having the same legal effect.9.2 This agreement shall come into effect upon signing.Agent (Party A): _ Seller (Party B): _ Signature: _ Signature: _Date: _ Date: _*以上内容仅为参考,具体形式和内容以实际协议为准。以上就是关于汽车销售代理协议书范本的内容,相信可以满足您的需求。如有任何问题或进一步的信息,欢迎随时与我们联系。祝生意兴隆,合作愉快! This is the content about the sample of the car sales agency agreement. I believe it can meet your needs. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us. Wishing for a prosperous business and a pleasant cooperation!


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