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1、 Writing a review of the best shops in town Unit TaskUnit Task Which are the best traditional shops?Which are the best modern shops?Where is the best market?Where is the biggest department store?Where do you get the best bargains?Where do you find the friendliest service?Work in groups of three or f

2、our.Make a list of the five best shops in town.Here are some ideas to help you choose:Unit TaskUnit Task the best traditional shopssmalltraditional goodsvarious goodsUnit TaskUnit Task the best modern shopsmagnificentfamous brandUnit TaskUnit Taskgood location the best marketall kindscleanUnit TaskU

3、nit Taskcheap the biggest department storeUnit TaskUnit Taskgrandmulti-functionalluxury the place where we can get the best bargainsa sense of satisfactionsecond-handUnit TaskUnit Taskstreet the place where we can get the friendliest servicesmileelevator ladiesgentle voiceUnit TaskUnit Taskcustomer

4、first Where is it?What does it sell?What makes it a good shop?Write a review of each shop.Think of these and other things:Unit TaskUnit Task Where is it?down townCBDresidential areaUnit TaskUnit Task What does it sell?clotheshousehold appliances luxury goodsUnit TaskUnit Taskcosmetics What makes it

5、a good shop?environmentgoods serviceUnit TaskUnit TaskHistory&cultureEdit the reviews and put them together in a guide.Include a map,highlighting the location of the shops.Unit TaskUnit TaskExample answerTechnicians will all know the Galaxy Computer Plaza,but with its four floors packed with small s

6、hops even the less IT-minded will find something they would like to own.Everywhere you look there are computers,screens,printers,scanners,manuals,computer games,accessories you never knew existed and eager young men trying things out with an almost frightening concentration.Most of the shops are run

7、 by their owners and they are very happy to discuss their goods in detail.Prices are good and the dealers are honest.Unit TaskUnit Task Go down Nanjing Rd towards the park and just past the lights by the Prosperity Tower,turn down the side street on the left and you will find the Dragon Well Tea Sho

8、p.Mr Zhou,the owner,will nod as you enter and leave you to look round his wonderful shop.There are a few Qing-style tables and stools and lots of counters and shelves where teas and teaware are displayed.The names of the teas and their wonderful smell make this a special experience.When you have cho

9、sen the tea you would like ask Mr Zhou to make you a tiny pot,sit at a table and sip it while listening to his expert comments on the tea and where it comes from.Unit TaskUnit Task Down at the far end of the Southern Market,near the river and where they sell duck,you can find Jins T-shirts.It is one

10、 of the best kept stalls brightly painted and very neat.There will probably be some interesting music playing too.I dont know how Jin finds so many interesting T-shirts.Every time I go,she has lots of new styles and designs.Her goods are well-priced.This is T-shirt heaven.Unit TaskUnit Task Now we g

11、o over to the Main Hospital and there on the square there is a huge stationery shop.The ground floor is worth spending time in with a good selection of magazines and a section of manga comics if you enjoy those.But it is the basement I really recommend.It is a cave of treasures.I go to this basement

12、 to find new things.There are diaries,pens,pencils,inks,brushes,crayons,rulers,stickers and everything you could want for completing projects and presenting work beautifully.Unit TaskUnit TaskUnit TaskUnit TaskThen there is my favourite gift section.The selection is amazing:the cutest glass and chin

13、a objects,little purses,funny key-rings,and polished shells.In fact,you can find a gift costing just a few yuan there for anyone.One warning:The shop assistants seem trained to be unfriendly.Elegance is a shop in Tailors Row run by Sun Li and her husband Liang Yu.She is a clothes and jewellery desig

14、ner.The shop is beautifully laid out.The window is almost a work of art.She is very interested in the traditional styles of Yunnan,Tibet and Xinjiang.There are long cotton skirts,colourful embroidered tops,cheerful shoulder bags,and very artistic silver jewellery including a range of pieces for mobi

15、le phone decoration.Unit TaskUnit Task The husband is a photographer and there are exhibitions of his works which are beautifully framed.There is a coffee area at the back of the large shop where they serve delicious cakes.The goods are expensive,but just visiting the shop is itself a good experience.Unit TaskUnit TaskUnit TaskUnit Task

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