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1、七年级英语(上)选词填空Arelaxing , play , have , do , and, she ,in, , ping-pong ,like , girlMy name is Ed Smith . Im 12. Im _1_ Class One. I like ball games . They are _2_. I play ball games every day. I can _3_ baseball, tennis, and volleyball. But I can not play_4_. Ping-pong is difficult for me. I _5_ a goo

2、d friend at school ._6_ name is Linda Brown . Linda Brown is an English _7_. She is 11. She also _8_ball games. She can play tennis, volleyball and ping- pong . But she _9_ not play baseball. So Linda and I often play tennis_10_volleyball together.1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_6、_7、_8、_9、_10、_Bis , not, name , goo

3、d, school, difficult, baseball, daughter, play, interestingMy English teacher is Mr. Smith. He has two _1_. Their _2_ are Linda and Gina. They are students. And they are in the same _3_. Lindas math is very _4_. She says it is very _5_. But Gina _6_like it. She says its very _7_. Gina likes sports.

4、She has a sports collection(收藏品). She has two _8_ and six volleyballs. She _9_sports every morning. She _10_ in her school sports club.1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_6、_7、_8、_9、_10、_Cbe , like, vegetable, some , dinner, have , , breakfast , not, after, forMy name is Bill. I _1_ two sisters. They _2_Emma and Sally.

5、We have _3_ at home . _4_Breakfast, we all drink milk . Emma and Sally like eggs, but I _5_. I like bread for breakfast. We have lunch at school . I like hamburgers with chicken. But they dont . They like hamburgers with _6_. We all have_7_ at home. Emma and I eat _8_ salad. But Sally doesnt. She _9

6、_carrots . We often eat fruit_10_ dinner.1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_6、_7、_8、_9、_10、_Dcome, for , good, daughter , one, have, October , banana, when, weDear Tom, My name is Liu Yun . Im, a 12-year- old girl. Im the only _1_ in my family. My birthday is _2_ 1st . Its the _3_day of the tenth month. Its also the Na

7、tional Day(国庆节). My parents _4_ a party for me on that day. My friends _5_to the party. They bring(带来) me many birthday presents(礼物),and they sing (唱) Happy Birthday to me. _6_ eat some fruit: strawberries, oranges and _7_. We eat chicken and cakes _8_dinner. We also play games. We have a _9_time! W

8、hats your age (年龄)? _10_is your birthday? Can you let me know?1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_ 6、_7、_8、_9、_10、_EEnglish, student, music ,have , on , teacher, he, with , think , likeLi Mings uncle is a teacher in No.4 Middle School. He _1_ a good friend in the school. His friend is twenty-five. His birthday is _2_ Ma

9、y 1st . He is a _3_ in the school, too. He is very fun. All of the teachers and _ 4_in the school like _5_ very much. They call him “Mr. Fun” .Mr. Fun is in China _6_ his family now . He speaks(说)English very well, so he teaches(教) students_7_. Mr. Fun _8_playing pong-ping. After school he often goes to play pong-ping with Li Ming” uncle. Mr. Fun likes _9_, because he_10_music can make him relaxing. 1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_ 6、_7、_8、_9、_10、_

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